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Posición del alma & cuales son nuestros sueños.

Las primeras veces que comenzamos a hablar sobre la posición del alma, les expliqué el hueso estéreo. Por lo tanto, tendrá su hueso estéreo, tendrá su visión, podrá determinar la posición de su alma. Si dibujo esto en una dimensión diferente es muy simple. Tienes los dos hemisferios del cerebro, tienes los dos ojos que se cruzan y tienes los dos oídos. Si traza la línea recta de una manera muy específica, debería poder ver la dimensión del alma y la posición del alma.

Siempre tuvimos un sistema de respaldo y siempre obtenemos acceso a él. En el futuro, cuando un hombre crezca en el conocimiento, comprenderá algo muy simple. ¿Por qué cuando tenemos un sueño, tenemos una visión? Cuando tenemos un sueño sobre nuestra madre, nuestros seres queridos o nuestros hijos, ¿por qué vemos visualmente, por qué nos conectamos con el ruido y el lugar? Es porque el alma del hombre ve a través del ojo del hombre y en ese proceso de alcanzar y alcanzar a otras almas lo que recibe, viene a través de la visión, por lo que tenemos una visión de ello. Hombre, hasta ahora nunca he entendido esto. Esta absorción como una limitación de los tejidos blandos del ojo y el líquido dentro del ojo del hombre es una transformación del nivel del alma al nivel de lo físico. Muchas condiciones en las que ni siquiera tiene el globo ocular, la estructura que construyen los antepasados ​​en la posición de conversión se encuentra dentro del ojo del hombre. La fisicalidad del globo ocular es más o menos irrelevante en comparación con el alma. Por eso el portal de nuestra alma está en el ojo del hombre. Es por eso que todo lo que vemos como un sueño o la conexión entre nuestra alma y la comprensión en relación con otras almas pasa por el ojo del hombre en una fuerza dada.

259th Knowledge Seekers Workshop

¿Estamos soñando o es nuestra vida física parte del sueño físico? ¿Vivimos dos vidas, una vida en la dimensión de la fuerza física y otra en la dimensión del alma de la fuerza del universo? Cuando cierras los ojos y lo pones a dormir, tienes ese sueño, lo que significa que utilizas la dimensión del portal de los ojos para estar en 10 dimensiones diferentes, pero solo quieres elegir una. Lo mismo sucede mientras caminas, vives las dos vidas, la vida de lo físico, el alma de la fuerza del estado material de este planeta y luego la dimensión del alma del universo. El portal del alma del hombre opera en dos dimensiones y es él quien tiene que elegir y en el momento en que se borra una frecuencia que es la frecuencia de la fisicidad, la otra que ha estado caminando alrededor del tiempo. está en contacto todavía. Decidimos que hoy quiero escuchar el canal 4 y mañana el canal 3 y el canal 4 fue el sueño que quería ver lo que la madre dice y el canal 4 es el otro, el canal 2 es mi padre y yo convertimos ese canal en visión a través de Ellos regresan, transfiriendo el conocimiento a través de mis ojos, como la fisicalidad de la existencia de lo que veo.

Toda la estructura del cráneo del hombre recibe otra fuerza. A nivel de la visión del hombre que vemos a nuestros seres queridos o que vemos que estamos en el medio ambiente, vemos a través del portal la fuerza del alma, a través de la visión del ojo del hombre que a cambio de la El alma del medio ambiente y el alma de los seres queridos que vemos se convierte de nuevo en la visión o el recuerdo o en lo que soñamos.

Puerta al alma


by Keshe Foundation

259th Knowledge Seekers Workshop

¿Cómo llamamos a un portal?

Un portal es un ojo en el futuro, un ojo en otra dimensión.

El alma del hombre tiene su propio portal. Cómo la fisicalidad ha creado el portal como formas de transporte para su comunicación, por su potencia de ancho de banda del software en orden superior o inferior.

Si observas la estructura física del hombre y la posición del alma del hombre, verás el portal. Ha estado allí, es un portal que nosotros, como seres humanos, nunca lo consideraríamos. Si miramos el cráneo del hombre que vemos dentro de la estructura del cráneo del hombre, el alma del hombre ha hecho el portal para sí mismo, de una manera muy inteligente. Un ojo en la dimensión de lo físico, un ojo en la dimensión del alma, el ojo del alma. Si observa la posición del portal y dibuja una línea cuando lo cruza, ¿qué ve? Si tomas la totalidad de la longitud de onda o el ancho de banda del ojo del hombre, cruzas la posición del alma del hombre. El alma del Hombre ha elegido una dimensión del tejido blando. El resto de su estructura se considera bien absorbido. Cuando observamos el sistema neural del ojo, cuando observamos la estructura del ojo y el alma del hombre, encontramos uno de los portales más importantes de la vida del hombre mismo. Si puedes aumentar y comprender la fuerza del alma del Hombre y su funcionamiento, todo el universo se vuelve visible para ti.

En la Comunidad Universal, muchas bases son así, todo está cerrado. Han utilizado la fuerza del alma para ir más allá de la dimensión de la fisicalidad de la estructura del límite de la emoción o lo que llamamos el cerebro. Hablamos del alma del hombre y de un portal: el ojo del hombre. Al mismo tiempo, esta piel sigue toda la estructura de lo físico.

¿Necesitamos tener una dirección visual para poder ver o podemos dirigir nuestra visión para que podamos transferir a través de ella la fuerza del alma del hombre? Cuando comprendas y cuando la humanidad madure lo suficiente, descubrirás que el ojo físico del hombre en su cuerpo como actividad física es una de las herramientas más poderosas que un hombre podría haber recibido para el transporte y la comunicación del alma con el universo. La visión, el ojo del hombre, es el acceso a los tejidos blandos.

Si miras la posición del alma y si miras la otra dimensión del cerebro del hombre, el alma se asienta a través de ella, mira hacia abajo al ojo del hombre. Arriba o abajo ligeramente verás la dirección del alma. Estamos mirando la vista lateral de la cabeza. Cuando miras la vista frontal, verás que el ojo del Hombre mira directamente al alma del hombre. ¿Es la visión un portal de comunicación para el alma del Hombre sin la restricción a la dimensión de lo físico a la fuerza de las otras almas? ¿Veríamos el alma de las entidades del universo? a través de nuestra alma, a través del ojo del hombre, pero no a través de la operación física del hombre; a través del alma de las células de la fisicalidad del hombre que se convierte a la visión del alma del hombre. Luego se trata de un punto: ¿hay una parte en el cerebro del hombre que pueda convertir esa información para que la entendamos? Y luego viene otra dimensión de la comprensión que la visión del hombre tiene y se abrirá a la que ya hemos sido conscientes de la existencia de la vida más allá de la vida del hombre en el universo. La información se ha filtrado a un nivel dado que no está y está por encima o por debajo de la visión lateral del hombre en la dimensión de la fisicalidad de la materia en este planeta.

Los profesionales médicos confirmaron la existencia a través del conocimiento médico, la maquinaria y los sistemas que confirman la exactitud de la ciencia. Ponemos el paralelo en la dimensión del alma y entendemos el trabajo del plasma. Esto trae una cosa muy importante para todos nosotros. Hemos creado sistemas y tecnologías para confirmar que lo que vemos es lo que es porque hemos transferido el conocimiento a la dimensión física de la comprensión de nosotros mismos. Enviamos aviones a Marte, a la Luna y tomamos imágenes fijas de ese cuadro ante la visión del hombre y no ante la fuerza de la visión del universo.

Entendemos que hay un proceso de conversión, pero el hombre ha creado sistemas para confirmar de acuerdo con el tiempo de su comprensión, sistemas para confirmar que es correcto y lo hemos aceptado. Es hora de caminar y comprender que el trabajo de la fisicalidad del universo no está al nivel de la visión del hombre. Es en la visión del espectro de la fuerza completa del alma del hombre.

Simplemente lo convertimos, tomamos la parte que necesitamos. "El Dios es el creador de todo y el hombre es el convertidor de algunos". Lo convertimos muy poco, pero el amor del creador se expande en todo el espectro. Lo que ves como una hormiga para otra criatura del universo es un alma en movimiento. No ve la fisicalidad. Esto es lo que tenemos que entender y en el proceso de la vida, especialmente cuando se llega a los portales y un portal para transferir el alma del hombre o la dimensión de la física del hombre, estas cosas contarán muy pesadamente. Cuenta muy pesado porque tienes que decidir cuál es el espacio vacío que puedo existir y no es necesario en la dimensión de la fisicalidad de este planeta, este sistema solar, esta galaxia y este universo. Si tomo la misma alma que da la fisicalidad del hombre con dos brazos y dos piernas y la coloco en la dimensión de fortaleza de otro universo, podría convertirse en nada. Se convierte en un sol, cubre todo el espacio de ese universo. Porque es la energía del sistema lo que cuenta y no la longitud de sus dedos o dedos de los pies.

