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Línea 206: Línea 206:
A4: Se espera que el maestro prepare 20 minutos de contenido, que puede ser puramente una revisión de video o una presentación de PowerPoint o una mezcla de ambos. ↵
A4: Se espera que el maestro prepare 20 minutos de contenido, que puede ser puramente una revisión de video o una presentación de PowerPoint o una mezcla de ambos. ↵
P5: ¿Puedo hacer un taller sobre cómo construir / preparar / aplicar algo?  
P5: ¿Puedo hacer un taller sobre cómo construir / preparar / aplicar algo? [[Archivo:Ku8.jpg|derecha|sinmarco|514x514px]]A5: Claro, este tipo de enseñanzas son extremadamente útiles.  
A5: Claro, este tipo de enseñanzas son extremadamente útiles.  
P6: ¿Qué pasa si no hay preguntas después de la enseñanza? ↵
P6: ¿Qué pasa si no hay preguntas después de la enseñanza? ↵
Línea 221: Línea 219:
A8: No, a menos que quieras probar algo diferente.   
A8: No, a menos que quieras probar algo diferente.   
Únase a nosotros en el nuevo año y en un nuevo semestre del programa de enseñanzas privadas de KF SSI Education.  
Únase a nosotros en el nuevo año y en un nuevo semestre del programa de enseñanzas privadas de KF SSI Education.  

Revisión del 00:15 10 ene 2019



	     You are a galaxy 


    It is time for change, it is time for peace 


	     6 Portals—the gateway to the Universal Community 


	     The Spaceship Program teachings 


	     Malta, Home to Keshe Foundation Headquarters 	  


	     1st International Conference of Spaceship Nations 


	     “Hundreds flock Gatundu South to obtain plasma activated water” 


	     New Teaching Format for the Private Teachings in English 2019 


	     K.Plasma.Care: The Secret From Within! 


	     Portuguese Knowledge Seekers deliver Plasma Teachings in Brazil Health Conference 


	     Oil, Gas, Protein and the Earth 


	     Production of the four basic GANSes: ZnO, CO2, CuO, & CH3 


                 Magnesium GANS: production and uses 


                  Viruses: The Energy Packages of the Universe - Herpes Simplex Virus -


	     CO2 GANS water effect on scratches  - Incredible Liquid Plasma 

51 -- JOIN US

	     ABC of publishing in Plasma Scientific Journal 

52 -- JOIN US

	     Plasma Valentine 

En el camino de la creencia, no importa a dónde vayamos ni a lo que hagamos, al final encontramos que todos creemos en una cosa: hasta ahora, al hombre nunca se le ha dado la confianza de que su ser interior es la fuente. De su propia creación de la nueva dimensión. ↵ Y de muchas maneras a medida que repasamos las enseñanzas pasadas de pocas semanas, entendemos que incluso la fisicalidad del hombre desde la dimensión del universo es la dimensión de la existencia del universo mismo. La estructura de la fisicalidad del cuerpo del hombre es más o menos otra galaxia. ↵El alma es el sol en el centro y el resto de las estrellas y lunas y el polvo en ese proceso son parte de este universo. Si lo miras, en el sistema solar tenemos la Tierra, el Sol, Júpiter y las galaxias son de las mismas cosas, por lo que el cuerpo del hombre como una galaxia tiene el hígado, el Kidney, el Corazón, todo el mundo. Posicionado en diferentes lugares en la estructura del mismo. Como dijimos, micro es como macro y todo es igual. Lo que hemos enseñado en la última pareja.

De años y sobre todo este año podemos resumirlo. Vinimos en una dirección, vinimos en la unificación del alma del hombre en la que todos estamos unidos como una sola alma. Colectivamente hacemos el alma del creador y cada uno de nosotros tiene una posición en esa estructura de la vida del universo. Aparecemos en diferentes formas o formas, como planetas, umhumanos, animales, otras criaturas en el universo, pero en todo, somos parte de ese cuerpo. "Somos como la energía de la célula de un corazón y luego, a medida que el ciclo de vida de la célula termina, nos convertimos en otra parte de la célula del hígado o nos movemos a otra dimensión fuera del cuerpo del hombre, pero aún así "No existe" nada disminuye. La conservación de la Teoría del Campo Unificado confirma la existencia de la vida del creador y no del hombre, y este es un punto muy importante que debemos entender. ↵En el último año, en los últimos 12 meses, nos hemos mudado mucho. Hemos movido la comprensión y la revelación de la verdad sobre el hombre por miles de años en

año pasado. Entendiendo la posición del alma del hombre, entendiendo la operación del alma en la dimensión de lo físico. ↵2018 ha estado cerrado por el conocimiento pasado, por una vida pasada del hombre en este planeta y, como se ha prometido, será el año de glorioso tiempo para la humanidad. ↵ Muchas cosas han sucedido, y aprendemos de ello. Muchas cosas sucederán de las cuales vendremos para aprender. Hay varias cosas que han sucedido en el último año y, especialmente, cómo lo vemos, cómo lo hacemos y cómo hicimos las cosas. Ahora sabemos que el alma del hombre es parte del cuerpo del hombre, ahora sabemos que el alma del hombre es parte del alma del Creador, ahora sabemos la totalidad de toda la vida ... lo que sucederá con Nosotros, lo que hemos entendido y lo que nos afectará será asombroso. La forma en que progresemos será más diferente de lo que teníamos hasta ahora.

256th Knowledge Seekers Workshop - December 27, 2018 https://youtu.be/AEsxieKL5a4?t=771 KF NEWS

Ya es.jpg


Te prometemos la unificación del hombre con la comunidad universal. Esta oferta se hizo oficialmente el 22 de diciembre de 2018 al gobierno chino en una reunión a puerta cerrada y de muchas maneras, por primera vez le ofrecimos a la nación una apertura al espacio. Vemos al gobierno chino como sólido, una nación y un gobierno en el que podemos confiar. El sábado 22 de diciembre en Beijing, la oferta se hizo directamente al gobierno chino y esto nos permite abrir un nuevo canal.

El primer portal que se está prometiendo a los chinos tendrá un diámetro de alrededor de diez metros. “Si vuelves a mis enseñanzas, he hablado muchas veces al respecto. Ahora físicamente entregamos sistemas que crean esta condición. Lo que esto significa si recuerdas que ciertamente hacemos un tanque de peces que permite que la condición de vida de otros miembros de la Comunidad Universal se manifieste. Este no va a ser un trabajo fácil; La tecnología ha sido desarrollada por la Fundación Keshe en partes, que ahora puede convertirse colectivamente en una sola. "En 2019 estableceremos la primera línea de comunicación a través de la nueva tecnología.

“He logrado hacer un compromiso entre los dos lados del hombre en el espacio. No ha sido fácil. Enseñar en la profundidad del hombre para completar su conocimiento sobre los estados de la materia, llevarlo a través de la transición, pero al mismo tiempo garantizar y asegurar a los miembros de la comunidad universal que estos no son niños desobedientes, simplemente no son lo suficientemente maduros. No he anulado el Consejo Universal de la Comunidad, pero les he mostrado que siempre hay esperanza para las diferentes razas en el universo. La persistencia de enseñar al hombre no ha sido fácil. La persistencia de enseñar que el hombre entiende que es un momento para el cambio ha sido muy difícil.”

“Para ser iguales, el portal que ofrecimos se ofrecerá a otras tres naciones. Como saben, trabajamos en la formación estelar, vemos las razones para ello, entendemos la razón para ello. Las otras naciones que recibirán el portal, lo que significa que el acceso a la Comunidad Universal es el gobierno iraní; La tercera nación que recibirá el portal, que significa en cierto modo acceso a la Comunidad Universal pero al mismo tiempo en conjunto, es la nación de Estados Unidos. Esto significa que en el programa espacial Irán, China y Estados Unidos tienen que trabajar de la mano. Prevemos e invitamos a ver el cuarto portal en la nación de Rusia. El conocimiento y la profundidad de la comprensión del trabajo del universo es un activo para tal coalición. Hemos traído el alma de la comprensión del espacio al decir el espacio libre a través de la nación de Brasil. Brasil se convertirá en otro portal en la dimensión de la tecnología espacial al que se le dará la totalidad del conocimiento. Algunos de ustedes se preguntaban por qué hemos pasado por la educación y la educación universitaria muy cerca del trabajo colectivo con la nación de Brasil en el último año. Tal vez ahora entiendes. Brasil ha estado desarrollando en gran medida el programa espacial en un contexto privado y público o lo que ustedes llaman inversiones de caja negra en la época de los alemanes cuando se mudaron a América del Sur. Tecnologías muy desarrolladas y es la forma en que unifica las dos partes de este planeta. "Necesitamos siempre traer a una nación en una posición que sea esperanza y dar esperanza a sus ciudadanos, por esta razón, vemos un portal para la nación de la India y esto completa la totalidad de nuestro trabajo".

Las personas tienen hambre de cambio, las personas tienen hambre de una nueva dimensión.

La razón por la que decidimos participar, no interferir fue porque el conocimiento del hombre en el estado de materia se estaba dispersando en demasiadas direcciones diferentes de la misma cosa. Había que enfocarlo y luego desarrollarlo. En gran medida cómo se reúnen en las reuniones de administración, el alma de los Coordinadores Universales, somos los Mensajeros Universales, es lo mismo. Todo es considerado para el mejoramiento incondicional.

“Lo que es importante y por qué hemos organizado la organización de los portales es muy simple. El hombre necesita entender quién es la otra parte en la fiesta antes de asistir a una reunión. Lo que esto significa es que la raza humana tiene que llegar a comprender y ver claramente por primera vez, sin ninguna duda, la existencia de otros en el universo ".

Siempre lo adivinamos. Esta vez será para que nos unamos a la Comunidad Universal. Veremos a los miembros de los partidos al menos. Como hacemos estos portales. Las puertas de entrada a la Comunidad Universal nos permiten interactuar dentro de un espacio confinado donde nos sentimos seguros y ellos se sienten seguros. Creamos una condición de manifestación de aquellos que están en contacto con nosotros, han estado entre nosotros, pero este tiempo de una manera ordenada.

"Nunca te prometemos que lo harás, pero te prometimos la unificación del hombre en la Comunidad Universitaria y creemos que la humanidad ha llegado a ese punto de que es hora de abrir las puertas". Al abrir estos portales, comenzamos las primeras etapas de la interfaz de interacción entre la humanidad y los miembros de Universal Community. Vemos la madurez del hombre en lo que hemos visto en las últimas décadas, no en los últimos años. “Siempre digo que cuando vemos que uno entiende, enseñamos esa parte y dos confesiones que hemos entendido, por lo que es hora de iluminar y madurar el conocimiento. No va a ser un viaje fácil. "

“Cuando nos sentamos como parte de la creación y el creador y tomamos una decisión por la totalidad, porque una vez te dejamos perder en la Comunidad Universal lo que obtienes acceso a una tienda de juguetes puros. Nos estamos abriendo a la humanidad más allá de la imaginación "Disneyworld", puedes viajar en cada viaje en el universo. No queremos que se hagan daño a sí mismos de tantas maneras que la escala es tan grande que tienen que estar bien informados y, al mismo tiempo, hay que hacerlo en muy poco tiempo, pero tenemos que obtener los elementos de la destrucción belicista. del hombre."


"Si permitimos a los europeos con la mentalidad que han tenido que conquistar y convertirse en parte de lo que hicieron en África y en el resto del mundo, invitamos a más problemas, Invitamos a grandes problemas, y esto no puede ser parte de este ciclo. "No hay colonialismo, no permitimos que nadie sea colonizado o se convierta en una colonia de la otra". La raza blanca de Europa ha sido la causa de muchos problemas del pasado reciente y parece que no se han aprendido, por lo que traemos a las naciones pacíficas colectivas como Irán con 300 años de no entrar en ninguna guerra, como los chinos que entienden la relación entre los dos lados, la comprensión rusa de la amistad, la unidad y la paz, y de tantas maneras al permitir que la India, unamos las culturas antiguas de la humanidad. Si observa la totalidad de las seis naciones, representará más del 50% de la población mundial que nos da una mayoría, pero luego las decisiones deben tomarse en el otro espacio y dimensiones.El portal es para entender el trabajo del universo y escribir el tratado de paz como parte de la vida de este planeta. Tenemos que entender la totalidad del trabajo y entender qué cambios traerá a cada ciudadano de este planeta. Ya no se trata de mostrar GANSes, unidades Magrav o unidades de Poder, sino que se trata de planificar para el futuro lo que "el" héroe "humano" enfrenta de manera simultánea y colectiva. El programa de enseñanza para poder hacer tal cosa de una manera muy simple y ha tomado forma en el fondo en KF SSI Education. El trabajo de graduación universitaria de la Fundación Keshe se ha estructurado y se ha planificado para las universidades de Brasil a partir de marzo de este año ".


