Pillow bashing

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My Pillow, my world - A technique by Caroline Keshe to free your trapped emotions!

The benefits of pillow bashing are amazing, because you empty your rucksack with all the situations you could not deal with, your angers, your frustrations, they just get emptied, you get rid of them. The technique is only giving you a hand to sort yourself out. This are just tools to do it for yourself. As you empty your cup,you refill it with new information, with different information, you get a huge self confident boost and nobody will be able to run over you anymore, because you will stand your ground. Your features will change, people will start notizing.

Pillow bashing for schools

In the classrooms e.g. with children which cause problems,they calm down. They have more room to absorb, what the teacher is giving them. The reports from pupils go up from 50 to 90%, if they are consistent with the pillow bashing, because you replace all the rubbish out of the "bin" and you can fill it up with new information, so when they are in the classroom, they can absorb what the teachers are saying, they can absorb the environment, they can learn new things.


The first week you do it every day before you go to bed. The second week, you do it 4 times a week. The third week, three times a week. The fourth week, two times a week minimum. From that on you decide yourself, once ore twice a week, for three to up to six months. That the patterns, that you got so used to, stay out of the way, that they cannot rebuild, because you keep on recharching yourself to get rid of it. The longer you keep it going, the more you make sure you stay in line. If you have people suffer with asthma, exima, add, you keep more interactive with them. ADD or ADHD has to take supplement Omega 6.The best product for Omega 6 is to find epa or any fish oil, which has more epa than depa, the charge should stay on this, until he is 18 years old, 3 times a week, 500ml. You balance the charge, you try to find all chickens, which still carry that information in their eggs and let them eat two or three times a week,if you can't find fish oil.

100% attention of the coach, the child, which goes through the process, that recharges the battery.