Entonces llegamos a una comprensión fundamental. Cuando hacemos estos portales, cuando hacemos estos sistemas de transporte del alma del hombre a la dimensión del universo, ¿necesitamos controlarlos con la fuerza del alma del hombre en este planeta o damos a la ¿Alma del hombre la libertad de elegir en el espacio su punto, su confirmación de existencia?

"Hice al hombre a imagen de mí mismo". La imagen de mí en la Tierra es de dos manos y dos piernas y la imagen de mí en el Planeta Zeus es de 20 brazos y 40 piernas. ¿Cuál es mi imagen o es mi imagen dependiente de los entornos de la manifestación? ¿Sigo comunicándome y controlando la dimensión espacial del alma del hombre en esa posición? Todavía puedo mirar a través de ese portal y todavía puedo estar en contacto con la madre, con la hermana que conocí en el planeta.

¿El alma del hombre vive, se comunica y se comunicará para siempre mientras la dimensión de la fisicalidad del hombre exista a través del portal del ojo del hombre? ¿Necesita el cuerpo el ojo o se ha hecho dos agujeros para poder escapar y poder realizar su trabajo, para comunicarse con el exterior con la fuerza de la visión del hombre? Ahora, por primera vez, entendemos lo que significa y cómo el sueño puede ser visualizado por nosotros. De hecho, vemos que nuestro ojo siempre ha visto el alma de la madre y la ha transformado en una dimensión física a la estructura de la madre, incluso a través de la vida de la madre que está frente a usted.

Entonces llegamos a comprender hasta qué punto el hombre se ha engañado a sí mismo en confirmación de lo físico. De muchas maneras hemos cambiado la fuerza; con cierta fuerza vemos la fisicalidad de la madre pero, de hecho, siempre observamos el alma de la madre y cuando la madre cambia de posición y abandona la fisicalidad, todavía vemos la misma

alma y la traspasamos a la visión como la madre. Esta es la verdad de nuestra creación que el hombre nunca ha entendido.

Es como una casa con ladrillos y donde quiera que vayas no ves nada afuera, excepto donde dejaste dos ventanas. Por las paredes de ladrillo, nos bloqueamos para ver el exterior y el exterior para vernos. Pero elegimos una ventana para ser el portal para que podamos ver. Así ha sido el hombre mismo. Nada cambia en lo que está sucediendo afuera en la realidad de la dimensión de la existencia, es solo cuando decidimos mirar por la ventana.

Toda la información del exterior siempre ha entrado por la ventana y toda la información del interior ha salido por la ventana. Hicimos la casa en la misma condición y posición del cráneo del hombre, le dimos un portal. Lo llamamos ventana y lo hacemos transparente. Somos nosotros quienes hemos elegido colocar las contraventanas que no vemos cuando está oscuro o cuando hace frío y en el ojo del hombre creamos las pestañas que esta vez solo quiero trabajar a través del alma. Lo llamamos el tiempo de sueño, que no necesitamos la dimensión de la información en la dimensión de la fisicalidad que no queremos ver el color, el dormitorio, el techo, el techo o el cielo. Solo trabajamos a través de la dimensión del alma del hombre.

La obra del alma del hombre nunca se detiene. El hecho de que haya cerrado las persianas de las ventanas de la casa no significa que el Sol no esté brillando y que la bombilla de la casa no esté funcionando.

Usted ha decidido cerrar pero, en realidad, la fuerza del campo sobre el obturador se mueve hacia adentro, entra el calor del Sol. Así es el alma del hombre. Pero en la condición del ojo del hombre cuando la información llega a través del ciclo de la visión en el zócalo, es otro intermediario que conversa.

Información del alma del hombre a la dimensión de la fisicalidad de la madre como usted sabe.

Cuando se trata de la dimensión del espacio, ¿cómo reconocemos a los pasajeros del universo si llevamos la dimensión de la fisicalidad del hombre y su fuerza del campo de la fisicalidad? Los astronautas del futuro tendrán un gran problema para separarse de esto. Aquellos de ustedes que viajen a través de la estructura del alma del hombre disfrutarán de la belleza de la creación en todo el universo. Entonces la pregunta es: ¿todavía necesitamos una nave espacial o viajamos en la nave del espacio de nuestra alma y conquistamos el universo? Ahora te he ofrecido uno de los mayores misterios de la humanidad. Porque eres tan físico tienes que verlo para creerlo. Ahora entiendes que ver ha sido la herramienta para que no veas la realidad porque ha mantenido a un hombre en la dimensión de lo físico con la fuerza de más o menos el calcio de la vida de este planeta. Una fuerza ligeramente diferente del calcio puede crear la transparencia de la visión del hombre. Cuando lo apilé lo llamo el cráneo y lo había engrosado un poco, lo llamo la piel, pero esta es la fuerza que quiero viajar, e hice portales para que viajara en los tramos del universo ". Es para aquellos de ustedes que comprenden que decidan a dónde quieren ir y para muchos de ustedes les tomará algo de tiempo entender y muchos de ustedes ya lo han entendido porque he alcanzado y tocado el alma para llevar la información ".

En cierto modo, si lo miras, tenemos que hacer algo mientras el alma esté viva, no importa en este planeta o en el universo.

¿Qué es mejor enseñar a las otras almas? Servir, elevar el alma de tantos. Entonces surge la pregunta: qué hará cuando se convierta en pasajero del espacio y en la dimensión del alma de la creación de la que formas parte y te conviertes en una nueva dimensión. ¿Te conviertes en un maestro o te conviertes en un ladrón? Esto depende mucho de la fuerza de la fisicalidad que elija, o de que viva en la extensión y la dimensión del alma del hombre. La fisicalidad necesita ser alimentada y si no puedes encontrar una alimentación continua, te conviertes en un ladrón.
Posición del alma.jpg

El alma se convierte en maestra. No lo alimenta, pero enseña y como enseña recibe. Es lo que he dado que se ha convertido, no lo que me ha arrebatado a mí. Este es un punto muy importante para aquellos de ustedes que comienzan a entender el trabajo del alma, la comprensión del trabajo de los portales y el entendimiento de que el portal del universo no tiene que estar en la ciudad sino en la ciudad. Ojo del hombre a la visión del hombre en una fortaleza de las dimensiones de lo físico del espacio y el tiempo de la existencia.

La próxima vez que sueñes, y dices que tuve un sueño, solo piensa. No tuve un sueño. Es lo que compartí con el alma y el alma me permitió estar con quien compartir. Y a medida que el Sol brilla y difunde su luz en sus campos, al mismo tiempo brilla en la Tierra como brilla en Júpiter y en Saturno. Es el espacio del tiempo que confirma su manifestación. Cuando sueñas o te comunicas a través de la dimensión del alma, entonces tú eres otra dimensión como una estrella en la galaxia que recibe las luces y los campos del universo. Lo tomas como

tanto como necesites, y das tanto como no necesites. Tú existes al mismo tiempo en la Tierra, en Marte, en Júpiter y puedes ser observado en otra parte del universo como ese punto brillante que llamas Sol, lo llamamos sistema solar.

El hombre siempre ha estado en contacto con la totalidad del universo. Somos nosotros los que hemos elegido. Simplemente filtramos el aspecto físico, aún dejamos que el proceso y el resto en la parte posterior y de muchas maneras expliquen por qué el cerebro del hombre es tan grande y es una gran grabadora de todo. No es solo grabar lo que se ve con el ojo de lo físico, sino también lo que está sucediendo con el ojo del alma del hombre con el resto de las almas. Tiene que recordarlo porque lo mismo que usted recuerda que ha estado en África hace 20 años y vio al león, debe recordar que ha estado en el otro universo y ha visto algo así porque las otras almas en las que está Tocaron con haber estado allí y quieren discutir algo.