Es el momento en que comenzamos a educar no solo en Brasil, sino en todo el planeta". "Respetamos a la nación de China y he pasado mucho tiempo en los últimos años para asegurarnos de que se establezca el terreno para tal reunión. ¿Qué significa esto? Limpiar y corregir el entorno para la creación de portales. ¿Qué significa que nos encontremos en esa condición? Los miembros del Consejo de la Tierra estarán presentes en cada punto de estas interacciones. Los seis miembros del Consejo de la Tierra tienen la responsabilidad de tener un portal cada uno y esto se mostrará, y ahora entiendes por qué Colectivamente, el Consejo de la Tierra decidirá los próximos pasos en la interacción y de manera colectiva en compartir con las seis naciones y seis portales, transferimos conocimiento que es apropiado para ser entendido. La raza humana tiene diversidad de culturas y comprensión, y todo esto debe ser respetado. No podemos cambiar la cultura de miles de años en un año.“Es responsabilidad de personas como el Dr. Parviz que entienden la cultura como miembro del Consejo de la Tierra para transferir ese conocimiento al mundo islámico, que respetamos y honramos, pero la humanidad se ha movido y tiene que avanzar al siguiente paso. Entrenar y llevar el entendimiento a "muchas tribus", el hombre no es fácil ".

“Algunos de ustedes podrían preguntar por qué no África y por qué no Australia. Colectivamente como grupo, hemos elegido traer la esencia de África como una patria. Son sus hijos quienes deben llevar el conocimiento al continente africano ”. Se convierte en la responsabilidad de estas Seis Naciones el conferir y confirmar a sus ciudadanos que todos son uno, independientemente de lo que veamos. Veamos la belleza de nuestro camino de creencias y no lo que crea separación y conflicto. La comunidad universal facilitará la divulgación de nuevos conocimientos a la humanidad. "Esto ha sido acordado. Significa que comenzamos a enseñar el conocimiento del universo a la totalidad de la raza humana. Hay quienes han venido conmigo y son parte de mi alma, se convertirán en los maestros del tiempo que viene. Comprender la totalidad no es el trabajo de un hombre, sino el alma de la totalidad. Cuando enseñamos y cuando hacemos interacción de interfaz y hacemos las condiciones de diferentes planetas y universos en estos portales para que un hombre aprenda a comprender, su “cumplimiento”, mi promesa. Dije que llevaré al hombre al universo no como subordinado sino igual ”.

En ese proceso de interacción con la comunidad universal en los próximos meses, enseñaremos la totalidad del conocimiento del universo que eleva el alma. de la humanidad como una sola, en la totalidad del alma de la Comunidad Universal.

"¿Tendríamos que comer? ¿Necesitaríamos trabajar? Siete mil millones de habitantes en este planeta no es suficiente. La totalidad de las necesidades para satisfacer la demanda del espacio como tal en los próximos 100 a 200 años es de al menos 25 mil millones de habitantes humanos en este planeta y en el espacio. "

¿Qué esperamos de la interacción de estos portales? Muy simple. Con el tiempo, cuando el hombre construye el ambiente adecuado para la manifestación y confirmación de las almas de aquellos de la Comunidad Universal, posiblemente podamos ver una interacción física. Eso depende de qué tan seguros se sientan los miembros de la Comunidad Universal de compartir con la humanidad su conocimiento de la parte que les pertenece.

“Esto nos lleva a un punto el compromiso con la conferencia de la nave espacial y luego seguir con Un cinturón, un camino del Presidente Xi de China nos obligará en una dirección: el fin de la producción de armas y la financiación de lo que llamamos actividades de paz. "La tecnología es ofrecida por la Fundación Keshe que puede soportar tal movimiento.

"Hay una cosa que debes tener en cuenta al formar parte de la Fundación Keshe. Al estar conectado a la Fundación Keshe, no debes dar la arrogancia de la superioridad, sino la humildad de estar allí para servir".

Necesitamos que aquellos que entendieron el trabajo de la Fundación Keshe a través del alma real de la enseñanza sean parte de los miembros de la manifestación y presentación de los portales. En cada portal, los miembros de la Fundación Keshe a través del conocimiento de la comprensión de la paz están y deben estar presentes. “No somos pacificadores, pero somos los traductores de los conocimientos.

"Ya no se trata de nano-recubrimientos, es la rapidez con que la mayoría de los equipos de la Fundación Keshe y los centros de investigación mueven sistemas de espacio-tiempo no dimensionales".

En 2019 veremos las primeras interacciones de la humanidad con el exterior dependiendo de cómo los líderes mundiales y la nación de los seis interactuarán y compartirán. El conocimiento del hombre hasta ahora ha estado en el nivel de materia y en el pasado, cuando vemos con estructuras como la pirámide u otras dimensiones, diferentes culturas del universo han jugado diferentes juegos con la humanidad tratando de enseñarles a veces una nueva dimensión, pero en general, el hombre nunca ha logrado esto y la creación de estos portales nos ayudará a lograrlo. El portal y los portales chinos en otras cinco naciones deben ser la decisión de cuánto quiere hacer y qué quiere aprender la humanidad. Todos los portales no estarán en la misma fuerza, pero tendrán una fuerza diferente que colectivamente veamos la totalidad de la estructura de la mayor parte del universo.

¿Por qué se eligieron 6 portales? “Si creas una formación de estrellas de reactor con los cuatro reactores y luego colectivamente hacen ese plasma libre, ¿cómo puedes ver cómo se ve esta nave si no hubiera otra dimensión para que se muestre? Has visto la formación de estrellas y la creación del plasma libre que hace que sea cinco. ¿Cómo pueden existir estos cinco si no hay nada que mostrar para confirmar su existencia, que es el alma del creador? Y eso es lo que es. Esa totalidad es el alma del Creador y las otras son la interacción colectiva de las almas del universo y el hombre es parte de la misma. ¡Va a ser un tiempo maravilloso! " Ahora tenemos que pasar por un curso acelerado de comprensión de la vida y los hábitos de estos hombres del universo, las criaturas de la vida del creador. Esto es lo que va a ser la parte muy difícil de aceptar y entender.

“Es por esto que elegimos los portales para la interfaz de la humanidad que terminamos con las personas cuando vemos cosas, se convierten en profetas y dioses y lo que sea. El propósito de estos portales es llevar la neutralidad a lo largo del tiempo para que el hombre pueda comprender gradualmente que estas son las inteligencias de diferentes criaturas y tenemos que disfrutarlas, su belleza y no hacer profetas de eso. Ahora entiendes por qué elegimos estos portales de la manera que tenemos: neutralización, familiarización de que nadie puede reclamar nada ".

"Estoy deseando ver los portales, es algo que trabajé durante mucho tiempo en este planeta. La razón por la que abrimos este portal es para quitar el misticismo de los maestros y profetas. Escuchas la voz de tu alma, no la fisicalidad de la dimensión. Esto cambiará a muchas personas que crean misticismos y otras cosas, y a Buddha's y Mohammad, y al resto.

"Todo el mundo entiende ... la ciencia de esto y la lógica detrás de él y cómo quieren usarlo".

Muchas de las sesiones se llevarán a cabo a puertas cerradas con los miembros del Consejo de la Tierra, el Consejo Universal, el Equipo Central y los miembros de las Naciones Unidas.➞ “Nos convertimos en una extensión de la adición. No hay elección. ¿Cómo quieres explicar a la raza humana que existe una tecnología con solo presionar un botón que podemos, literalmente, congelar, congelar todas las almas juntas? Era como un bloque de hielo. Entonces, ¿dónde está la individualidad? ¿Cómo podemos mostrarnos con el conocimiento del universo? El alma colectiva del planeta decide sobre la totalidad. Gradualmente, esto tendrá mucho sentido para mucha gente en esta posición ".

La creación de estos nuevos portales será el campo de pruebas para la humanidad. Será un nuevo comienzo. Interfaz e interacción con la raza humana, tomaría una nueva dimensión. Los portales que creamos, todo se ordenará, se acordarán previamente entre la Comumunidad Universal y los miembros de la Fundación Keshe y luego se entregarán a los líderes mundiales y los seis miembros del programa de la nave espacial. “No somos controladores, somos facilitadores”.

Idioma del portal ↵

En la apertura de los portales, los miembros de la Comunidad Universal no hablan farsi, inglés, chino ni ningún otro idioma. Veremos la comunicación y la iluminación en el nivel del alma del hombre; Y cuan hambrienta está el alma, para poder recibir. Al recibirlo se puede compartir en su nivel de comprensión. No escucharemos la voz de los miembros de la Comunidad Universal. “Aprendemos y se nos enseñará, y se nos comunicará al nivel del alma y luego los miembros del Consejo Universal comprenderán el nivel de comprensión del alma del hombre en el idioma que forma parte de su voluntad. Comparte eso a través de las almas de ese lenguaje. Por eso se creó el Consejo Universal. En seis naciones, los seis portales y los miembros del Consejo Universal deben conocer todas las comunicaciones al mismo tiempo que ofrece una nueva dimensión para comprender y posicionar a un alma con respecto a las demás. Posiciones o portales ”. Esto necesita un espectro de comprensión y traducción a este nivel del alma del hombre. El mayor problema que se presenta a los miembros del Consejo Universal es cuando tienen que traducir esta comprensión al alma de los otros miembros del Consejo Universal, lo que entendieron y lo que compartieron. entre el alma de su propia lengua.

El posicionamiento del alma se vuelve vital.


“Es como cuando vas a la universidad para convertirte en un estudiante y luego tienes que convertirte en un maestro para tus nuevos estudiantes al mismo tiempo que te sientas con los otros maestros para ver lo que yo enseño es igual a lo que estás haciendo. Trabajamos en armonía ". “Este es el marco de los portales. El hecho de que abramos la Comunidad Universal no significa que todos van a ser una tierra de miel y no hacen nada y se sientan a alimentarse. Significa “captar” el negocio y crear más medios para que podamos apoyar la sabiduría del espacio. Siete mil millones no es suficiente ... en este plan Entender ese conocimiento pleno del universo ". “Esta es una singularidad de la belleza de este trabajo. Este es el trabajo en el universo. Cuando abramos los portales, verás la forma en que enseño, la forma en que trabajo la enseñan las personas de mi destino. Somos libres en la enseñanza porque el conocimiento de Dios es gratis para el universo y el hombre lo ha patentado y veremos cómo llegará el cambio ". “Hay una gran cantidad de celebraciones en la Comunidad Universal sobre lo que se va a lograr y, por fin, podemos hacer que esta familia vuelva a estar en orden y sea parte de la Comunidad Universal. Hay mucha belleza con la Tierra y el ser humano, pero no la han apreciado, la usan de manera incorrecta. Una de las cosas hermosas con la raza humana es amar y ser amado, y esto es algo muy precioso en el universo. El amor se ha aprendido del ser humano y eso es lo que le digo a la gente, no lo entienden. He venido aquí para disfrutar de la belleza y el amor de este planeta. Es una de las cosas no únicas, pero muy raras en el universo, como ama la humanidad. Todo sobre este planeta es amar, cada criatura de él. "

La Enseñanza Espacial de la Fundación Keshe


Con la configuración del Sistema de Portal de Seis Naciones, no hacemos la exclusividad del conocimiento a uno que pueda tener uno al rescate de los demás. Cada nación abrirá la comprensión de la dimensión de una parte del universo, es por eso que la dividimos. Y luego colectivamente comparten. Cuando una universidad se convierte en experta en matemáticas y otra en medicina, entonces tienen que trabajar en conjunto.

De muchas maneras, los maestros del universo deciden qué materias se enseñan y comparten con el hombre en diferentes caminos que colectivamente están compartiendo con el resto de la humanidad y completan el mosaico. No se da totalmente a los chinos ni a los brasileños ni a los iraníes.

Cada uno de acuerdo con su cultura entiende parte del trabajo universal y en ese proceso, cada uno compartirá con los demás para completar el entendimiento. El hombre estará ocupado tanto enseñando el nuevo conocimiento y la nueva dimensión que el hombre no tendrá tiempo para hacer las herramientas de la guerra. Ahora entiendes lo que todo ha estado sucediendo y cómo ha estado sucediendo en los últimos años.


Todos los recursos de las naciones para desarrollar la tecnología espacial serán colectivos, no individuales. “Prevé en el próximo año y años la fusión de la NASA con la tecnología espacial iraní con la tecnología espacial rusa como una sola. China necesita mucho para aprender en el programa espacial donde Irán ha madurado en el programa de naves espaciales que la NASA necesita para avanzar al siguiente paso ". Por otro lado, tenemos que entender cuáles son las implicaciones de tal desarrollo y tal movimiento. Cuando hacemos una nación, un grupo, como programa de naves espaciales con China, Brasil, Estados Unidos, Rusia, India, Irán, como un grupo, en ese proceso, estas naciones, ven la totalidad, entienden la necesidad de una nación como las fronteras. No tendrá límites en la dimensión física. Como comenzamos la enseñanza del médicos profesionales y la agricultura por separado, comenzaremos a enseñar el programa de la nave espacial de la de misiones una nueva dimensión de compartir el conocimiento y luego este grupo tiene que decidir cómo se transmitirá el conocimiento al resto de la raza humana. La solicitud de la Comunidad Universal es que la mayoría de las comunicaciones sean en vivo, que sean vistas por la totalidad de la raza humana.


Esta parte necesita ser vista.


Esos serán los pilares del programa de la nave espacial:

La unificación de la humanidad. Sea el lenguaje, sea la estructura, ya sea muchas otras cosas que están dentro de la estructura de la Fundación Keshe. “La totalidad del conocimiento pertenece a la humanidad y, al mismo tiempo, debemos enseñar a los líderes mundiales cuánto debemos cambiar. Le dije que cuando veamos la primera señal de movimiento, creamos la condición para las primeras señales ".

Si miras que las piezas están ahí, la enseñanza se sienta con el doctor Gatua en África, la vida se sienta con Giovanni en Italia, vemos la comprensión del alma y el funcionamiento de su físico con Jon en Arizona, vimos la dirección de la dimensión de la La no física a través de la velocidad y el movimiento con el centro de investigación en Austria. Hemos visto la paciencia del hombre para comprender la emoción del hombre con la comunidad china. Si recuerda algunos años atrás, pasé tres meses enseñando lo básico del conocimiento en Trani en la bella nación de Italia. Regreso a los seis meses de enseñanza sólida a las seis agencias espaciales, lo que significa que enseñaré la edad del conocimiento del universo a estos científicos. ↵ “Así que cuando mires, el trabajo de parche está completo; ahora tiene que ser cosido y rellenar los huecos "


La oficina central de Keshe Foundation se trasladará a una posición permanente

Keshe Foundation se trasladará a una posición permanente que nos permitirá hacer el trabajo que nos comprometimos. La administración de la Fundación Keshe se mudará a la nación de Malta. Construimos una sede operativa en la isla, ya que es la mezcla de la comprensión de los tres continentes de África, Europa y Asia. Esto nos permite construir un centro sólido con el apoyo de todos los patrocinadores de la Fundación Keshe. El desarrollo y la enseñanza de la Fundación Keshe tomarán forma el próximo año. “La institución del Consejo Universal y el Consejo de la Tierra se realizará en la isla de Malta, le hemos dado a casa. Te damos sede para que operes a través ”. Veremos muchos movimientos dentro de la estructura de la Fundación Keshe porque significa que hay que madurar mucho y que ya hay muchos que han madurado. “Aquellos que están allí para completar este trabajo ya están allí para hacerlo. Pasan por las pruebas y han pasado por las pruebas y ahora es el momento de no pasar una prueba, pero de asegurarse de que nadie más pase la prueba ". ¿Cómo fue elegida Malta? Es la sede de la Fundación Keshe con la que viene el Consejo Universal y el Consejo de la Tierra. Tiene un puerto, no tiene un bloqueo de tierra que las naciones pueden bloquearte para alcanzar. Fue elegido por varios méritos, tiene una población pequeña, una nación pacífica, es geológicamente estable, políticamente muy estable. “Hace poco estuve en Malta con la Fundación Maltes Keshe. Ellos pensaron que yo estaba allí para ver qué se organizaba para hacer con el gobierno, hicimos lo que íbamos a hacer, pero inicialmente fue para entender el alma del Isla. ”Se elige por la seguridad. Es elegido por su apertura hacia los océanos. Tiene una cultura profundamente heredada, entiende la cultura de África, Europa y Asia. Comprende la cultura del cristianismo, musulmanes y judíos. “Es un lugar perfecto para estar y, en el futuro, comprenderá por qué sucederán cosas diferentes. Elegí Malta en una consulta con la Comunidad Universal ". La estructura de Malta, la posición de Malta es lo suficientemente segura de muchos problemas geológicos como huracanes, terremotos y tifones y muchas otras cosas que nos dan estabilidad para celebrar la reunión de los consejos. Da la solidez a toda la estructura del trabajo de la Fundación Keshe. por la Fundación KesheMuchos de ustedes ven parches de trabajo y no ven la totalidad del patchwork. Vemos, sabemos lo que desarrollamos, sabemos dónde nos sentamos y cómo la Fundación Keshe se convirtió en las semillas, pero no en su totalidad. En este sentido, hemos convocado la reunión de los programas espaciales de China, Irán, Estados Unidos, Rusia, Brasil e India en Beijing. Prevemos la reunión según lo acordado con la Comunidad Universal, entre el 8 y el 9 de marzo de este año. Esto permitirá que todas las agencias espaciales con el apoyo del gobierno chino en la parte posterior de One Belt, One Road se reúnan en China, lo que significa que comenzamos un programa espacial One Nation Space colectivo. Nos gustaría que fuera un tiempo elegido por los miembros de la Comunidad Universal. “Me gustaría agradecer al gobierno chino por facilitar la primera Conferencia Internacional de las Naciones de la Nave Espacial. Enseñaremos igualmente a los iraníes y los estadounidenses, como lo hacemos con los rusos e indios, como el chino y el brasileño. Ninguna otra nación en este momento parece tener o tener la capacidad de comprender el progreso masivo que se encuentra en el fondo de tal interacción y tal reunión Hemos recibido la aprobación del gobierno chino para convocar esta conferencia a nivel nacional ". La “organización de la NASA” será invitada, al igual que el programa de la nave espacial iraní de la agencia espacial rusa, al “desarrollo oculto” del programa espacial del Brasil junto con el gobierno alemán que ha estado en segundo plano durante décadas. Ahora te damos el espacio para formar parte de la Organización Internacional. Los indios entienden el programa espacial en una dimensión diferente y los chinos agregan la totalidad de estas naciones, esto trae equilibrio para comprender la cultura total de la raza humana. “No hemos elegido un portal para las naciones europeas, ya que no vemos a este continente como un continente individual que las naciones necesitan para estar en un programa de este tipo y comprenderá en el futuro por qué. En cierto modo, hemos representado al continente europeo a través de Alemania a través de Brasil, como saben durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y después de que muchos programas alemanes se mudaron a América del Sur y estos programas en este momento están muy avanzados. Colectivamente juntaremos estas ciencias. " Las solicitudes para el establecimiento de una reunión en China de los programas espaciales se harán a través de la Fundación Keshe junto con los funcionarios del gobierno chino, es un programa oficial. “No es solo una conferencia de la gente de tecnología espacial, sino que es una conferencia para planificar el futuro de la humanidad utilizando el espacio como una nueva forma de empleo. Reemplazamos lo viejo con lo nuevo, no traemos esperanza, pero traemos el conocimiento. Esto nos ha llevado mucho tiempo para planificar y ejecutar, pero tuvimos que llevar a muchas personas a la madurez de comprender el tiempo, el lugar y el conocimiento. Hay suficientes buscadores de conocimiento en todo el mundo que pueden convertirse en las semillas del nuevo cambio.

by Keshe Foundation


Cientos acuden a Gatundu South para obtener agua activada por plasma


Cientos acuden a Gatundu South para obtener agua activada por plasma - KBC Channel 1 reports


KBC Channel 1 es una de las estaciones de televisión líderes en Kenia con el objetivo de promover el valor y la cultura del país. Recientemente, los medios de comunicación han centrado su atención en las enseñanzas que el Dr. Gatua wa Mbugwa, miembro del Consejo Universal para el idioma Gikuyu, entrega libremente a la comunidad de Kenia. “Aprendemos cómo los árboles recolectan o capturan CO2, carbono del ambiente, y hacemos lo mismo. Si tiene una herida, que es una herida séptica causada por una http://www.kbc.co.ke/ | https://youtu.be/hk6rB5-BT9U bacteria, la bacteria está hecha del mismo plasma, es plasmática. Entonces, el plasma más fuerte en términos de campos gravitacionales magnéticos da a los más débiles y luego hay un equilibrio. Eso, en efecto, significa que las bacterias aún pueden estar allí, pero no son efectivas ", respondió el Dr. Gatua al entrevistador. Hay cientos de personas que viajan cada semana al lugar de las enseñanzas con el corazón abierto para escuchar, aprender y comprender cómo aplicar el conocimiento por sí mismos. No solo las clases son gratis para que todos puedan participar, sino que al final de cada enseñanza, nadie se va con las manos vacías. Todos ellos reciben agua de plasma a la que muchos han atestiguado por sus efectos en diversas aplicaciones. Durante el 256º Taller de Buscadores de Conocimientos, el 27 de diciembre de 2018, Mehran Keshe dirigió una pregunta al Dr. Gatua para que nos guíe al resto de nosotros a enseñar cómo enseñó, a compartir el conocimiento y la experiencia, a usar el nuevo. Interacciones para enseñar a la humanidad. Aquí está su respuesta:

"Creo que nos has enseñado exactamente cómo hacerlo. Es mediante el nuevo ethos, el ethos de la Fundación Keshe, que estamos aquí para servir y no para ser atendidos. Lo que he hecho en Kenia es establecer un grupo de participantes y antes de eso solía dar mi plasma líquido que hice en casa, libremente, a muchas personas. Ellos vieron la efectividad de ese plasma líquido, CO2, CH3, ZnO. Y les enseñaría libremente, sin cobrarles. Entonces, cuando comencé un grupo, enseñé ... comenzamos con 14 participantes. En la semana siguiente llegaron más; Pronto estuvimos enseñando cientos. De hecho, en un momento llegamos a 500, pero normalmente tenemos 300 y la última vez que enseñé, cuando los periódicos, los televisores aparecieron y nos entrevistaron, tuvimos 306 participantes. "
“Han venido de varios lugares, después de aprender de boca en boca. Cuando damos este plasma líquido libremente a las personas; de hecho hicimos 1000 litros en este lugar donde enseñamos. Entonces, cuando tenemos alrededor de 300 personas en asistencia, eso significa que al menos cada uno puede llevar 3 litros. Pero ahora, aquellos a quienes he enseñado, porque comencé este grupo en enero de 2018, no necesariamente tienen que llevarlos de este centro porque pueden hacer el suyo. De hecho, cuando comienzo a enseñar, vienen con sus GANS que hicieron en casa, así que les digo: me preguntan: ¿es correcto? ¿Es esto bueno? - Y les cuento en función del color. Acaba de crecer de boca en boca. Empezamos a conseguir participantes de lugares lejanos en Kenia, tan al norte como Lodwar, que limita con Sudán, tenemos uno que hace GANSes allí. Tenemos gente a lo largo de las costas, que también hacen las suyas. Tenemos gente en todo el país. Enseñamos libremente, no cobramos nada y, a través del boca a boca, las personas cuentan lo que han visto, lo que sienten, cómo ha mejorado su salud, cómo lo utilizan para la agricultura, por lo que simplemente vienen. Ahora con el último anuncio en la estación de televisión nacional, Kenia transmitiendo televisión que nos entrevistó la semana pasada, esperamos crecer aún más, quizás tengamos miles. Y cuando me preguntan les digo: ¡Ven! Todos ustedes son bienvenidos. "Así que ese es el progreso que he hecho. Lo que ha funcionado es la efectividad del plasma líquido que compartimos y el hecho de que les muestre cómo hacerlo ellos mismos. En lugar de darles pescado, les muestro cómo pescar. Esto es exactamente lo que ha ayudado a crecer este movimiento. Una vez que se dan cuenta de que somos serios, no les cobramos nada, queremos que aprendan que vienen. ¡Y básicamente sé que se puede hacer en cualquier parte! ¡Muchas gracias, señor Keshe, por enseñarnos este espíritu que hemos puesto en práctica en Kenia ! Muchas gracias, Dr. Gatua, por todo el trabajo inspirador que está haciendo para compartir el conocimiento. 256.o Taller de Buscadores de Conocimiento - 27 27 de diciembre de 2018 https://youtu.be/AEsxieKL5a4?t=10200

Por Pete, Equipo de Educación de KF SSI

¿Cómo aprender con eficacia? ¿Cómo enseñar con eficacia? Estas son dos preguntas muy comunes hechas por la academia. Tanto los profesores como los estudiantes, acuden a las aulas tradicionales o virtuales y comparten intereses comunes: enseñar y ser enseñados de manera efectiva y eficiente. No hay una bala de plata para este problema, sin embargo, si se analizan los estudios más antiguos y recientes (https://www.linkedin.com/ pulse / 20140313205730-5711504-the-science-behind-ted-s-18- La regla de los minutos /) la investigación realizada en este espacio sugiere que cuanto más corto mejor. Con frecuencia, las cifras entre 10 y 15 minutos aparecen en muchos de estos estudios como el período de atención promedio informado. Además, si nos fijamos en el contenido que se comparte y se ve con frecuencia en las redes sociales y YouTube, los videos que son cortos atraen mucha más atención que los videos largos.

El equipo educativo de Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute (KF SSI) escucha los comentarios de estudiantes, maestros y descubrimientos recientes del mundo de la ciencia. La corta capacidad de atención, el aprendizaje autodirigido, la falta de tiempo y la escucha en movimiento son factores importantes que influyen en la experiencia de aprendizaje. Para ayudar a los estudiantes y maestros de KF SSI, proponemos un nuevo formato de enseñanza a seguir en el primer trimestre del nuevo año académico, que comienza el 14 de enero de 2019. Creemos que los estudiantes se beneficiarán enormemente de ello y al mismo tiempo facilitará la vida del profesor.

Formato de enseñanza propuesto ↵Entonces, ¿cuál es el nuevo formato? Antes de abordar esto, no olvidemos que cada maestro es diferente y que a algunos les gusta seguir su propio camino y estilo de enseñanza. ¿Son todas las flores iguales? ¡No! La diversidad es bella, y siempre damos la bienvenida a aquellos que quieren enseñar de manera diferente a lo que estamos recomendando. Para aquellos que quieren probar algo diferente, esta es la nueva forma explicada en términos simples. Cada conferencia se compone de dos partes: enseñanza y preguntas y respuestas (Q&A).