El hombre ha vivido una vida de esquizofrénico, pero nunca lo ha sabido, y como digo, la palabra esquizofrénico no existe, es la gente hermosa, entonces entiendes que es un alma hermosa. Es el alma de la fisicalidad y el alma del universo que existe dentro del alma del hombre. Tal vez ahora podamos comenzar a ir al siguiente paso y comprender con la creación de estos portales, ¿estamos creando los portales para el alma de las criaturas del universo que se vuelven visibles para el alma de nosotros no para la fisicalidad de nosotros o todavía queremos hacerlo? ¿Estar en el mundo de fantasía de construir una nave espacial para ver las dimensiones del universo?

Cuando dices "Tuve una premonición, sabía que esto iba a suceder, ¡lo he visto antes y ahora ha sucedido!" Hazte una pregunta. ¿El alma a través de la dimensión del portal del ojo del hombre ya lo ha visto? solo vienes a verlo en la dimensión de lo físico o lo has creado para que veas las consecuencias de ello.

Esta es la belleza de cuando entiendes la totalidad de la creación y como mensajeros de Dios es nuestra responsabilidad iluminarnos. Es para que un hombre dé el paso, confirme, comprenda y tome acciones por ello, debido al placer de hacerlo, no a través del castigo. El tiempo del castigo ha terminado. Quienes aún eligen un camino de castigo son los ladrones del alma del hombre.

Es para que el hombre entienda por qué y cómo y la razón para la visión del hombre. La vista del hombre es una línea de comunicación, una línea de transformación que cubre ambos anchos de banda: la dimensión del alma junto con la operación del universo o la condición de la interacción con una dimensión de lo físico. Transfiere y traduce ambas líneas al mismo tiempo y las envía al mismo casillero que le es relevante. Luego, el portal que hagamos, lo veremos a través del ojo del alma, no a través del ojo de lo físico.

¿Cuánto más tenemos que enseñar? Ahora entiendes lo cerca que está la humanidad del punto de desprendimiento de lo físico porque ahora tiene una nueva visión nocturna del alma y solo porque está oscuro, no podía ver hasta ahora. Te dan la comprensión y la visión de comprensión de la totalidad, la visión nocturna es un día totalmente nuevo que nunca termina. Por la noche usas la visión nocturna, y durante el día ves, pero la imagen es la misma. Al mismo tiempo, debe decidir si mantengo la visión nocturna y la dimensión física del día. ¿O empiezo a entender que tengo la capacidad de traducir ambas al mismo tiempo? Muy parecido a las mujeres, multitarea. El hombre ha sido un hombre, una sola tarea, la fisicalidad. Ahora, lo que sucedió cuando te conviertes en una mujer y te conviertes en una multitarea, podemos traducir la visión de lo físico y podemos comunicar y traducir la visión del alma al mismo tiempo porque pasan por el ojo del hombre. Creamos, el cuerpo ha creado esto para engañar al hombre y es por eso que nos volvimos tan físicos.

"Ya veo - creo". ¿Qué pasa si me manifiesto en la fuerza del alma de la humanidad que cada hombre puede ver la totalidad del alma del Creador?

“La enseñanza de hoy es un punto de inflexión para la raza humana. Es para que el hombre entienda. En la profundidad del espacio, el hombre decide la posición, el tiempo y la forma en que le gusta disfrutar. ¿Quieres ponerte un traje de baño e ir a la profundidad del océano o quieres ponerte un traje e ir a la dimensión de lo físico en la profundidad del espacio? La dimensión del alma dentro de lo físico no cambia. Todavía ve a través de ambas dimensiones, no importa el traje que te pongas ".

El Creador ha creado la totalidad, el alma es pura y da. Es la fisicalidad que juega hasta que se derrite y no hay nada y luego culpa a los

Creador y el alma. En la visión de la fisicalidad del hombre, aquellos que entienden y los que ven a través del alma del hombre a la dimensión de la fisicalidad cuando el alma recibe y se convierte en parte de la dimensión o trata de convertirse en parte del alma, esto trae cambio en El color del ojo. Esto sucede en el momento de la creación cuando el hombre tiene que abrir su ojo de lo físico desde el vientre de la madre y el momento en que el alma no encuentra interferencia a través del ojo del hombre a través de la dimensión de lo físico en el punto de partida. De lo físico. El alma del hombre deja el cuerpo del hombre a través del ojo del hombre en el punto de la muerte, porque así es como siempre ha venido y se ha ido, él conoce la puerta. En el futuro, cuando el hombre llegue a comprender más, desarrollará sistemas que mostrarán el proceso. Es el menor camino de fricción que crea la dimensión de escape.

Cuando el alma del hombre abre este camino en el punto de partida para amalgamarse entre los campos equilibrados del universo, la luz translúcida se creará o se manifestará en el punto de partida. El hombre debe tomar conciencia del tiempo y el espacio como. Él no puede capturarlo y decir que yo capturé el alma, pero puedes ser consciente de su existencia y de las fuerzas de campo de ella. No es la energía la que explota repentinamente a las 18 bombas de Hiroshima, sino que es una salida sutil de la totalidad del campo hacia el camino de partida más pequeño, que empuja a través del ojo del hombre.

“Creo que hoy hemos explicado algo que ha cambiado, y hemos alcanzado la totalidad del alma del hombre. Todas las cosas creadas en este planeta con la enseñanza de hoy. Veremos el cambio y la evolución en la dirección que deseamos a partir de ahora. Como siempre digo, cuando enseñamos, no necesitamos usar la palabra, sino que nuestra vibración de los campos de nuestra alma toca a la totalidad de las almas creadas, no en este planeta, sino en aquellos que están allí para aprender y ser iluminados. Veremos el cambio, hemos comenzado el cambio porque está tomando demasiado tiempo; Millones de años para cambiar son demasiado largos.

A través de la conducta del hombre cambiará para el resto de las criaturas en este planeta. Hemos reunido todo de una manera hermosa, ya sea del liderazgo, ya sea del hombre, ya sea de la ciencia del hombre, ya sea de una comprensión del conocimiento de la creación. "Es el momento adecuado, y el momento es ahora y este ahora para nosotros no es este segundo, es el proceso que hemos iniciado el cambio".

El alma del hombre


Even in the daytime when the man is awake and looks through his eyes the soul is still in communication with the others and what is coming back, and it gets registered within the structure of the physicality. The soul of the man never sleeps, and the eye of the man never stops converting. When we travel in the depth of the universe and the vision of, the condition of visuality or this condition of the rest and sleep disappears because now our resting time and asleep time is totally dependent on the rotation of the Sun and the Earth.

In the space, there is no Sun and you are in dimensions of no time, no space because that space is yours there is no other space you can be in. A lot of you who do not understand when we speak about no time and space in the world of the universe because the time and the place in the space are you; nothing exists before or after. When you are in the depth of the space and you do not have these parameters which have literally controlled the operation of the physicality of the man, is there a time for rest? Or do we live through the eye of the soul of the man? Do we go through eight-hour cycles and 16 hours of waking because the 8 hours in the depth of universe is one second and this is less than one second? It does not exist. Or do we go as part of the understanding of renovation, regenera-tion or replacement? Do we take and wait 16 hours to recharge during the rest time or do we recharge as we use, and we take from the environment of the universe as we need that we do not need to recharge, therefore we do not need that rest time?

We go back to the origin of us on this planet, there were no weeks, there were no days, there was no time. The

difference with the world of the space when we go into it there is no lack of energy because as we use we replenish. Actually, we do not use, we tap into the universal energy as we use it, it gets replaced. Do I need to stock food that one day I am going to go hungry in space? The food is, and it will be there as I need it.

Then it comes one fundamental question: what is the man going to do with the life of no tiredness, no hunger, and no dimension? How do we spend our time in the depth of the space? When you watch some of these futuristic movies they put people in capsules of being safe for a hundred of years, 200 years until they get to the destination. 100 years of the life of man is nothing in the new dimension of space and if you leave them loose, now that we understand how the soul works, you do not need to bring anyone into sleep. You bring balance between the soul of the man and the soul of the physicality of the man, that they work in a synchronized way.

“I'm a nuclear physicist, I'm a scientist by training, by nature and to me when I look at the soul of the man and the soul of the physicality of the man it explains to me a proton and electron. The electron moves and takes energy as it needs to find the position in relevance to his proton. In the depth of the space, the life of the man will be the same, the physicality will absorb what it needs from the soul to keep it in a position and distance from its creator. Then do we need to look for food in the span of the universe or actually we become another work nature – electron and proton?”

259th Knowledge Seekers Workshop

Liberar fisicalidad f.jpg

If you are not happy in the dimension of physicality, you do not need to imprison yourself into it that you confirm and conform with it. This is important for many things when the man comes into space. We learn the new freedom, but we have to learn with this new freedom of physical-ity comes a new principle, a new dimension of totality but the integ-rity of mine, not what it is other’s. And it goes back to the first com-mandment “Thy shall not steal”.