La enseñanza debe ser breve y concisa con un título claro de lo que se cubre y no dura más de 20 minutos. Durante estos 20min puede presentar su presentación de PowerPoint (no más de 20 diapositivas) o reproducir grabaciones de video de enseñanzas públicas o privadas pasadas para discutir, o ambas cosas. Si elige la reproducción de video, el equipo de Educación de KF SSI hará todo lo posible para ayudarlo a encontrar el contenido que está buscando. Una sugerencia es, antes de la enseñanza, abrir el tema seleccionado de la enseñanza en varios grupos de Zoom como Teachers Channel, Health / Agriculture Channel, KF Wiki Channel y canales de estudiantes (que también se extienden a grupos de Facebook) y pedir a los participantes de estos grupos que sugerir enseñanzas privadas / públicas y otros materiales (artículos, animaciones, otros recursos) sobre el tema. De esta manera, todos los Buscadores de Conocimiento pueden contribuir con su experiencia en el campo. No es necesario atenerse a una grabación, pero puede presentar una serie de ellas, que se encuentran en el tema de interés. Luego puede discutir el (los) video (s) usando la función Pizarra o Anotar de la plataforma Zoom o hacer un seguimiento con un PowerPoint o cualquier otra presentación, pero manténgalo todo a 20 minutos como máximo. Alternativamente, puede optar por presentar todo por su cuenta sin la ayuda de las enseñanzas anteriores del Sr. Keshe. Si este es el caso, simplemente junte un máximo de 20 diapositivas. Al hacerlo, recuerde hacer referencia a cualquier material que utilizó para prepararlo, para que los alumnos puedan hacer un seguimiento de estos si están interesados. La parte final de cualquier forma de enseñanza son las preguntas y respuestas.

Deseamos que nuestros estudiantes sean interactivos y tengan la oportunidad de expresar sus opiniones, opiniones y comprensión. Los maestros están ahí para responder a estas preguntas y, si no tienen una respuesta, los presentes pueden responder. Las preguntas y respuestas no tienen límite de tiempo, aparte de la marca de dos horas que generalmente termina la clase. Otros beneficios ↵

Los maestros están cordialmente invitados a traducir y dar sus enseñanzas en sus grupos de idiomas. Al tener un contenido de enseñanza breve, hace que sea más fácil para los maestros llevar la enseñanza a sus grupos de idiomas privados. Incluso si esto implica transcripción de video, la tarea es bastante corta. No todos los Buscadores de Conocimiento hablan inglés, sin embargo, esto no debería impedirles acceder a las enseñanzas.

También se alienta a los maestros a que conviertan sus presentaciones en las publicaciones del artículo Plasma Scientific Journal o KF Plasma Times. Por favor, considere asociarse con estudiantes (y otros Buscadores de Conocimiento) que puedan ayudarlo con esta tarea, si está planeando publicar su trabajo.

Paso a paso ↵

1. Una lista de temas de enseñanza circula entre aquellos que expresan interés en enseñar. Por supuesto, los profesores pueden elegir sus propios temas que se sientan cómodos en la enseñanza.

2. Los maestros se ponen en contacto con el equipo de Educación de KF SSI con sus temas y disponibilidad para enseñar.

3. Los maestros cuentan con un intervalo de tiempo, una plantilla de PowerPoint y asistencia técnica para ayudarlos en el proceso de preparación / ubicación del contenido, si es necesario. Los recursos educativos ya identificados, en forma de animaciones y presentaciones pasadas u otros recursos para ayudar a su enseñanza, también se comunicarán a los maestros al comprometerse a enseñar el tema. Uno puede enseñar resumiendo el tema, extendiendo el tema, vinculando diferentes partes de (diferentes) enseñanzas, o trayendo una nueva comprensión de otras ciencias. Los maestros y el equipo de Educación también pueden involucrar a otros Buscadores de Conocimiento para ayudarlos a localizar el contenido deseado.

4. La enseñanza tiene lugar dentro del intervalo de tiempo acordado.

5. Los maestros pueden enseñar el mismo tema en sus comunidades lingüísticas y también publicarlo como un documento científico (en la revista Plasma Scientific - si están agregando al conocimiento existente) o como un artículo no científico (KF Plasma Times ). Invitación abierta ↵Si eres un estudiante, acompáñanos en las clases privadas para disfrutar de la nueva experiencia de aprendizaje.

Se anima a los estudiantes y maestros a servir enseñando a otros, y tanto la enseñanza como el aprendizaje nunca han sido tan fáciles. Si decide enseñar, no se queda solo, ya que el equipo de Educación de KF SSI está aquí para ayudarlo con respecto a cualquier aspecto de la enseñanza, ya sean aspectos técnicos, localización de materiales de enseñanza o enseñanzas originales, y muchos otros aspectos.

Estamos aquí para servir y para ayudar a otros a servir. ¿Interesado? Los estudiantes con perspectiva pueden postularse visitando (http://keshefoundation.org/study-apply) y los maestros pueden contactarnos a través de education (at) kfssi.org. Preguntas y respuestas ↵

Q1: ¿Tengo que preparar una presentación de PowerPoint si mi enseñanza se basa en una reproducción de video?

A1: No, simplemente puede hablar de ello o usar el tablero de dibujo.

P2: ¿Qué sucede si carezco de habilidades técnicas para preparar la enseñanza como deseo? ↵

A2: Estamos aquí para ayudar y si usted está comprometido a enseñar, estamos comprometidos a ayudarlo a enseñar.

P3: ¿Qué sucede si no puedo compartir contenido de video? ↵

A3: El anfitrión está allí para ayudarlo. Hágales saber qué enseñanza y los horarios precisos y lo jugarán para usted.

P4: ¿Cuánto tiempo debe ser la enseñanza? ↵

A4: Se espera que el maestro prepare 20 minutos de contenido, que puede ser puramente una revisión de video o una presentación de PowerPoint o una mezcla de ambos. ↵

P5: ¿Puedo hacer un taller sobre cómo construir / preparar / aplicar algo?
A5: Claro, este tipo de enseñanzas son extremadamente útiles.

P6: ¿Qué pasa si no hay preguntas después de la enseñanza? ↵

A6: Puede terminar la sesión, presentar algunas preguntas u otros ángulos al tema, o continuar con lo que los estudiantes quieran discutir.

P7: ¿Qué pasa si 20min no es suficiente para que yo enseñe el tema? ↵

A7: Puedes hacer una serie de enseñanzas, p. dos, tres, cinco Si tienes más de seis años, quizás quieras convertirlo en enseñanzas regulares, como los estudios regulares de libros o las enseñanzas del alma que tenemos.

P8: Ya estoy enseñando en clases privadas de inglés, ¿necesito cambiar mis costumbres?

A8: No, a menos que quieras probar algo diferente.

Únase a nosotros en el nuevo año y en un nuevo semestre del programa de enseñanzas privadas de KF SSI Education.



Deja que el toque plasmático abarque y revitalice tu cuerpo mientras quedas hipnotizado por la fragancia herbal natural de Patchouli.




La fórmula especial con Argan devuelve el brillo a su cabello. Deje que su cabello se regenere y sienta la nutrición plasmática. experiencia de lavado de manos con aroma relajante de sándalo, energiza sus campos de plasma mientras mantiene alejados los gérmenes y bacterias.



2IN1 Práctico y eficiente en el tiempo, este combo libre de estrés es todo lo que necesita para una experiencia plasmática. Disponible en https://store.keshefoundation.org/store

in Brazil Health Conference

KF: What was the topic of the conference, how often is it held, what is the target audience? CU: The topic of the conference was “Wound Prevention and Treatment Congress”. The audience was health professionals, doctors, and nurses, people specializing in treating chronic and multi-species wounds! This congress is held annually, and it has an international character.

KF: What was your role in the conference? CU: My role at this conference was to take a new technique with a differentiated scientific character! The director M.B. invited me, to open the event for 3000 congressmen from all over Brazil and some speakers from outside Brazil!

“Dear Dr. (s) C U ,

We are pleased to count on your participation in the scientific program of the 7th Brazilian Congress on Wound Prevention and Treatment, which will be held from October 31 to November 3, 2018, at the Convention Center of South America in Rio de Janeiro.

Below are the details of your participation in the following activity (s): Date: 11/1/2018 Hours: 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Location: AUDITORIUM 1 Activity: OPENING CONFERENCE: HERE AND NOW Theme: Function: CONFERENCE”

As the director and organizers of the event mentioned “”It is necessary to establish new public policy goals guided by the intelligence apparatus of measures that produce real structural transformations decisive for the whole health system in order to become efficient and effective, through the implementation of some actions, generating significant results of quality of life for patients.

KF: Why did you choose to present Keshe Plasma Science and Technology? CU: I was invited to talk about my work and what I work for! As I currently only work with Keshe Plasma Science and Technology, I could only talk

about the subject and tell them that with this technology we work. With the Magnetic and gravitational fields and that to be aware of these fields we have to be "present" in the "here and now" and from that everything in the lives of people would be different, and that everything is related to these fields of energy!

KF: What was the reaction and feedback from the audience? CU: The reaction was the best that a job could have, it was incredible, the general public liked it very much, the presentation had a wonderful repercussion and due to it we had an invitation to participate in health programs with the federal government and due to the success of the presentation

I was invited to attend this event next year giv- ing a course on Keshe Technology and also at- tending other events, we received an invitation to give free courses in some universities!

KF: What are your wishes for the future in relation to development in the Portuguese community? CU: I believe that from our participation in this event, there was a great opening for technology and how it works, my sincere wish is that we can from now we work with all this possibility open to us here in Brazil and we can benefit more and more people with this technology Wonderful!

I am very happy, we had a lot of work here and thanks to the Team of the Portuguese Language (directed by Pedro and Rui) we were able to advance much with the technology in several places of Brazil where we now have a repository of the Portuguese language with translations and translated works! I also work in the health area in several places in Brazil, seeking to meet the largest number of people I can get along with this technology! Mr. Keshe, I just have to thank you for making this technology available. to the World, Gratitude !!!

C.U. Portuguese Knowledge Seeker

Note The contents of this paper and its images cannot be quoted, copied or printed, in full or in part, as hard copy or electronically or be put anywhere on the Internet or any network or be sent in any communication or be used, linked or quoted in any article or book without prior written agreement of the author.

In the present state of art of science and geological theories, it is considered that all petroleum oils, which are extracted from the inner layers of the Earth, are due to the decomposition of the oils from animals and vegetations, which have died or been imbedded in the layers of the soil of this planet over millions of years. This theory considers that these remains, be it animal tissue or leaves of trees, as they were buried in the ground or covered by soil, and as these bodies decomposed, then their oil was slowly released into the earth’s solid top section. It is thought that due to the gravity of the earth, these oils were then sucked and moved into the inner parts of the earth. As these oils warmed and went through the compression and high temperature of the inner layers of the earth, then these oils became as they are today, when extracted from different depths of the earth. Nowadays, these oils are refined by the oil industry for different applications, the like of petrol for the

motor industry, lubrication and so on. This theory could be partially correct, but with the amount of oil and different types of oils which have been found around this planet and the different compositions of them, this theory is no longer acceptable in the light of the new discoveries regarding the production of new materials from the atmosphere of this planet, which our field tests and laboratories trials demonstrate. In the research and development of GANS (gases in Nano state, which is a solid state of a gas, at room temperature) of matters and with the process of the conversion of for example CO2 from the gas state to the solid state of its matter state as a GANS, this process of the release of GANS, has simultaneously led to the creation of layers of protein on the surface of the containers, while the CO2 conversion from gas to GANS has been in progress. These fat layers have been sent to different institutes for nuclear and chemical evaluation, their

data will be released in due course. In the same process, it has been observed that low levels of energy are generated and released in the liquids during this process of conversion of gases to GANSes. This leads to the creation of heat, needed for maturing and to allow the conversion of the proteins to lead to the creation of oil, and keeping it in semi-liquid state as it is extracted from the deeper layers of the planet nowadays. This process of energy release by the conversion of gas matter to GANS releases energy, and the human body uses this same process for its heating, to keep it at about 37° Celsius. In our laboratory tests, which we have observed and used the presence of different elements for the conversion of matter to GANS, and these have led to production of different compositions, thickness and density of the protein on the top layers of the liquids of each test compartment in their test environment. For example, when less salt is used for the conversion of the matter to GANS, the protein composition is thinner and feels much lighter in texture compared to if we use more compact wiring and for the coating of the wires a more compact matter density Nano material and a more salty environment condition in the different compartments of the test tubes of these systems. This in fact shows that the more dense the matters and metals were in the compartment and the higher the salt concentration in the water, the thicker the protein layers look and feel at the top of each compartment

were introduced into the sample test units. This confirms that protein production occurred during the conversion process with the use of GANS materials in the presence of salt and water in the environment of the test units in the lab and in the soil. Therefore, considering the laboratory tests, and the tests done with the soils from Fukushima, it is clear that different oil compositions developed depending on the salt and metals and minerals in the environment of the conversion in different test compartments. Oil in the inner parts of the earth was and is produced by the same process, and not by the process of the decomposition of plants and animals over millions of years.. Therefore, with these tests it can be understood and confirmed that oils which nowadays are extracted from the inner parts of this planet are not and were not produced from the remains of the animals which were roaming the green planes of this planet, or they were not due to the decomposition of the plants on the surface of the earth. In fact, this planet has changed and produced its oil through and during the conversion of CO2 from gases to GANS state of matter and in the process has released a vast amount of Oxygen in its atmosphere, as has been explained in the other papers by the author (Figure 2, 3, 4). In other words, even the change of atmosphere from its acidic to oxygen levels has been through the process of conver- sion of state of matter and in presence of ni- trogen and carbon, and hydrogen released and oxygen present has led to creation of protein, and in given condition to creation of amino acid of life on this planet. Physical and tangible

(Figure 1, 3-5). On the other hand,

Figure 1: Gans production cell with thick surface layer.

lives are sometimes creating in the universe

in tests done in Fukushima concerning the decontamination of the radioactive contamination of materials like the Fukushima farming soil and water, the person carrying out the test was asked and reported the observation of fat and oil on the top layers of the soil once the GANS materials

in different forms through this process and life is not exclusivity of this planet. So the creation and production of different types of oil, be it called light or heavy oil, which is extracted from the bowels of this planet by the oil companies, exist due to the conversion from gas to GANS state of CO2 and

other matters, and have nothing to do with the present assumptions that the oil comes from the decomposition of the remains of animals and plants millions of years ago.

to the process of conversion of CO2 in its atmosphere, and in the presence of metals and salts in different layers of its structure, this has led, is leading and will lead to the production of protein,

Figure 2: Gans production cells with gas bubbles

The truth is that the Earth, even at the present, is still carrying on with the same process, and this is due to its construction and material composition. So even today and every day the Earth is producing large quantities of oil which are naturally sunk into the inner layers of this planet and then in time, these new and ever continuous conversion of different state of mater will lead to the production and storages of different types of oil in the inner sanctum of this planet. The present increase in CO2 in the atmosphere is causing the natural production of more oil, and can be used to produce protein directly from the atmosphere, and this process simultaneously increases the level of oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere, as we have shown in our tests. So by this process, that which is now considered air pollution, can be benefitted from, to enhance the process of the production of different oils with different compositions, without going through millions of years of conversion, as we have demonstrated in our tests in the laboratory and in our field trials. Thus: the theory that the creations from the past are at the origin of the present oils, is a fallacy and this oil has nothing to do with animals and plants, its formation is a normal and natural process of creation of proteins from the environment of the planet, without the intervention of other entities like animals. In reality, as animals and plants produce protein, the earth itself also produces protein. Due

as has been observed in the lab and different tests in Fukushima in a natural way. In the case of oils which are extracted from the earth, the proteins were produced in the environment, and if they were not absorbed by or attached to another element to become an amino acid as part of plants or animals, then these mostly sunk in the soil of the earth and In the process became non-animal, planet protein. Next these proteins in liquid condition are collected in the inner sanctum of the planet, and then become further heated and become oils, as they are extracted from the inner part of this planet nowadays. Therefore the oil industry of today should have no worries that one day the oil will finish, as this oil is produced by the planet, and it simultaneously makes oxygen for man to breathe. As long as there are salts in the seas and there is CO2 in the atmosphere of this planet, and as long as there are different metals and semi-metals floating in the lakes and the oceans of this planet, these materials, and the process of conversion of CO2 from gas to GANS, in their Nano condition behave like the materials in the test tubes of the laboratory tests. This conversion process releases oxygen into atmosphere, as has been observed in the tests, and simultaneously new proteins are formed, and so there shall never be a shortage of oil in this planet.

As man is using more oil and releasing more CO2 in the atmosphere, then as long as the salt lakes and oceans exist, more and more oxygen is released in the atmosphere of this planet. At the same time, in the upper layers of the atmosphere of this planet, there is a continuous production of nitrogen, through the conversion of fields and rays. This creation of matter guarantees a continuous, everlasting production of protein and oil for the future generations of men on this planet. As has been shown in tests, one can produce oil for the oil industry directly and with little costs and without waiting for millions of years for the process to be completed, by simply replicating this process. This has been demonstrated by the production of GANS of CO2 in the laboratory, and by their positioning in the salty environment of containers, where we can continuously harvest protein and fat, this is a replication of the oil production from the environment on this planet. In reality one does not need to grow corn and seeds for their sugar and oil content to produce fuel for the industries of today.

into the GANS state of its matter, and from a Magrav point of view, brought balance between four natural elements of this planet’s atmosphere and its waters, by creating an environment of Magravs balance of an amino acid (containing hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen), then the Magravs balanced GANS of these elements has led to the creation of Magravs of what is known as protein. If this molecule of protein with balanced Magravs has managed to attach itself to other molecules or matters in process of its life, it has succeeded to manifest itself as protein in the vegetative form. As it managed to interact with different salts and waters and elements, it led to the creation of water microorganisms and later on fish, which could live in the environment which itself led to their creation. In turn, as these life forms managed to use the energy of the hydrogen in the moisture rather than in the liquid, they became air breathing entities, needing an organ like a lung for the extraction of energy from the same process, as we see in man. In some cases where the protein did not manage to attach itself to other elements, and due to a large and rapid conver- sion, this led to the production of surplus oils, and after drying of the lakes and seas, these oils were left on the surface of the planet and due to their weight, in duration of time, they sunk in the soil and became buried and heated and became the present oil and gas reserves. In other words, oil and

Figure 3: Gans production cell with thinner surface layer and gas bubbles

petroleum can be made and replicated freely and

If the past millions of years of the geological structure of the planet are studied in detail, one will discover that most of the present oil reserves, which are extracted from the earth, are near and below the areas where waters reserves like lakes, salt lakes, seas and oceans used to be on this planet in the past. Therefore, as the waters of different salt content and other matters in dilution converted the CO2

easily using the new understanding of the production of Nano materials and the GANS of the material in the environment of the salt of the liquid. At the same time, we have seen that in the process of the production of protein, gases are released in the liquid of the containers in the laboratories, so if one creates conditions, one can create the right conditions for the release and production of methane and any other gases which

man needs. We have demonstrated this in the tests, and published it in the book “The structure of the light” with Raman spectroscopy tests as proof. Also the observation that these gases are extracted from the inner sections of this planet, like the oil, is a confirmation. Thus the gas reserves being near the oil reserves are a natural process in the conversion of CO2 from gas to GANS state in the life of this planet.

Figure 4: Gans production cell with thick surface layer and gas bubbles

So the creation of gases and their release in the environment, is part of the same process which leads to the production of GANS and protein, as we observed gas bubbles being released in the same containers. This new technology opens a new era for man’s energy production, which is matter dependent, as is his life which is connected to this planet. Thus there is no need for energy

control and oil, as every man can produce his own oil and gas for his energy and life if one needs. Now we need to understand which oil and protein man would like to have, to eat for life energy, or to burn as fuel. In space man in producing CO2 in the spaceship crafts, in the future, his waste of CO2 becomes his food for his energy, by producing protein, and at the same time his source of oxygen production for his life. In space there is no need for life support systems to keep man alive. Man will create his own food and oxygen through the use of simple processes, as we have shown in the laboratories. This way as a race, he can stay alive for thousands of years in deep space without the need for earthly resources. This is the wisdom of creation, man never understood the process of creation in his planet, and the same process has and will be carried out in the rest of the universe, with the difference that in some cases the molecules will be invisible to the physicality of man’s limited detection Magravs strength systems, due to their balance of Magravs with their environment. Thus oil has never been from the body of animals as this would have needed much more animals that this planet could ever support, but it has been a nice story to tell the grandchildren, and again we have unraveled another mystery of creation in the universe of man, who still has a limited knowledge of his environment.



by KF SSI Education Team December 2018

This paper provides the reader with an easy to follow, step-by-step guide on how to produce the four basic GANSes, which are in various ways connected to our bodies. Other resources relating to this topic exist on the KF Wiki1 and the KF SSI YouTube channel2. The basic theory behind the production procedure is explained together with the affinity of each of these GANSes to the particular aspects of the human (or any other animal’s) body. Taking a step back, let’s first consider what GANS actually is. GANS is the abbreviation for Gas in Nano-state of Solid and as explained by M.T. Keshe in his second book, "This condition of GANS of matter comes about at ambient temperature and pressure when due to internal Gravitational and Magnetic fields’ strength of the atom the atom’s physical appearance changes and the atomic structure of the gas changes to a compact configuration of the solid. The atom of the same gas becomes and behaves like a solid but with totally new properties and characteristics which were never known when the atom was in its other three initial known states (gas, liquid and solid)." (Keshe, 2011).

There are many methods through which one can produce GANSes. Traditionally, this is achieved through the use of two (or more) metal plates or coils, one of which is Nano-coated. Table 1 gives an overview of which metals are used in the production of the four GANSes. Other methods exist, for example, GANS of vitamins, food and other substances can be prepared through the use of caustic soda or CO2 GANS and plasma water. The process in a GaNS production box is similar to the process of absorption of food or air – no matter crosses the wall of the lungs or intestine, but a certain condition is created to attract the field of the elements of Oxygen (lungs) and other matter consumed (intestine). In this way human body (and the GANS production box) creates a condition of a ‘magnet’, which attracts fields of a specific strength (being the weaker and hence dictating the direction of the flow). The attracted fields, in the salty water environment, slow down and transform into the matter state of a given element. The complete list of materials required for the production of any of these four GANSes is as follows:

 Plastic box (optionally Nano-coated for faster production)  One metal plate or coil  One Nano-coated metal plate or coil  Pure sea salt and distilled water  Copper wire for short-circuiting of the metals  Green LED  Two alligator clips (optional if plates are not drilled)  Nano-coated plastic spoon to harvest amino- acids  2 x Plastic or glass containers to store amino- acids and GANS  Syringe to collect the GANS or to remove ex- cess water

Table 1. Metals used in the production of the four basic GANSes.

Production procedure Step 1) Depending on which GANS one wants to produce (as per Table 1), Nano-coat one of the plates/coils following any of the available video or text guides3. Prior to this process, if using metal plates instead of coils, drill a hole in a corner of both plates (this eliminates the need for the use of alligator clips). If no drill available, alligator clips can be used. Step 2) Hang the two plates in the production box, opposite each other at a distance of several centimeters - as per Fig. 1. Plates or coils should not touch the bottom of the container but instead should be fixed 1-2’’ above its bottom. If they sit on the bottom of the box, this will slow down or prevent GANS from being produced. Step 3) Connect the two plates via a copper wire either by going through the drilled holes or using alligator clips. Optionally when connecting the plates, one can place a green LED in this circuit. The use of an LED light in the circuit helps to create the flow of energy between the plates. As with every GANS

production, connect the anode (longer piece of wire = positive pole) of the LED with the copper wire that leads to the Nano-coated metal plate/coil, and the cathode (negative pole) with the copper wire that leads to the metal plate/coil (Fig. 1). Step 4) Fill up the GANS production box with a 3.5-10% sea salt, distilled water solution (make sure the salt is not contaminated by any minerals). Place the box away from other boxes and reactors and leave alone for couple of weeks. The time needed to produce each of these GANSes depends on a number of factors, such as type of GANS pro- duced, materials available in the proximity of the production box, water salinity, distance between the plates, quality of the Nano-coating, purity of metals and other. Step 5) When one observes the deposit of the GANS at the bottom of the box, or the plates become too salty or worn out, it is time to harvest the GANS. Set the plates aside and with a Nano-coated plastic spoon, collect the amino acid which floats on the water’s surface. Store it in a clean glass or plastic container and top it up with distilled water not to dry out. Step 6) Either use a syringe to collect the GANS sediment from the bottom of the production box or carefully remove the excess water with it and pour the sediment into a separate glass or plastic container to store it. Washing of the GANS to reduce salinity is optional and depends on the application area. For more information and pictures, detailed guide on the production of the four basic GANSes is available on the KF wiki.4

Useful Tips  Make sure you wash your Nano-plate of any caustic soda residue, before using it in the GANS production.  Handle Nano-materials with care. Do not scratch it, be gentle with it and never stack it up.  Use caustic soda Nano-coating method which results in more permanent Nano-layers than fire -coating.

 Make sure the salt you are using has no impuri- ties.  You can produce GANSes not only through the use of sea or table salt (NaCl) but also using other salts such as Magnesium or Potassium.  Nano-coat your GANS production box for better results or simply reuse one from a previous GANS production of the same GANS as during the production process walls of the container get Nano-coated.

 As water from your GANS production box evaporates and decomposes into GANS, some of the salt crystals can deposit at the bottom, which reduces water salinity. Top up your boxes with distilled water and if needed add some salt into the distilled water used for topping up.  Keep you GANS production boxes at least 3-5 meters apart in order not to influence the process in each box and to achieve the expected results.

 Use plates/coils which are not too thin as they can break either during the Nano-coating or GANS production processes.  Every GANS produced is different in strength – think of it as isotopes of the same element. Therefore, in order to cover a wide spectrum of fields, add your e.g. freshly produced CO2 GANS into the jar/container with previously produced CO2 GANS. Over time, your CO2 GANS has many different ‘flavors’ to it and can be more effective in any application area.

How does it work Let’s consider the CO2 GANS production in which a Zinc and a Nano-coated copper plates are used. Atomic weight of Copper is just over 63.5 (69% of the copper isotopes is Cu63 and almost 31% is Cu65) and Zinc is 65 (just over 49% is Zn64, other isotopes are in the range of 66-68)5. In the Nano-coating process, any metal loses around 5% of its atomic weight. Therefore, Copper reduces to around 59 atomic weight. The difference between the two plates (65 and 59) is 6 and it is the atomic


       Figure 2. The four basic GANSes.7 

number (number of protons in the nucleus) of Carbon. Therefore, the CO2 production box creates a plasma field between the two plates of the strength 6, which like a magnet, attracts Carbon present in the atmosphere around the box. In plasma, stronger feeds the weaker to find balance, and hence the field created in the box is the weaker part. In the salty water solution, Carbon oxidizes in the presence of the plasma of Oxygen and deposits as a CO2 GANS at the bottom. The side effect of the CO2 GANS production is the presence of ZnO GANS. The Nano-coated copper plate creates a condition for attraction of Zinc from the Zinc plate, which in turn oxidizes to become the ZnO. As a result, the CO2 box produces a mixture of CO2 and ZnO GANS, where the ratio of the two depends on the setup. More details can be found on the KF wiki page on the CO2 GANS production6.