I have seen people mixing GANSes and things and I sit down, and I look, and I say, “My God they are still busy with it, they have not seen”.

If you want to replicate the work of the universe and understand it does what happens in the universe, not what you want it to be because you understood. We have started off the development of the final phase of the space-ship program and hopefully, in due course, you will see unconditional flight and the structure of the soul of the man. In the newer space system, we have followed word by word. It is very much up to now, blocks by blocks for you to learn that you can put the next block before you can have the whole structure. The new space system which is now the design and development is the completion of totality. It is the replication step by step.

We will not release when, how, who and where is going to be shown but when it manifests itself every soul on this planet will feel it. In the past days, we have moved to the final stages of the unification of the man in the universe. When the systems inside come to the full operation it will replicate the operation of the soul, not the physicality of the man, even though we need the physicality to convert the soul. The final phase, the final system is very simple but extremely complicated because it has to take into account everything that leads to the creation of the soul.

You have an egg and a sperm on their own, but when they share the fields, in sharing they have rubbing off which creates a posi-tion of collecting the spares which becomes a new server and again the connection and interaction of them becomes the creation of more cells as it comes out of the friction of interaction plus what the environment gives that at the end it ends up with the soul of the man and physicality.

The man has entered the final phase of understanding, not the work of the universe and how to travel the universe but to under-stand the work and the travel of its own soul and nothing more.

“When you read my work if this is planet Earth (Fig 1. A) the Unified Field Theory tells you one thing: magnetical (Fig 1. B) and gravitational (Fig 1. C) are both the same, depends on which point, in which direction we are looking at.”

If you stand and look with the two eyes you see this coming and going and you say it is one field. If you look another way it looks red or white and then the opposite way is white or red and then you say they are two

Figure 1.

to decide, are you getting or are you giving or is it coming to you to receive as you need it, or you are giving away what you do not need?

Those who made the world of Unified Field Theory showed an absolute lack of understanding of the totality of the creation, even though they live by it every day. Is it on a red shift or is it on the white shift? In fact, it is only one shift and it is the same light, the same lane. It is just dependent on the point of the observer.

principle, it is exactly the same teaching, nothing has changed. You just changed the name of the Earth and the Sun to the change of the man and his physicality to the position of the soul of the man and another soul. In essence, it is the same entity, the same work of interac-tion of the fields of the universe.

So, we come back to the beginning: what is the purpose of the soul of the man?

Propósito del alma.jpg

Different things. In reality look at the true structure of a car. You put red lights in the back and the white lights in the front it is the same car. It is unified. It is the same thing. It depends has it passed you or it is coming towards you. As it is the same car it is unified.

This is the Unified Field Theory which has become one of the enigmas in the world of physics showing the lack of understand-ing of the man. And then if you understand this, change the car to the soul of the man.

Carbono 14.jpg

The position with the condition of creation of life which leads to the dimension of amino acid when it interacts with Iron, in majority of the cases, it creates a condition of need for dimension of the faster absorption of the energy and that has come to the point to take from the others faster packages of energy. And then it comes to eating up bigger pack-ages, bigger and bigger packages because it can. It does not matter if fish eats little planktons, or a fish eats another fish, or a man eats another animal because now it is so normal “I kill a pig, I kill a cow, so I kill another man, it is another form of life, it is finished”. The structure of the killing has come from the outset of the need to survive.

What has happened, what we have seen, and we hope it will never happen in the world of the creation again, is this disbalance of the nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. In certain ways when there is a misbalance this creates a very fast flow and a huge reduction in energy. But it still needs to sustain its structure. When you have billions of this put together, you can take some from  the environment, but you cannot take forever.

And the problem mainly with animals, in the animal kingdom is that they layer each other so much, this is the top skin, middle skin, the other skin that the part in the middle cannot receive because the top layers take all. So now for its existence, it needs external intervening, a fast conversion that it survives too. And do not forget it is connected through the soul of its structure to the soul of the man.

The soul of the man could not give to do, so has physicality taken over to feed? And now it has taken so much hold that if you are an ant, you are a man, you are a cow, a fish, they all take packages, it is the easy way. It has gone into the mainstream RNA of the life of the horizontal people.

Vertical people have solved that problem but adding one element to their structure that it takes fields from the universe. But the universal and environmental condition dictate its life. And it has accepted it. I do not kill but I stand the summer and the winters, I lose my leaves that time because then I live in harmony with my environment.


But horizontal people have bypassed this. We need to add something to the structure of the environment that this adding up brings a man to the same dimension as the vertical people. The physical movement of vertical and the physical movements of horizontal is totally different and that means a different package of energy. And that is why if you look, many horizontal people have picked up on certain things especially that they do not need to go for other things. I get my thalamus and thymus in my body to do the conversion of what I need from one thing.

The man eats the variety of vegetables, meat, and everything to get the full spectrum of the energy it needs for total structure, but certain animals only eat one thing. Always the same fruit, the same flower. But their thalamus and thymus have, in conjunction with each other, created a condition that it converts again. It is still the same monkey, it still has the bone, it still has the liver, it still has the kidney and everything else. How come everything comes out of one food. Because they have found an efficient way to guarantee their existence because nobody else eats what they eat, what they have chosen to eat. They have created a condition in the field that can convert this to anything they like. The arms and legs do not fall off by eating the same food all the time.

and years. His body has learned to convert, and this is part of the structure of the new technology. To substitute that in the structure of this planet gradually we walk man to live, to understand it can take from the fields of the environment.

It is the deficiency in the structure of the RNA which has affected the DNA and, in that structure, stays the same. A mouse has similarity 95-99% to a human. We all came from the space, from Mr. COHN (amino acid). Our base is the same. We have to change something in the 99% of COHN of

A. COHN.jpg

One of the richest men in the world eats every night burned steak with nothing. Day in and day out. Literally, steak which is burned to the skin, totally burned, a solid piece of meat which is like wood. With all the wealth this is the only thing he eats. But he still thinks the same, he still has the same physicality and he has done this for years the horizontal people to make them become like the vertical people, that is all that is missing. And it sits in the structure of the soul of this amino acid which has linked itself unfortunately to Iron.

There is part of the technology which I do not teach, and it is known as Carbon-14.



Carbon-14 has a lot to do with the behavior of the man, and if one day we understand this, we can change the man. Why Carbon-14? The vertical people have Magnesium. In horizontal people, we always suffer from Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn) and Copper (Cu). COHN values from 42 to 44 energy balance of the fields. Iron varies from 55 to 58. Now you see where Carbon-14 comes in (58 minus 44). Is this gap which makes the horizontal people dangerous? It is too big, and it needs to be fed for the whole physicality to exist as the horizontal people.

The closest we get to this is CH3 (13,5 - 15,5). This is one of the reasons why in my work I introduced CH3. It is not for you to be, it is to close this gap. This is part of this problem. CH3 is between 13,5 and 15,5, depends on the energy balance of the Carbon and Hydrogen.

The construction of life is very simple. You have a CH3 (C – 12, H - 1) and you have an amino acid (COHN: N – 14, C – 12, O – 16, H - 1)

whatever. This is alloy because the field strength in it can create a binding. When you put your copper here nanocoated to make your GANS of CH3, the carbon energy release confirmation from interaction from the environment is the Zinc mixture with the Copper. That gives you the Carbon. Then you have a problem. Then your problem sits with the Iron.

Your CH3 is a gravitational magnetic field orientation of Iron. So when you put it with the amino acid you already have a common denominator in the field strength that when it creates the fields in the interaction you have the amino acid which is balanced with the iron and in being balanced, iron feeds itself and does not need to kill for it.


Your carbon has a gravitational magnetic field strength of the copper in conjunction with the gravitational-magnetic field of zinc, so it is directly connected to your muscles and to your nerves. Now you produce a condition that is connected to the iron. It is complete. You have every connection you

On the amino acid, you can see a very balanced need. You touch the soul of the man, you touch base with very low top. (Fig 1. A) and CH3 the physicality of the man, you bring a with a slow balanced base with very high Fe—56 balance in energy transfer between the top (Fig 1. B). In fact, when you lock it in it matter state plasma and the field state of becomes very much balanced. It gives in the matter. near enough.

Man does not need to kill.