Table 2. Use of the four basic GANSes.

GANS of CH3 is produced in a similar way and is a 2-stage process. Firstly, the Nano-copper (59) interacts to find balance with the layer of Zinc of the galvanized Iron. This ‘magnet’ for Carbon attracts this element and as a consequence the CO2 GANS gets produced and deposits at the bottom of the box. Secondly, the fields of the Nano- coated copper plate interact with Iron (atomic weight close to 56, with almost 92% of Fe56) and create a ‘magnet’ for H3. Tritium attracted from the atmosphere binds with Carbon fields already present in the salty water environment and deposits as the CH3 GANS at the bottom of the production box.

CuO and ZnO GANS productions use the same metals to produce it. For CuO it is Copper and Nano-copper, for ZnO it is Zinc and Nano-zinc. The Nano-coated metal plate attracts/pulls elements out from the other plate, which then oxidize in the plasmatic water environment and deposit at the bottom of the container in the form of GANS. GANSes acquire the affinity towards the environment which produced it. Therefore, the CO2 GANS has affinity towards Copper and Zinc, as well as towards Sodium (as NaCl is present in the water). Moreover, whatever materials are used in the Nano-coating process, the produced GANS also has affinity towards them e.g. using Magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 in the Nano- coating process. Therefore, each of the produced GANSes differs in strength as it is affined to the elements and environment which produced it. In other words, these are the common denominators Knowledge Seekers hear so much about in various context. Observations During the GANS production one observes the following. Firstly, oxygen bubbles appear on the Nano-metal plate/coil. After couple of days (or weeks, depending on the setup) one can notice a sediment deposition at the bot- tom of the production box and a thin layer of amino-acid building on the water’s surface. Often, salt crystals build up and deposit on the part of the Nano-plate which is above the water’s surface.

Usage The GANS and amino-acid production is the way life started on this planet. It all started in the salty water environment of the Oceans and surrounding matter and GANS state. During GANS production process, the two metal plates in a salty water environment create a condition for attraction of certain elements e.g. Carbon, Zinc, Copper, Oxygen, or Hydrogen. These are the basic elements, which life on this planet is based on. Table 2 shows the connection of these four basic GANSes to the human being. GANSes are the ba- sis of the Plasma Technology and are applicable in many areas, such as Food and Agriculture, Health, Energy, Decontamination, Space Travel and other. Amino-acids collected from different GANS production boxes are of different strength in re- spect to each other, as they get attracted by differ- ent strength `plasmatic magnets` created between two metal plates. GANS is also used to prepare the

liquid plasma by mixing it with distilled water and collecting the water above the sediment. For appli- cations in Health and Agriculture, amino-acid is added in the process of preparing the liquid plasma to strengthen its connection to living organisms, which are all based on amino-acids. Acknowledgements The content presented in this publication is based on the knowledge and discoveries of M.T. Keshe and other Knowledge Seekers who over the course of the years documented it in the form of videos and wiki articles. Supplementary material An extensive guide on how to produce these four basic GANSes is available on the KF Wiki. These guides contain links to YouTube videos and other handy resources. For more details please visit: https://en.kfwiki.org/wiki/Category:Nano- Coating_and_the_Production_of_GANS

References 1https://kfwiki.org/ 2https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtQzN7XLiLvTpyUnQAa1mRw 3https://en.kfwiki.org/wiki/Category:Nano-Coating_and_the_Production_of_GANS#Nano- Coating_Using_NaOH 4https://en.kfwiki.org/wiki/Category:Nano- Coating_and_the_Production_of_GANS#Different_Types_of_GANSes 5https://ptable.com/ 6https://en.kfwiki.org/wiki/CO2_GANS 7https://store.keshefoundation.org/store/product/GANS_Reserve_Bottle/ Keshe, M. (2011). The Structure Of The Light. Stichting the Keshe Foundation.


by Jon Bliven, Keshe Foundation Manufacturing Arizona December 2018 CSIRO ScienceImage 2893 Crystalised magnesium.jpg

Subject This paper documents the production of the Magnesium GANS and identifies its potential uses.

Method The proposed method of GANS production uses a standard GANS production kit, such as the one available from the USA store1. The production of this GANS is analogous to the CuO GANS production. In the production of CuO GANS, one uses a copper plate and a Nano-coated copper plate. The production of Magnesium GANS requires two magnesium plates, one of which is Nano- coated.

Materials The complete list of materials required for the production of this GANS is as follows:  Plastic box  Two magnesium plates (anodes or magnesium ribbon), one of which is Nano-coated  Two alligator clips (optional)  Pure sea salt and distilled water  Copper wire  LED (optional)  1.5 V battery (optional)

Procedure Step 1)  

Nano-coat one of the magnesi- um plates. Alternatively, one

can also use magnesium anodes 4 to 6” long or magnesi- um ribbon. Nano-coating magnesium is through the same caustic process as Nano- coating copper. For further info on Nano-coating refer to the KFWiki.2

Step 2) In a GANS production box, position the Nano-coated magnesium plate opposite the magnesium plate. As with every GANS production, when using the anodes or the plates, position them 1-2” above the bottom of the production box. If they sit on the bottom of the box it will slow down or prevent GANS from being produced.

Step 3) Connect the two magnesium plates to each other via a wire. Small holes can be drilled into one corner of each plate, prior to the Nano-coating process, that can be used to connect the wire to the plates. You can avoid drilling holes in favor of using alligator clips to connect the LED to the plates, however, it is very important to ensure you do not scratch the Nano-

coating of the copper plate when attaching the clip. The use of an LED light in the circuit helps to create the flow of energy between the plates. Connect the anode (longer piece of wire = positive pole) of the LED with the copper wire that leads to the magnesium plate/coil, and the cathode (notch or shorter needle on LED package = negative pole) with the copper wire that leads to the Nano-coated plate.

Step 4) Fill up the production box (as in Fig. 1) with a 3.5-5% sea salt, distilled water solution (make sure the salt is not contaminat- ed with any minerals). Place the box away from other boxes and reactors and leave alone for 7-14 days. Step 5) When one observes the deposit of the GANS at the bottom of the box, or the plates become too salty or worn out, it is time to harvest the GANS. Set the plates aside (remembering the polarity if you wish to use them again) and with a Nano-coated plastic spoon, collect the amino acid which floats on the water surface. Store it in a clean glass or plastic container. Step 6) Using a syringe, collect the white or cream colored GANS and the black GANS into separate jars. These color differences are different isotopes of the magnesium. One can see our color collection in this video3.

Figure 1. Magnesium GANS production box.

Magnesium is a softer metal and if pieces of metal have fallen off during the process, then strain it through a cloth filter.

Caution: Do not use too thin a gauge plate as the metal is soft and can break from deteriora- tion with the Nano-coating process.

Advice: If the GANS production is slow, try moving the two plates closer to each other; Also, it is best if a small amount

Should the GANS be washed after collection? NO – When GANS is not washed it holds its energy strength. If using the GANS in reactors or patches, this is the preferred method. In patches it is best to match the salinity of the body or about 1% for best results. YES – When using it directly with agriculture it is best to have a low salinity of less than 1%. This requires at least one washing.

Usage Magnesium is the 11th most abundant element (by mass) in the human body and is essen- tial to all cells and some 300 enzymes. Magnesium ions

 Reduce premenstrual symptoms,  Prevent problems in the bones and improved bone health,  It helps assimilate calcium into the bones and plays a role in activating vitamin D in the kidneys,  Managing diabetes. It plays an important role in carbohydrate and glucose metabolism,  Magnesium is necessary to maintain the health of the muscles, including the

heart, and for the transmis- sion of electrical signals in the body. It has been shown to lower the risk of fatty build-up on the walls of the arteries as well as lower the risk of hypertension or high

of electricity is used (about 1.5 volts) from a battery or power supply. As with an LED, connect the negative polarity to

interact with polyphosphate  compounds such as ATP, DNA, and RNA.4 Magnesium is vital  for the proper functioning of

blood pressure, Prevents or relieves migraine headaches, Relieving anxiety. (Ware, 2017)5

the Nano-coated plate and positive to the pure magnesium plate.

hundreds of enzymes. Consuming adequate magnesi- um can have the following benefits:

Most magnesium is absorbed in the small intestine, so this might be an area to allow the energy fields to best work.

Magnesium Patches for Health Figure 2 shows GANS patches with purple colored ‘water beads’ to improve health in cer- tain areas. I wore these for about 1 hour at a time to ob- serve results. Lemon Tree For application in plants, a ball loaded with Zinc and Magnesi- um GANSes was placed in the

8-year-old lemon tree (Fig. 3) that has produced very little harvest to date. It has been in the tree for only a month or two and will need to continue to monitor. Observations In both cases the observations are incomplete, but it is my thoughts that with more time very observable benefits will start to show up. Magnesium is

very important part of our health and the health of our plants. It is hoped that by shar- ing this, others might benefit from this information. Acknowledgements Much of this understanding is the result of my years with the Foundation and the teachings of Mr. Keshe.

References 1https://usastore.keshefoundation.org/store/product/gans-kit-home/ 2https://en.kfwiki.org/wiki/Category:Nano-Coating_and_the_Production_of_GANS#Nano- Coating_Using_NaOH 3https://youtu.be/r2e4MtW29Cw 4https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnesium 5Ware, M. (2017, 12 20). Why do we need magnesium? Retrieved from Medical News Today: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/286839.php

Supplementary material Magnesium GANS production setup and its different colors area captured in this video https:// youtu.be/r2e4MtW29Cw


- Simplex Virus - by Mehran Tavakoli Keshe Founder of Keshe Plasma Science and Technology for Space Applications

Introduction The Keshe Foundation introduces new solutions through the teaching and development of the science of plasma technology. Such solutions are simple and harmless to any organism inhabiting this planet. One of the biggest threats to humanity (and to other forms of life) are viruses, and one of the most prevalent one is the herpes simplex virus (HSV). HSV, or herpes, is categorized into 2 types: herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). Statistically, it is estimated that in 2012, over 67% of the World’s population (3709 million people, range: 3440–3878 million) aged 0–49, had a prevalent HSV-1 infection, which usually appears on the mouth, around the lips (Table 1).

An estimated 417 million people aged 15-49 (11%) worldwide have HSV-2 infection. Most oral and genital herpes infections are asymptomatic (showing no symptoms). Hence, many people are not even aware they carry it. This lifelong condition, like many other viruses known to mankind, is incurable and scientists report its relationship to other health conditions such as Alzheimer (Lövheim H. J., 2015). However, the origin of it and the exact mechanism of its working, as this is also the case with many other viruses, remains a mystery to the modern medicine.

This This publication explains the origin of the HSV virus and how it develops in the human body – starts from the soul and the brain through the process of dreaming and ends where it

started - in the brain. The role of the skin, which in the understanding of the plasma science is an extension to the human brain, is described. The transition and mutation of the virus occurs as it travels through the digestive system to reach its other end – the anus and genitals. The herpes virus also nests in the hip of the man. Doctors and scientists cannot solve it, as its complexity and mechanisms have never been fully understood. Whatever therapy is applied, the virus eventually comes back. When its energy reaches a tipping point, it releases the energy back into the same layers and one has a flaring of the disease.

In general, herpes is a totality of the disease across the body of the man. This changes the approach and herpes with this new understanding of the Keshe Plasma Science and Technology are manageable, are reversible. The proposed procedure, which covers the entirety of the body, is proven to be effective and subsequent tests and clinical trials are needed to quantify it further.

Background One of the biggest menaces to the human race is the herpes virus. The understanding of the modern medicine is that HSV-1 is transmitted by oral-to-oral contact to cause oral herpes, which can include symptoms known as “cold sores” but can also cause genital herpes. HSV-2 is a sexually transmitted infection that causes genital herpes. Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections are

Table 1: Global and regional estimates of the number of existing (prevalent) cases of HSV-1 infection in 2012 by age and sex, in millions (percentage of the population with prevalent infection shown in parentheses)2

PLASMA SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL HEALTH are present but can still be trans- mitted to others in the absence of symptoms. Antiviral medica- tions, such as acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir, are the most effective medications available for people infected with HSV. These can help reduce the severity and frequency of symp- toms but cannot cure the infec- tion1.

According to the WHO’s website1, “in immunocompro- mised people, such as those with advanced HIV infection, HSV-1 can have more severe symptoms and more frequent recurrences. Rarely, HSV-1 infection can also lead to more severe complications such as encephalitis or keratitis (eye infection)”. The same report warns pregnant women that

lifelong. According to (Davis, 2018), these two viruses have distinctly different DNA, and both cause oral and genital lesions. However, HSV-1 causes about 80% of all oral lesions and only about 20% of genital lesions while HSV-2 causes the reverse (about 80% genital and 20% oral).

Oral herpes infection is mostly asymptomatic, and most people with HSV-1 infection are unaware of it. Symptoms of oral herpes include painful blisters or open sores, called ulcers, in or around the mouth. Sores on the lips are referred to as “cold sores.” Infected person will often experience a tingling, itching, or burning sensation around their mouth, before the appearance of sores. After the first infection, the blisters or ulcers can periodically recur.

The frequency of recurrences varies from person to person. Genital herpes caused by HSV-1 can be asymptomatic or can have mild symptoms that go unrecognized. When symptoms do occur, genital herpes is characterized by one or more genital or anal blisters or ulcers. After a first genital herpes episode, which may be severe, symptoms may recur, but genital herpes caused by HSV-1 usually do not recur often. Herpes infections are most contagious when symptoms

“neonatal herpes can occur when an infant is ex- posed to HSV in the genital tract during delivery. This is a rare condition, occurring in an estimated 10 out of every 100,000 births globally, but can lead to lasting neurologic disability or death.”

Many researchers notice and investigate the causal relationship between the HSV-1 virus and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Work presented in (Bearer, 2013) concludes that the author in their

Figure 1: Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection.4

study “… satisfied Koch’s 3rd postulate: the HSV causes Abeta deposition that would in concert with other factors lead to an AD-like pathology”. In June 2015, Swedish scientists in (Lövheim H. J., 2015) concluded that “Among persons with a follow-up time of 6.6 years or more, HSV infection was significantly associated with AD.”

Other works presented similar evidence (Piacentini, 2014), (Lövheim H. J.-G., 2015), (Agostini, 2016) and most recently (Itzhaki, 2018) who points to evidence in literature that apart from AD, HSV is also linked to senile dementia and that “… antiviral treatment causes a dramatic decrease in number of subjects who later develop SD ”. Furthermore, Itzhaki in the same work, concludes that “three indirectly relevant studies deal respectively with schizophrenia, relating to antiviral treatment to target HSV1, with the likelihood that HSV1 is a cause of fibromyal- gia (FM), and with FM being associated with later development of SD. Studies on the link between epilepsy, AD and herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) are described also, as are the possible roles of APOE-ε4, HHV6 and HSV1 in epilepsy.” (Itzhaki, 2018).

It is one of the contributions of this publication to explain, from the plasmatic point of view, that HSV virus correlates with increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as AD as it appears in the body of the man.

Viruses - the new understanding The genesis, evolution and the mechanisms of many viruses present on this planet, which trouble humanity, are not currently understood. Viruses are energy packages which have the DNA strength of the body of the man and in that process, they interact with it. The energy packages which have the strength of the soul of the man interact with the DNA of the soul of the man - they are a leech onto the leech (human body) and they become leeching onto the entire structure.

Viruses don’t have physical characteristics, they don’t have physical entity, but they have gravitational-magnetic field strength in part of their composition that matches one of the

elements of the amino acid of the man (COHN); or it matches the elements that are connected to it, such as Iron in the blood, or Copper in the muscle, or Carbon, and the virus locks in. Once locked-in, it carries a massive amount of energy as it does not have a physical dimension. Virus in the plasma technology is a package of energy which mankind needs to understand.

In the space, humans will not die much of bacteria and infections, but will die of viruses – the energy packages without physicality. The present science has not managed to handle the simple viruses of this planet - those energy packages which have no physical dimensions to the amino acid, but they carry energies of the amino acid.5 This aspect can be explained similarly to the food cup experiment, also known as the Orange Experiment, in which four basic GANSes and their amino-acids are placed around a glass container with water (Fig. 2). In a CO2 GANS production, the combination of materials of the air appears on the surface of the water as the amino acid (COHN), and when put in another tube, it becomes the basis of life. In such food cup, gravitational-magnetic fields are created, which pull down the gravitational- magnetic fields of the essence of the orange, or

any other plant or substance, into the water.

When the orange is placed on the top of the cup, the energy of the orange together with its taste is

transferred into the water contained by the cup. Because this water has a protein base, it connects to the protein-based body of the man, so it feeds the body with the energy of the substance. In this transfer of the energy of the plasma, one receives all the attributes of the orange - the energy, the taste, the smell, everything.

There is no need for the physicality of the orange, and when one drinks this water, it tastes orange. This confirms the energy transfer through the plasma structure and orange’s amino acids. For example, let’s assume that the Hydrogen of the orange’s amino acid is equal to the Hydrogen in the water of the cup, according to the mixture of the GANSes placed around the container. In the same way, viruses which are like this energy packed information contained in the water of the cup, leech onto human bodies.

To the present world of science, viruses are a menace, for which there is no solution. Any virus, any entity which has a dynamic plasma, has a funnel. Every virus has a dimension of the dynamic plasma - it is a structured energy pack. The plasma structure of the CO2 GANS, or any other, is the same as the plasma of a virus - it has a strength capacity. As a first step, one has to find out what this strength capacity of the virus is. If one can measure its strength, then a system can be developed to work the opposite - gravitational to magnetical - to drain it, to reduce the virus’ strength or one of the factors of the strength in it, which for example, matches into the amino acid Hydrogen strength. With this new understanding all viruses are reversible.

Herpes Simplex Virus - HSV

Genesis Herpes originates from the brain of the man. It is caused by the release of the energy from the inner soul of the man touching the invisible memory part of the body of the man. While dreaming, one experiences various emotional states. If the dream is at the strength that endangers one’s life, if the memory of it is at the strength that can jeopardize the life or imprison the physicality, this is an event which one does

not want to remember. Therefore, a field force in the balance of the memory of what is not to be remembered, is created. Because it is a dream, it has not manifested, and it remains a part of the operation of the soul of the man.

The energy transfer appears on the part of the body responsible for the verbalization of the unexpressed feeling, which is the lip of the man and this explains why, when one has a very horrible dream, the blister appears on the side of their mouth. This is the beginning of the process. The energy transfer from the source (inner soul and the brain) into the point of destination (the lip) gets captured in the salty environment of the layers of the skin. Think of it as a CO2 box – two plates (one of the higher order) and the energy transfers through the salty water, to create a point of balance at the Carbon field strength to attract the Carbon from its environment.

The full process of the creation of herpes comes from the inner structure (memories in the brain) and this is why it goes back to where it came from. Since it has no memory, it wants the brain to remember the initial horrible event or a nightmare. This is called the heating temperature of a dream. It does not matter where one is in the universe, or on this planet, they get it; because human soul is the creator of it. The dream does not find the physicality at the time when one is awake that their eyes can observe. If in a dream, one gets captured and wants to escape, such frightening situation often wakes them up. The energy of the memory of this dream cannot be memorized by the brain, as it was not observed by the eye, and because in their dream one can- not speak through their mouth which is the point of speaking, this is where the energy transfers.6

If one has a problem with their son, as a man they develop a prostate cancer. The paper titled ALS—A death wish which comes true,7 describes yet another process, which directly originates from the soul of the man. ALS is a wish through the soul, which the physicality cannot handle – the ‘termination of contract’.

Similarly, herpes is a condition created by the soul of the man but without the interaction of the physicality. Herpes goes back to where it came from (the brain), so that one remembers the

dream, so that it does not happen to them. Now it is understood why herpes damages or interacts at the memory side, because one wants to forget a horrible experience.

Mechanism Every virus is an energy pack and it needs to be attached to an amino acid. Once it finds the energy in a structure which carries DNA, it can control itself, it can mutate to absorb more. It becomes a cell, a living entity. A virus looks for food to survive, it looks for energy to absorb. When it attaches itself to Mr. COHN8, it links itself either to the Oxygen - because it matches the gravitational field of it; or to the weakest element, which is the Hydrogen. It needs that match/ connection, it finds that connection, but how does it enter the body of the man? It needs a weak point, it needs a point of entry.

The lip and the skin One of the points of entry for the virus are the lips. Herpes are usually observed in these regions, around the mouth, because this is where the space gap is. In Figure 3, the external part of the skin is marked with D; while C is the internal part, the sausage, the breathing part, the mouth.

analogous to sewing two different materials together, such as leather and cotton, which cannot be perfectly put together, cannot be fused, because they are two different structures.9

Skin has three layers. Both, the internal part (C) and the external skin (D) have three layers. The bottom layers of each are linked up. But the three, the middle layers of the same salt content, because they carry the blood in the level of balance of it, they have a space gap. The layers are linked up, but they allow for the virus to come into this space gap and in this way, it finds a place to nest. Why herpes is usually observed in the corners of the lips? Because this is where the space gap is continuously fixed to one point, which moves when the mouth closes and opens. These points of flexibility are an entry point for the HSV virus, which then finds a nest. The virus enters into the middle layer of the skin and it stays there.9

HSV is an energy pack which is equal to the energy pack of the amino acid in the middle layer of the skin, which becomes a nesting-ground for the virus. Here we are considering a six-layered structure, not three - there are three layers of the

Figure 3: Lip - the entry point of Herpes Simplex Virus.

These two are two different structures. Area marked with B is the weak point in the structure, which can be compared to a woven chain. The same can be observed in Nano-layers – such open spaces, gaps between plasmas. It’s

skin and there are three layers of the inner tube. This structure has a gap in which the strength of the memory of the dream, matches the field strength of a virus and becomes its nest. The virus which sits in the middle section of the outer

Figure 4: Cross section of skin and mucosa under the microscope: Normal Epidermis and Dermis with Intradermal Nevus (left); Histological section taken from the gastric antrum, showing the mucosa of the stomach (right).

skin, affects its salt content. The change of salt due to the energy transfer creates blisters on the skin. This gap is created by the disorder - the breakup between two sides of the skin. When the blister opens up as the salt content changes, it is like an eruption. The skin erupts, and the gap is created between the two sides of the eruption of the skin. Then another infection that sits in because of the energy level and you have all these what we call the virus of herpes, we call it herpes. Due to the dynamic fluid condition in the mouth, blisters inside the mouth are not as frequent.

This is why herpes of a given strength (HSV-1) appear only at the mouth. If herpes moves inside, it is a different story. The conditions in the mouth are different than in the skin - different acidity of all the enzymes and presence of other elements. Thus, the virus has to mutate to become stronger, that it can survive in these conditions. Through a cut in the internal skin of the oral cavity, the virus can enter the gap of the three layers of the oral mucosa. Some mucous membranes secrete mucus, a thick protective fluid. The function of the membrane is to stop pathogens and dirt from entering the body and to prevent bodily tissues from becoming dehydrated (Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., 2018). In order to survive in these conditions, the virus mutates and becomes stronger, it becomes HSV-2. The strength of the herpesvirus -2 is capable of coping with the composite liquids inside the body of the man, whereas the skin was slightly different.

The brain In the human body, and this holds for all animals, the skin is a part of the brain. It is an extension of the brain. When the HSV virus enters the middle skin, it immediately travels into the brain of the man through the middle skin. Equivalently to the lip, where the layers of the external skin link up with the layers of the internal skin (mucosa), hu- man brain is connected to the skin, but it works in a different dimension link-up. The virus through the middle areas of the skin moves into the brain because it is made of the same, it is the same transformation.

After it moves into the brain, the virus has the strength to sit in the part of the brain responsible for memories, and this is the reason we call it Alzheimer’s due to herpes. This process could be compared to a frequency jammer. Similarly to jamming some radio frequency, the herpes virus has this capability at a particular strength level (in this case at the level of memories) because it came through the middle section, through the membrane of the body of the man. It has the strength which fits into the strength of the memory part, it jams it, and produces what we call Alzheimer's.

As we grow older our brain function changes and under given strength, it matches with the strength of the herpes virus which leads to total blockage. In wireless communication, one intruder is able to block the entire communication channel by jamming the particular frequency. Analogically, this is exactly how HSV works.

When the frequency of the source matches the frequency of the jammer, there is no communica- tion. Whatever information sits in the brain becomes inaccessible due to the blocking ‘noise’.

HSV originates from the brain of the man itself. It is the release of the energy from the inner soul of the man touching the invisible memory part of the body of the man. That is why it goes back to where it came from, that's why it affects the memory part.

The digestive system, anus and genitals Herpes also appears inside the body of the man. It can be observed in different internal areas - at the entrance (oral cavity), esophagus and stomach. All these are made of tissues of different composition and hence one should look for signs of herpes in the opening of the stomach (sphincter), stomach, the small intestine opening (pylorus) and in the opening between the small intestine and the large intestine (ileocecal valve).

Figure 5: Human Digestive System.

When the HSV virus enters the middle layer of the oral mucosa, it is able to travel through the entire digestive system, as mucosa is a mucous membrane that lines the inside of the digestive tract from mouth to anus (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016). Herpes which moved, through the mouth, from the outside skin into the mucosa of the digestive system becomes stronger because it mutated to accommodate to a stronger dynamic system. In this process, the virus gains energy - when it mutates it becomes stronger.

Herpes moves down the middle layer of the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine and the large intestine. It ends in another point, which similarly to the lip has two phases - the phase of the dynamic dimension of the internal organ and the skin of the man - the anus. This is how herpes moves from the mouth directly into the genitals and in doing so, mutates to be stronger. As mentioned in the Background section, HSV-1 causes about 80% of all oral lesions and only about 20% of genital lesions while HSV-2 causes the reverse (about 80% genital and 20% oral).

HSV-2, on the other hand, mostly appears on the reproduction organs of woman or man. One aspect of the structure of these organs – the external skin and the internal tube - are analogues to the lip. It is an interface, a point in which the two triple-layered structures join. What originates from the inner layer of the outer skin, through the space gap, moves inside the tube and one gets herpes on their genitals. The virus can then travel in the opposite direction to HSV- 1, but one might not observe it in the mouth.10

The bone structure and the hip Body of the man carries a bone structure, which contains spinal cord, hip, skull and the rest of the skeletal system (Figure 6). Structure and the role of the hip can be compared to the role of the cup in the food cup experiment, explained in the Background section. In that experiment, the energy of the orange was transferred into the water. Up to now, doctors tried to sort out the problem of HSV-2 by using creams. However, in the interaction with the creams (or ointments) and other medicine, the virus moves (and hence mutates) but it cannot be eradicated; symptoms are partially addressed, not the cause.