Composing one COHN with 2 CH3 will bal-

ance near enough 56 – which is the energy strength of the Iron (Fig. 2), so will the amino acid still need to link with the Iron or does it behave and mimics the balance of it? There is a secret in the whole creation of CH3 the way we produce it. There is an iron in the middle, alloy materials on the side, zinc, nickel or

This CH3 elevates the soul of the animal, this CH3 elevates the physicality of the energy, this CH3 connects to the blood of the man through his eye. It has everything. You connect the CH3 with the amino acid of it. You never understand what gift you have in your hand. I have given the biggest gift to man-

kind to walk away from killing.



Polarity Change Polarity Change


Q: I have been interacting with the fields my whole life. I am only 28 and my first vision was when I was 12 years old and I almost died that weekend and I saw a vision that I physically saw 10 minutes prior to. And what is going on in this planet right now from what I am being shown is that the Earth is going to be going through some changes and you have mentioned this in the past as well and just recently scientists have measured the magnetic pole shifting rather speedily than usual and I am just wondering if the portals you are planning on are going to help initiate this transition that the Earth is moving on to.

Mehran T. Keshe

A: Not really, these pole transfor-mations happen all the time, for millions of years. It is not the first time. If those of you who under-stand geology, the scientists by digging the earth layers can tell

you when the poles changed. The change of polarity will not change anything because the body of the man is made of plasma condition. We just transform into the same thing.

The Sun which is the creator of this planet changes its polarity every 11 1/2 years. Do we see the man changing? Do not forget Einstein came up with something called the funny things when one atom changes the other one changes polarity. When you move one North to South the other one changes South to North.

We are used to this polarity changing dimension of our Creator which is the Sun which is more powerful than us on this planet, so the change of polarity will not change anything because we are in a condition of the plasma, we are not in the condition of the magnet that we have to twist. Every structure of

the man when the polarity of the Sun changes, it changes auto-matically. We are not aware of it. Every eleven and a half years, in 23 years we have a full cycle from North to South and South to North. How many of us change? Why should it be any different when the Earth changes? It will be the same. If we were a solid matter magnet, yes, we would flip open and we would walk on our head. But unfortunately, or fortunately, we are a plasmatic condition of the structure, so as if flips, it flips, nothing will happen.

We might feel a bit of discomfort on the day, but it happens over so many hundreds of years that I think our great-grandfather felt the first motion and then our great-grandson will feel the final position for this. Just always be realistic and understand the totality then you do not need to assume or listen to those who just try to confirm something which is not there.



The polarity of the Earth yes, it will change, it has to go through, we see it in our reactors. I have explained it in the papers and books we published. The first time happened with the first reactor we built, it was amazing, it was shocking, I could not under-stand. The thing stopped, it will not move. I thought I burned the motor, I did this to it, I do everything, and I sit there “what have I done wrong?” and the thing starts pulsating again. But before it was going clockwise now it is going anticlockwise.

Why? What did I change? I changed nothing. And the field forces of it are so huge if you try to obstruct it we cannot obstruct the change of the polarity. If you go back to some of the teachings, you will find, I have shown the first metal reactor we built in Belgium. It damages the pin

because of the strength of the magnetic field forces. I had to straighten it and again it happened. To confirm that the magnetic field forces are so strong that this ball weighted, one kilogram or so and stainless steel twisted on its pin. The ball was in the matter of state, it had to go through the change. But the body of the man is in the plasma condition.

Sometimes this change attracts and interacts with other entities which are of the matter state in the universe. Would this polarity change attract new meteorites to Earth because now it is a slightly different strength? It is not always the same strength. Or do we see a slightly different color of the sky because of the change of polarity now the fields are rotating? If you run reactors, and some of you if you run dynamic double core

reactors, you see this very clearly in all the experiments. We run a matter state. In plasmatic condition especially for example what we saw with Austrian team, the fluid rotation, if they create the second magnetic flow in the plasmatic condition you will see the water will change the direction of its rotation because of the field forces on the central plasma or the soul of the ball. Would it change anything in the construction of the water? No. It is just that the field forces will convert. But will it touch the soul of the man? In some ways it does.


Q: I was more wondering about the actual coincidence of these earth changes that you have mentioned that are coming in the near future and sort of this pole shift is one preceding the other…


Mehran T. Keshe


A: It is just coinci-dental, but it has been there. We are late by the transfor-mation of the change of the po-larity of the planet by a few hundred years.

It should have hap-pened some time ago according to the cycle and does the change of

polarity attracts, creates a new con-dition to pull newer structures and we see their rise in the motion of the

meteorites and asteroids towards Earth or actually move some of them away from meeting us? It does affect, it does work, and it is part of it.

When the Sun changes the polarity the whole structure within the solar system changes so we do not see much difference. But when the Earth changes its po-larity it affects the field interaction with other entities which are smaller than itself in its environ-ment. At the matter of state which reflects it because Earth has two combinations of the magnetic gravitational of the plasma of center core and the inertia of the matter state.

If the dimension of matter state of the change at the point of the change of the central core matches with another entity it is like a magnet, it interacts with it.

It literally becomes like a virus, it chooses and it comes.

There are a lot of studies done by scientists that we see very much in time and the coincidence of the change of polarity with certain activities on this planet, in respect to interaction with the rest of the solar system.

What is important is if you open your knowledge and understand and as the polarity of the Sun changes, the polarity of the galaxies changes. It is the same structure and that structure creates sometimes conditions which are not there, and it creates it but, sometimes we see changes and directions in the whole struc-ture of the universe and it is be-cause of the structure and the condition of the polarity of other universes which are on this planet.

The other universes change and as they change their polarity it affects us, does not matter how many trillions of stars are in there, our universe in the unicos is a speck of dust even though it thinks it is very big. When a man becomes knowledgeable in the dimension of the strength of the soul then becomes part of the unicos. He can travel all of the spans of the universes.

Man will achieve that; some men have already achieved that in the past. Those who are enlightened to the rest of the knowledge of the creation did not happen to have a degree as professors or doctors.

At the University of the soul of man, there is no certification.


In an upcoming conference with the Space Agency's around the world in the few months’ time, these are the things that will be considered. The new Space Agency which will come by the collaboration of the work of not only the space agencies but the Keshe Foundations of these nations including as part of it, then you become responsible to teach the scientists at NASA and the Russian space agency and the rest the understanding of the plasma and the level of what we teach. Then you will find out they have a lot of problems until we can show, we can manifest.

When we have set up the CIBRIU which is the name for the new space agency setup, literally standing for China, Iran, Brazil, Russia, India, the United States Space Agencies. We are not looking only to bring scientists from NASA. First come the scientists from Keshe Foundation who have developed the space technology in the background.

We merge the space agencies of the nations and the Keshe Foundation works of the space technology because it is the responsibility of you to teach them, there is another to that world team now. It will be a collective space agency as part of the spaceship program of the Keshe Foundation.

Part of this is for you to open the eye of the space scientists of the present into an understanding of the work of the soul of the man.

In so many ways with the confirmation and establishment of CIBRIU, we bring the work of the science of the soul of the man into the work we do. The creation of understanding the new technology and transferring the knowledge the way we have taught to become wise to it.

Many of you started building the space systems, you understood it, you are building spaceships to the fine lines which I teach and many of you do not understand and some become anew, you become the teachers of these agencies, you become the teachers of these new sciences.

In this process it is easier to teach the scientists of the new space era that we have moved from the physicality of the craft and we have moved from the physicality of the planet Earth we have moved from the physicality of the body of the man to the dimension of the creation which is the dimension of the soul of the man without tangibility.

What we see in the next level by building the space cities we show one of the main considerations and that is to create a space where is the point of interaction of the man and the soul of man with creatures and soul of the creatures of the universe. We have to have a guest room and acceptance room. Somewhere we can provide leisure and somewhere we can provide the environment of the beauty of this planet to be seen, to be shown.

We bring the soul of the man of the universe to be guest at home even though they have been guests here for a long time. Sometimes you get on a bus, you sit on a bench somewhere or you come across a man and start talking and then you realize you know each other from childhood, you went to the same school or you live in the same neighborhood. And you talk about this and that cafe and sometimes in that, running around in that environment you have met but you have no memories of it. In these space cities now, you are given the memories to remember. The man you met on the street in such a place was a traveler of the space as you did not know. Now you can connect, we had lunch together, but he looked as to be eating to the conformity of you for you to be happy. But it is there for him to see the soul of the man.