With the new research which was published recently, one understands, and this supports what was explained years ago, that the hip of the man becomes the cup. The herpes virus nests in the hip of the man. This is why doctors could not solve it. Whatever the therapy and treatment, eventually it comes back. When this cup’s/hip’s energy reaches a critical point, it releases the energy into the same layers it originated from and one has the flaring of the disease.

Processing Herpes virus does not originate from outside, it is the creation of our own soul. The human body is a composite of different GANSes. It is a container filled with GANSes and every substance which enters the body, is transformed into the GANS state. In plasma technology

Figure 6: Human Skeletal System. Source: Pixabay

doctors process various health disorders by creating conditions for the transfer of energy. This is done via use of static and dynamic plasma systems. Such systems are ‘fueled’ with different GANSes to create conditions for the transfer of energy. One needs to understand how to create such conditions and what effect this has on the human body.

Doctors and scientists working with the plasma technology, on numerous occasions, demonstrated how this can be achieved. They managed to deplete the salt from the foot of the coma case11. To do so, the urine of the female subject was collected, the GANS of it was created and added into the GANS patches. What was expected to be weeks-long process, was processed within days. Another example of the same principle is the breast cancer case presented in the ‘Cancer solution in exchange for peace’12. To remove Calcium, the seed of that particular cancer, two patches of Calcium GANS in the appropriate ratio were applied. The same principle applies to the removal of other metals from the human body and the same applies to HSV.

To create the correct transfer of energy, firstly the energy of the seed of the problem needs to be recognized. The understanding of this process is analogues to the way homeopathy works – ‘like cures like’.

Thus, to prepare the GANS water for processing herpes, the liquid of herpes itself, when it flares up as blisters, needs to be collected in whatever quantity available and mixed with 50% CO2 and 50% ZnO GaNS13 water. The field strength of the CO2 GANS present in this solution, provides a link with the physicality, while ZnO GANS is a link to the brain and the emotions – the origin of herpes virus.

It is also possible to collect the liquid of herpes and mix it with CO2 GaNS and liquid plasma to make a base GaNS of it. The herpes GANS

water can then be used in processing. Every HSV virus is unique in its strength, it is as unique as our fingerprints and hence the liquid plasma  of it, is only to be applied on the person of whom it was collected.  

The simplest way to process HSV is no to use patches of different ratio, but to apply it on a cotton bud at the point of rupture. Three times a day, for no more than half an hour per session. This creates a fast energy transfer which covers all the affected parts – lips, the entire digestive system, the hip, genitals and the brain. This procedure can be followed for a number of days until the virus is gone. It is worth noting that the herpes processing is not preventative. One can only apply it when the outbreak occurs, when the ‘identity’ of the virus is known.

Discussion To date, the origin and the exact mechanism of the herpes simplex virus was never fully understood by the present science. This publication explains these processes in detail. Now we understand from the Alzheimer's, all the way to genitals how herpes interacts and mutates. HSV-1 and HSV-2 are the same, just operate in a different gravitational-magnetic field strength - one is stronger, the other one is weaker. The stronger one is capable of surviving in acidic, enzyme-rich environments, and hence it travels through the middle layer of the mucosa (a membrane that lines various cavities in the body and covers the surface of internal organs) of the digestive system, to reach the anus.

In general, herpes is a totality of the disease across the body of the man and this changes the approach to eradicate it. Herpes with the new understanding of the Keshe Plasma Science and Technology should be able to be managed, should be able to be reversible.14 For the first time, the entire process on herpes is understood. Why do we see herpes on some points of the arm or the leg? This relates to the situation in one’s dream or real life, where the skin was physically damaged , punched, compressed. Herpes then manifests in the point of weakness of the middle layer of the skin.

When the virus gets underneath the skin, one can observe some dots which indicate the energy transfer. Herpes, in every level with a new knowledge of the Keshe Plasma Science and Technology, is reversible. By understanding this knowledge, no virus should be a danger to man, even in space.15

Herpes can be transmitted physically - if one carries the same emotion and kisses another person on the same space gap between the skin and the lip - the inner tube - the virus is transferred into the middle layer of their skin, because it already carries a copy of the human DNA. However, it is created internally, through dreaming, by the soul of the man. In a condition of interaction with other salts, a huge pack of energy from the soul of the man is released

which cannot find a physical position. This is why isolated people of the jungle, tribes living far from civilization also carry HSV. The trigger can be the dream of a tiger or a lion endangering their life. Thus, one can perceive the herpes virus as one of the outcomes of the adaptation to the changing environment - mutation. In order for our body to mutate, the information, the energy, the new structure, comes directly from the brain. Therefore, for the process to complete, the change needs to find its confirmation in the physicality.

In the case of herpes, the impulse for the change comes through the process of dreaming and emotions associated with it. These emotions get ‘translated’ into the body structure and a virus’ energy is transferred into the lip – responsible for the communication or confirmation of the fright- ening situation one witnessed in their dream.

The virus, same as our body and any other entity in the Universe, mutates according to the environmental conditions. As it travels, it adapts to the enzymes and acids encountered in its environment and mutates in the same way as the human body mutated throughout centuries to adapt to the changing environmental conditions. It can mutate because of the salinity in the layers it travels within – this can be compared to the GANS making procedure, when the salty water is

placed between the two plates and forms an environment for whatever field strength is to manifest in it. Life on Earth started in the salty waters of this planet. In the same way, the human body, via its brain and the different concentration of various salts, created all its organs in order to cope with the surrounding environment. Not only organs such as liver or kidney, but also the color of the eyes or the skin manifests through the same process. The HSV mutates as it travels through the human body and a trigger for it to travel back to where it came

from, comes from its nest – the hip. When the virus in the hip reaches a certain energy level it becomes stronger, as compared to its origin; and based on the fundamental law of plasma (the stronger feeds the weaker), the energy transfer is through the skin, in the direction of the brain.

The details of the herpes process – the importance of the layers of the skin, their space gap, salt content and other elements is explained in detail in this paper.

Two-thirds of the world population suffer from HSV and up to now its mechanisms were not understood. Now we know it is the creation of the soul of the man. The way every human, through their soul creates various internal structures - muscles, heart, two lungs, intestines and other –

it is now understood that herpes is a condition of the soul of the man that releases a huge pack of energy and this seed flowers to become a physical, amino acid-based structure, capable of mutating inside the human body. Not only with HSV but with any virus, one needs to understand how it travels, where it nests and what is their gravitational-magnetic field strength. To eradi- cate amino acid-based viruses, one can use any of the presently known GANSes, which match in gravitational-magnetic field strength one or more of the amino acid’s elements. Different viruses have different characteristics and operate in a diverse spectrum of fields. Herpes virus, in any shape or form, be it the herpes of Universe or the herpes of planet Zeus, now you can handle it.16

Knowing the origin of the HSV virus, the door to eradicating it using the same mechanism opens. The virus mutates according to the environmental conditions, through the energy transfer, and by introducing the energy of the virus itself into its environment, the new environment drains its energy. This is how its cycle closes and because it manifested in the physicality it eventually ‘mutates out’ of the human body and does not come back. The process involves collecting the liquid from a

blister, because the virus continuously mutates and in order for the processing to be effective, the system needs to be tuned into the correct (actual) field strength of the virus – as the virus mutates, one needs to mutate with it. In the Keshe Foundation, viruses are understood as packets of energy, which leech into the structure of the physicality of the matter state of the human body - what we defined as the GANS state of the body of the man.

Man, in space will face more problems with this kind of energy packages, than with anything else. As one travels with the highest speed across the universe, they are touched by many kinds of viruses. The spacecraft itself, in interaction with the different field strengths of the universe - like the way Earth in the interaction with the Sun creates different lights - creates different energy packages. Some of them, might be at the strength of the amino acid or the amino acid strength of the soul of the man. When you come to the new space technology, now that we take human race outside the boundaries of Earth, we have to solve all the problems of the man. Virus is an RNA, without the physical DNA. As an energy pack which maintains its shape, a virus has a DNA of itself which is a memory of itself as a field.

Supplementary Materials 1Herpes simplex virus.


2 Global Estimates of Prevalent and Incident Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Infections in 2012.


3243rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - September 27, 2018


4Herpes Simplex Virus Infection


5243rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - September 27, 2018


6243rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - September 27, 2018


7ALS – A death wish which comes true - https://usastore.keshefoundation.org/store/productALS/

 partially republished in  

8COHN: Carbon – Oxygen – Hydrogen – Nitrogen, the building blocks of the amino acids. 9243rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - September 27, 2018


10243rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - September 27, 2018


11Coma case processed with the Keshe Plasma Science and Technology


12Cancer solution in exchange for peace


13Note that during the production of the CO2 GANS, ZnO is also created in different ratios, depending on the applied procedure. 14243rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - September 27, 2018


15243rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - September 27, 2018


16243rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop - September 27, 2018


Reference Agostini, S. R. (2016). Agostini, S., Mancuso, R., Calabrese, E., Hernis, A., Nemni, R., & Clerici, M. (2016). HSV-1 AVIDITY INDEX: A POSSIBLE BIOMARKER FOR MONITORING THE EVO- LUTION OF MILD COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT TO ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association 12 (7), 1052. Bearer, E. (2013). Addressing Koch's postulates: The role of herpes simplex virus in Alzheimer's dis- ease. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 9(4), 116. Davis, C. P. (2018). Oral Herpes. Obtenido de eMedicineHealth: https://www.emedicinehealth.com/ oral_herpes/article_em.htm Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. (2018). Mucous membrane. Obtenido de Encyclopedia Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/science/mucous-membrane Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. (2016). CliffsNotes. Obtenido de Structure of the Digestive Tract Wall: https://www.cliffsnotes.com/study-guides/anatomy-and-physiology/the-digestive-system/ structure-of-the-digestive-tract-wall Itzhaki, R. F. (2018). Corroboration of a major role for herpes simplex virus type 1 in Alzheimer's dis- ease. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 10, 324. Lövheim, H. J. (2015). Herpes simplex infection and the risk of Alzheimer's disease: A nested case- control study. . Alzheimer's & Dementia, 11(6), 587-592. Lövheim, H. J.-G. (2015). Reactivated herpes simplex infection increases the risk of Alzheimer's dis- ease. Alzheimer's & Dementia 11(6), 593-599. Piacentini, R. G. (2014). HSV-1 and Alzheimer’s disease: more than a hypothesis. Frontiers in pharmacology 5, 97.



November 26th, 2018

Two weeks ago a cat scratched me. For a few days the wound looked normal and everything indicated that it would heal normally. 18th November morning the heat has become inflamed. There was a swelling and a red streak coming directly from the wound in the direction of the hand. For two consecutive days I instilled CO2 water directly on the wound to relieve pain and eliminate the infection. In addition, as far as possible and skills "I pulled out the fields" trying to balance the damaged place. On the third day the swelling clearly decreased, the redness completely subsided. The finger heals normally and in a few

days there will be no trace of any wound. “ INCREDIBLE LIQUID PLASMA by Arthur, UK January 8th 2017 Amazing liquid plasma helped me when I injured myself at the gym; I had serious back and shoulder pain and I just could not move. I think I damaged bone and muscle tissue of my back. I think nerves too!!

So I mixed in one patch CO2 / CH3/ CuO2 / Zn/ Calcium egg shell plasma and Amino acids from CO2 /CuO2/ CH3/ liquid plasma. Clean water NO MASS. Water in patches only is more than good enough! And I made weaker second patch with CO2/ Zn only for FIELD flow between them.

I put one patch on my back and other weaker patch on my chest and I went sleep for 8 hours and wake up totally blessed; pain gone, muscle tissues repaired, feel happy and amazed!

You can heal serious injuries within few days time! Remember take your patches off from time to time, and spray yourself with CO2 and Zn liquid plasma to purify body fields.

Thank you Keshe Foundation we love you!!! https://testimonials“.ke shefoundation.org/


A. Prepare your work Firstly, you need to prepare. You can either document the work which has already been done and perhaps even presented by you in the testimonials meeting or website, or you can plan a new experiment. You should always be clear on what you are trying to achieve and document everything as you go (label and take pictures).

B. Write your paper Gather all the notes and pictures together and when writing your paper put yourself in the reader’s shoes. Do not assume anything but present everything from the start, explaining every aspect of the experiment, which may not be obvious, and remember that “a picture is worth a thousand words”. If needed, relate to other peoples’ work by referencing their articles, web- sites or other openly available resources. Start by downloading the Scientific Plasma Journal template and short guide for authors available at https://support.keshefoundation.org/faq.php? section=science-journal&qid=189#q189

C. Upload and submit Once finished, upload your Word, OpenOffice or PDF file onto one of the cloud or filesharing services, or even onto Facebook. Go to https:// support.keshefoundation.org and from the drop-down menu select Plasma Scientific Journal Submissions and press Go. Through this website, you can either submit your work, ask a question or access resources and the FAQs.

Any question? Get in touch with us via https://support.keshefoundation.org The full version of this article, author guide, and templates also available at: https://keshefoundation.org/education/news/kf-ssi- education/plasma-scientific-journal/plasma-scientific- journal

Submit your publication today! Be the Creator and shine for others to see your beauties.


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