“By opening up this new space agency, these new the space areas with the space cities, we are not in a way inviting you to come and see the new magic, it is not the new Disney World but, it is the world that makes you dizzy to understand it has always been there. They have always been with us. It is us who have not understood. You have two legs and two arms under the atmospheric condition of this planet and you carry the amino acid of this planet and then when you go into planet Zeus and you get the di-mension of the physicality of the appearance of what you could be there. In creating the portals, we allow the passengers who made themselves to be in the dimension of Earth to show themselves in the original dimension of their point of creation on their planet. Then we see the true soul and the creation of the time and space of the creation. If many of you think I can, I will see aliens and I can say what it is. My friend, it is a very good guess.”

When we create the condition then we see the neighbor we knew, the man we saw on the space in the dimension, now this is his true face, its true physicality in the dimension of the creation. The change in the coming time is so rapid that mankind has two choices: carry on with the stigma and sticking to bodies in the past or accept a new and a present future of the science. Many will have the remanences of Earth. Now we are educated to see, we are developing a knowledge of the universal structure not in the matter state of the man to be able to understand the reality and truth about creation and not about ourselves. The minute we start looking back to see about us we have come to the same point as man has been up to now.

My work is to change the soul of mankind, the process cannot stop.

Working through the space program of the space-ship will bring humanity to balance. We brought the knowledge eleven years ago to Iran and now we balance in China. If you look at the setting of the CIBRIU is to bring the balance at the beginning that it lets the rest to be balanced. The man has to understand what mistakes he has paid and made, for it to change.


It has taken so long to bring the education and to get educated. If we would have brought this technology and this knowledge even 30 years ago mankind was not ready that all of them benefit by the same way that there shall not be any inequality. All these had to be equal and we brought the knowledge of what you call communication, internet, radio, television the way I'm talking to you across this planet to be able to deliver that this time everybody gets the same thing. We never left men alone we just brought a man to be in the position where when the message comes the totality understands.

We could not bring this knowledge and science not even two years earlier. Now for the first-time mankind is there to understand to change the soul of totality.

Experiencia y testimonio de las transcripciones de los KSW`s


This is my personal experience and testimonial, in regard to transcribing the KSWs of Mr. Keshe.

When first asked to do transcribing and editing of subtitles for YouTube recordings, it followed shortly after I had written to the Universal Council stating that I had a strong urge to assist them in the English language. A simple thank you note came back, in response. A few weeks later Flint asked for a meeting in Zoom and said that a little bird had told him I might like to join the Transcribers Group. I said yes and the testimonial begins. After some basic training with Libby and a lot of trial and error, I settled into a schedule of dedicating a minimum of 20 hours a week to this service. I had adjusted my day job hours to allow for that time. From my past experience as a monk (Search: 7th. 1 N,1P,1R Workshop, for that story.) I was fully aware of the importance of accurately and painstakingly “getting it right”, no matter what it takes to do so. I knew from the outset that these teachings are of Universal importance, not just for many generations of Earthly humans. How grateful I feel, that I can transcribe these teachings just hours or days after they are delivered live by Mr. Keshe? Words fail me.

What’s the payoff? You may ask. Well it certainly isn’t money, because that’s worthless, in reality. The real payoff for me, has been the gift of in depth understanding, what is revealed when one carefully studies these teachings, line by line, and the skillful way they are delivered by Mr. Keshe in reciprocation with the Knowledge Seekers, soul to soul. Reading a book, cover to cover, in one sitting, is very different to carefully studying it, in depth. Furthermore, transcribing has allowed me to create a plasma bubble around myself that allows detachment from worldly affairs and family crises, like an oasis in a harsh environment. Strangely not a complete shut off from the physical world, but a peaceful, calm inner voice saying; “No need to react impul-sively when such important service is being done.” It’s like a meditation but not exactly the same, because it involves lots of interactions through the senses, emotions, mind and intelligence, not just silence or seclusion. It’s actually devotional service, which is the eternal and natural constitution of my soul and all souls, in my humble opinion.

In conclusion, I must recommend having a go at transcribing to all Knowledge Seekers as a means of understanding the workings of our soul in relation with our physicality and the universe. As a way of actually feeling the two way, giving and receiving plasma fields. As far as I can detect in my present understanding, at least, they become as tangible as those felt when working with any dynamic reactor system.

Your humble servant,

Doug MacDonald.

Abriendo Un Portal

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Mr. Keshe shares his soul when he visits graveyards, hospitals, when a hearse drives by, when a bug dies and when he creates the weekly knowledge seekers workshop, and many other ways that I’m not aware of. By re living, as a transcriber, in such detail and at length, the creation of the creator of the Knowledge Seekers Workshop. Your soul within your mind interacts, on soul level in a most intimate way. You’ll understand. Your in the mind/soul of the creator and the mind/soul of the creator is in you. You re live it thru the soul of Mr. Keshe, however momentary, briefly or more frequently later on, while you do your work and intermittently between times of your transcribing.

Whose says don’t copy? That’s what transcribers do, as accurately and concise as possible. Yes, it can seem tedious, even frustrating at times and a lot of work in the beginning. Like when trying to get fields to link up or interlock or create a free plasma and light. So without hesitation start to serve your one nation, one planet one race for world peace by transcribing, translating and teaching the new science, new ethos and new language being introduced, Lei Feng style.

Future generations will thank you very much, as Mr. Keshe does now, the future is now.



Decoraciones plasmaticas.jpg
Producto reactor.jpg


The purpose of this experiment is to broaden our horizon of understanding to realize that everywhere in the Universe, there is a plasma field flow in every state of matter and beyond, same as it exists at the level of solid state of matter (electricity flowing through a cop-per wire). What is presented in this paper breaks the laws of the known physics and the reader is able to perform this experiment to find out for themselves that we are submerged in plasma fields that are observable and measur-able also in the matter state. Energy production is just one aspects of this experiment through which we begin to un-derstand the creation of gravity.

Through the presented system, one can achieve the wonderful properties and effects that one sees in every-day life in the Universe and on Earth.

The development of this new technology has become possible through a new understanding of the creation of gravity and ability to replicate it in a simple system. Newton managed to measure the force of gravity, Einstein spent his life trying to explain its shackles on the matter. For the first time, not only the method of creation of gravity is fully under-stood; it is also replicated within the center of a hydrogen-based reactor. The world of technology has always worked hard to over-come gravity through propulsion with combustion engines and rocket fuel, plasma systems achieves this result by simply manipulating forces of magnetic fields rather than trying to overcome them by brute force of, for example, propulsion.

The ‘COLA BOTTLE’ plasma reactor

Building the reactor

The process of building the cola bottle reactor, as the on present-ed in Fig. 1, is very simple and only requires the following:

» Two to five pieces of bare, copper wire (electrodes).

» One plastic clear bottle with a screw cap.

» 1/2 cup of lemon lime soda.

» 1 tsp. of KOH (potassium hydroxide) .

» 1 tube of clear silicone/hot glue.

» 1 multimeter.

Step-by-step procedure is as follows:

• Cut two to five holes on the side of the plastic bottle.

• Insert one electrode (a conductor through which electricity enters or leaves) into each hole. Make sure the


electrodes do not touch one another – as they are independent of each other, this creates an open circuit that is closed by the field interaction of the environ-ment inside the bottle.

• Use silicone or hot glue to

seal the holes around the electrodes.



Primer reactor.jpg

Figure 1. The cola bottle reactor with electrodes.

• Take the 1/2 cup of lemon lime soda and mix it with 1 tsp. of KOH (the so-called Kt Liquid) and allow 10 minutes for the catalyst (a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change) to perform. This starts the hydrogen ionization process, where this process replicates the working of an entire spiral arm of a galaxy. • Pour the solution (lemon lime soda & KOH) into the bottle and screw the cap on.

• Wait 15-30 min.

• From this point onwards you can take the multimeter (set it to measure millivolts) and read the energy output from the empty bottle.

• Take the solution out of the bottle and put the cap back on the bottle.

• Wait 15-30 min and repeat the measurements.

• To further experiment, take the cap off of the bottle and the energy output will increase because it can then suck in the energy from the


(this all happens on a micro-scopic atomic scale and is invisible to the eye). The dynamic plasma reaction that replicates the mechan-ics of an entire galaxy com-pletes the circuit between the electrodes in the bottle and produces energy.

• Experiment more with it and find out the highest output by

touching the different electrodes.


Testing the cola bottle reactor with the multimeter shows

Figure 2. Creating voltage in the bottle (65mV, -364mV, 1048mV and 129mV).




interesting results. The voltage between pairs of electrodes is not static – as demonstrated in Fig. 2.

Other outcomes have been found with different combina-tions of the electrodes. Similar voltages and current are also reached with both electrodes only in the plasma area (upper part), thus not submerged in the liquid or after emptying the bottle, when there is no liquid in the water. This cola bottle reac-tor seems to be "empty", but it is filed with plasma. During this state - starting with blank copper electrodes - atomic carbon (sp2 and sp3) is deposited on the electrodes, as they become black – as in Fig. 3. The carbon is collected from the plastics of the bottle. Sp2 carbon (called 'graphene') is a ballistic (super-super) conductive material that can be used in micro- and Nano-electronics. Sp3's are diamond-like structures. This all happens in a simple cola bottle, and not in complex systems with lasers and high pressure or vacuum!

Earth, Planets and Stars

proper general internal balance, but with locally - in the liquid - a number of unbalances. It is important however, to keep in mind that all these large spatial objects are made by combina-tions of fundamental elements on atomic and molecular level, and that between these elements various processes of building and decay happen

continuously. In plasma systems, the order of production and maintenance of energy, motion and every other aspect of sustaining a full self-sufficiency is arranged to be as they are in the universal order.

Through this simple system one can achieve the wonderful properties and effects that one sees in everyday life in the universe and on earth. The development of this new tech-

of their energy. In the center of

planets, the temperature acquired is in the range of thousands of degrees rather than millions as in stars.

But regardless, magnetism and gravity can be achieved at all temperatures. It is a longstand-ing intellectual misconception in science to state that high temperature and high pressure are needed to reach basic

interactions between the elements of the periodic table. In our prototype reactors based on this new understanding, we create today, even in static

reactor prototypes, basic processes (like the production of atomic hydrogen) at room temperature and at atmospheric conditions.

We have proven that the strength of the magnetic field

The Earth, like all planets and stars possesses a centrally heated core. The creation and maintenance of this heat and the motion produced, are not of the

Figure 3. The 'cola bottle' reactor after the test, with five electrodes covered with atomic carbon (sp2, sp3).

levels of stars, and are not reached by methods which man has chosen for its technological progress up to this moment in time. The creation of these properties is the result of a rela-tive balance between the mat-ters involved within the structure of the planet.

Also, in this simple ‘cola bottle’ plasma reactor we create a closed environment with its own

nology has become possible through a new understanding of the creation of gravity and ability to replicate it in a simple system.

A planet possesses and main-tains heat, gravity and magnetic forces through one integrated system, and most planets in solar systems have one common element as the source

and gravity of planets is more dependent on the composition of the material (s) and the speed of motion in the center core of the planet, rather than being dependent on the size, or heat or any other factors in the structure of the planet or star

[1]. To have a comprehensive gravitational system, universal laws of physics have to be followed to the letter in the


design of any workable system or reactor, if there is to be the



integrated system. current physics and electrody-

namics, it is not possible to

creation of heat, magnetic force fields and gravity.


» Planets do not have wings, but! they fly already for millions of years in their systems. » Planets do not have engine rooms or jet engines fixed to them, but they create energy and are in motions in several dimensions at the same time. » Planets do not have exhaust pipes, but! they burn fuel and create heat, some internally and some externally like stars. » Planets do not have defense rooms, but! they protect their inhabitants with a magnetic

Thus, for the first time in the world of technology and intellect, in and by the design and testing of this new system, fundamental principles are set out to show how all these above effects

close such a circuit and gener-ate electricity just from the air within the empty plastic bottle. However, through the use of the multimeter, this experiment clearly verifies that there is a

shield called atmosphere.

» Planets do not have valves

Figure 4 :The 'cola bottle' reactor with 3 electrodes shows the connection between electrode 2 and 3.

and gates in their cores, but! they bring the material they need for them to maintain their existence together through natural laws. » Planets do not have the need to hold on to their matter and creatures by attaching them or keeping them underground, but! they create gravitational forces, weak enough for them to be free, at the same time strong enough that they can hold on to them. » Planets and stars, using the natural laws of physics and materials, do all of these, all at once and together, without separate machinery and control rooms and fuels. They do this as one fully

could be very simply attained, all at the same time, and in a natural universal manner in one system.


The creation of electrical energy in the plastic bottle reactor is achieved through the process of

hydrogen ionization. The electrodes placed in the bottle, from the physical point of view, are independent of each other as they are not touching. This setup forms an open circuit inside the bottle - like an ON/ OFF switch, the circuit is OFF when it is open, and it is ON when it is closed; ON = electrici-ty flow, OFF = no flow.

Through the lenses of the

potential difference in charge between two electrodes that are part of a closed circuit (measured in mV). This simple plastic bottle redefines the laws of physics and our perception of matter and confirms the plasma field flow between the electrodes in this particular environment.

With our new understanding of the creation of gravity, we have New Physics in the world of science. This experiment breaks the old laws of physics and brings to light a new, exciting discovery. In the closed ‘cola bottle’ reactor, we create a kind of micro galaxy in which the PME's (Plasmatic Magnetic Energy) interact and change the properties of the SEPMAF's (Specific Entangled Plasmatic Magnetic Fields), where some of




these interactions are what we call traditionally: gravitational ef-fects.

Therefore, we have serious indi-cations that one of sciences longest outstanding mysteries, the origin of gravity, has finally been resolved. The energy that spins our Milky Way Galaxy, our Solar System and Home Earth is

by moving electrons in a way that mimics our entire galaxy. In this ‘cola bottle’ reactor, we achieve several outputs of voltage and current, we create atomic hydrogen and we process

simultaneously deposits of atomic carbon on electrodes. The processing in not based on chemical interaction, like with

caused in the first stage the

creation of fundamental particles, secondly atoms, then molecules and then matter, clouds and asteroids and then stars and galaxies.

The interaction and accumula-tion of the plasmatic magnetic energies usually leads to creation of energy, heat and/or of motion of their given atomic structure in the inner sanctum of each atom (and molecule), which finally leads to creation of all sorts of matters in the cosmos. This means that such fundamen-tal processing happens in a smooth way on the fundamental magnetic level, and not by brute forces, like in reactors, which need high temperature and high-pressure conditions.

Figure 5 :The 'cola bottle' reactor with 3 electrodes shows the connection between electrode 1 and 2.

By reproducing such plasmatic

the same energy that spins the electrons within this bottle. This is the universal energy one taps into via this experiment, because there is literally a microscopic galaxy of atoms in this bottle spinning around copper wire (closing the circuit and generat-ing electricity. Imagine if we shrunk an entire galaxy and put it into a coffee cup. Then we stuck some electrodes into that swirling galaxy - we would probably read energy. That is pretty much what we are doing here, but with atoms not stars.

How do we know the bottle is not simply a battery? Because there is not an abundance of electrons in the bottle, like the abundance of electrons within a battery. Rather this is generating energy

acids. The working of such static reactor is completely different from the working of batteries. Current is for example also collected from electrodes, which are not submerged in the liquid, thus is collected from pure plasma. Next it is noted that the reactor recharges itself

automatically while other terminals generate voltage.

The Universe was made in normal condition of cosmos, which was originally nothing but packages of plasmatic magnetic fields of different strength, where these packages were them-selves nothing but areas of plasma or collections of loose magnetic fields energies. Where magnetic fields of different strength in-locking to each other, by principle of their plasmatic magnetic energy (PME), have

magnetic energy conditions in simple plasma reactors during repeated experiments and tests, working at room temperature and at atmospheric pressure, we have full evidence that this type of processing is very feasible and reliable, and that we achieve to perform the generation of energy and matter in a completely new way, which is unknown in today science. You can see how we create voltage and current in a simple cola bottle reactor – equipped with electrodes – with inside a plasma of our special Kt Liquid, creating energy and additionally we create at the same time deposits of graphene (sp2) and diamond (sp3) on the electrodes! This shows that we separate the content on atomic level.


In the universal order, binding energy of a nucleus of matter is lost through plasmatic magnetic energy losses. That is to say, in a solid magnet, the magnetic energy of the matter is perma-nent according to realignment of electrons within the materials of the magnet and cannot be altered by its use, but in the plasmatic magnetic energy in the nucleus of an atom this is not so. There the magnetic energy in plasmatic state can be transferred from one level of an atom to another level, or commonly from one atom to

another, independent of temperature and pressure.

That is why we can create in just a simple ‘cola bottle’ reactor at atomic level carbon deposits, like graphene (sp2 carbon) and generate at the same moment electricity - the same principle can be utilized for separation of carbon from the exhaust gasses of cars and industry.

Applications in industry

One of the outcomes of the presented experiment, is proving that the carbon from the gasses inside the liquid can be collected and deposited on the electrodes. This is to demonstrate that the same principle can be utilized for separation of carbon from the exhaust gasses of cars and industry. The acids contained in the soda drink are not essential to create current.

The basic approach shown in the cola bottle can be easily applied for large industrial production. For example, one can design specific reactors to produce only sp3, thus to manufacture industrial diamond, transparent



diamond and glassy carbon for various industrial applications. The presence of pure transpar-ent diamond crystals on special electrodes was confirmed by the diamond experts in Antwerp.

On the other hand, it is possible to produce in an easy way boron nitride, like in mono-layers (a-BN). One can also treat various materials, which are covered by insulation, such as telephone wires.

Already mid 2006 during tests other properties have been observed, such as porous C-structures which can be used for environmental cleaning. This is part of our IP. In April 2007, some organization claimed the same discovery.

A similar system can be used for the cleaning up of CO2, NOx and SO2 from automotive, home and

industrial exhaust gasses. Adapted versions of this reactor can be used in water treatment systems and extract elements like Cadmium and Chromium. Also, Trichloroethylene can be extracted from contaminated water in a simple way by using electro-magnetic fields of the plasma.


1. M.T Keshe, 2009.The Univer-sal Order Of Creation Of Mat-ters.

Supplementary material

Video recordings of the cola bot-tle experiments available online in two parts





  GANSes and


Author: Radii Babanu, Republic of Moldova, Transnistria, Tiraspol crops February 2019


This study aims to document the effect of the various GaNSes on the growth of tomato and cucumber plants in a garden of a private house in Moldova. In our country, the climate is not always favorable and so is the quality of the soil. But Republic of Moldova is a country where there are many rural residents who grow most of the necessary vegetables and fruits in their garden plots.

I decided to explore the effec-tiveness of plasma agriculture in a local climate, with crops that are mainly grown here.

I hoped that the positive results of the experiment would set a good precedent for my country. There are two small plots around my house, with very bad soil.

Attempts to grow something never gave the result. There was a lot of work, no result, it was too hot, too dark and too dry. Therefore, I decided that if a crop was obtained at these plots with the help of plasma science, then it would be proven that it is possible to receive a crop in all other garden plots of the country, where conditions are usually much better than mine.


Seedlings: The 20cm tall seed-lings of tomato and cucumber were purchased on local market

Date of Planting: 12th of April 2018.

Land Plots: 2 small parcels.

Planting: intermittent, uneven distribution.

Watering: regularly, once in 2-4 days, depending on soil humidity.

Note: All previous attempts to grow plants on these land lots failed, plants were perishing, not even reaching maturity. Attempts were made in different years.

GaNS preparation

The CO2 + Mg + K GaNS was manufactured in our own private home laboratory, according to the Keshe plasma technology, like creating GaNS for nutrition. The medicament “ASPARKAM” from pharmacy (Potassium as-partate & magnesium aspartate) in form of pills was grinded to powder and kept at least 7 days in the CO2 GaNS for field transition of K and Mg into the obtained GANS mix. Then we added GaNS amino acid COHN, extracted from the CO2 plasmatic reactor. The resulting GaNS was then put into a 3-liter plastic con-tainer (bottle) and filled and mixed with distilled water – to produce sufficient amount of the liquid plasma of it. Finally, 5ml of the CH3 GaNS was added to the obtained GaNS mix.

• Vessels with liquid plasma were placed on land plots with interval from 1.5 to 3m, to create a constant plasma field in plants area.

• Treatment period: 2-4 days, spraying was done at the time of watering or after wa-tering the soil, during the first two months after planting.

• For the rest of time, after first two months, plasma treat-ment was mainly done by fields emitted by the vessels. Spraying was done at most 1 -2 times a month.


After 4 weeks from the planting day, on 10th of May 2018, all of the tomatoes survived the


• In the first week – 10-15% solution of CO2 liquid plasma, sprayed on the plants’ sur-face.

• During the following period – 10-15% solution of CH3+CO2+Mg+K+COHN, sprayed on the plants’ sur- Figure 1. Tomatoes and cucumbers’ growth, on 10 May 2018





planting in open soil and reached the height up to 40cm, are blooming and fruiting enormous-ly, fruits reaching up to 3cm diameter. Cucumber seedlings of “KONKURENT” species reached the height of around 50cm, bloomed enormously and fruited, the size of small cucumbers being 1.5-2cm. All plants look very well, trunks and leaves are

physically vigorous having intense green color – as in Fig. 1.

The seeds planted on 17th-19th of April germinated and kept grow- ing: cucumbers of species “Konkurent”, “Rodniciok” and “Phoenix-640”. These seeds were treated with CO2 liquid plasma for 24 hours before Figure 3. Leaves appearance and size, on 27 May 2018.


As in Fig.2, after 1.5 months after planting, on May 25th 2018, tall species tomatoes have reached height of 90-110cm, cucumbers 90- 100cm, with extensive Phyto mass, healthy stems and leaves, with enor-mous amount of blooms and fruits. Leaves look healthy, have intensive green color and their dimension is normal to large. Fruits reach sizes up to 5cm in amount of 5-7 tomatoes for one inflorescence.

Figure 4. General appearance, on 27 May 2018.

Figure 2. Tall species tomatoes, on 25 May 2018.




Figure 5. Measuring height of crops, on 13 June 2018.


First cucumbers of good condi-tion were collected at 29th of May. Regular harvest of cucum-bers started from June 10th – 15th. They had normal appearance, pronounced taste – as in Fig. 6.

Ripening of tomatoes began in the middle of June, first ripe to-matoes appeared on 3rd week of the month. During July- Septem-ber, ripe tomatoes were harvest-ed regularly, in amount of 1-2 kg, every 2-3 days. They had normal appearance and pronounced sweetish taste – crops’ measure-ments in Fig. 7.

During the entire period of vege-tation, tomatoes continued to grow, bloom and fruit. Plant height reached 2.5 - 3 meters with continuously growing Phyto mass. Cucumbers as well evolved normally, taking all the available space. They had a very nice crop compared to what was expected for a such dark place.

Figure 6. First crop – cucumbers, on 29 May 2018.

Figure 7. Tomatoes' first harvest growing, on 13 June 2018.




vegetation period was long enough, which is usual for tall species tomatoes. They have continued to grow even in October, and their upper crown became so massive, that they broke supporting frames. They have continued to produce ripe tomatoes, kept blooming, had a lot of green fruits. Ripening speed has degraded for the reason of daily temperatures lowering. Cucumbers continued fruiting actively until October, despite having a lot of dry leaves already – as in Fig. 9.

Figure 8. Vegetation dynamics - tomatoes and cucumbers, on 18 August 2018.

Figure 9. Active vegetation period, October 2018.

Pests control

From pathogenic pests, only the activity of pseudo peronosporo-

sis “Pseudoperonospora

cubensis Rostowz” was observed.

Pests control was made by spraying liquid CuO2 plasma several times. Also, its spread and growth was stopped by re-moving affected leaves.

Despite the fact of having pests, both tomatoes and cucumbers provided good gather. Pests were not active.


Summary and results

As a result of this agrarian experiment on men-tioned land plots was established that:

1. Desired action of plasmatic field is evident and pronounced.

2. In the presence of the plasmatic field of carbon (C), magnesium (Mg), and potassium (K), the plants look and behave like they are fertilized by mineral enrichment.

3. Plasmatic field is available for the plants and has a good effect, despite the fact it was creat-ed using different methods.

4. Active vegetation period of cultures has pro-longed and became more effective for the rea-son of plants being under the influence of the plasmatic fields.




Special thanks to: Mr. Mehran Tavakoli Keshe for plasmatic science kindly provided to the humanity; Group of the Keshe Technology Research ”KESHE FOUNDATION ROMANIA”, for inspiration and support; and Mr. Kakasi Sandor, my good friend, for support and assistance in understanding the GaNS preparation process.

Original submission available via





The making of a GaNS is a privilege accessible to all, thanks to the generosity of Mr. Keshe and his Foundation. During my first internship, I was

Author: Joel Ricard

February 2019

interactions that exist between two GaNSes, when they are installed in two spheres close to each other; each being dedicated to one GaNS. Of course, in this situation, the fields interact. We can ask ourselves whether there is a "natural dy-

immediately convinced by this technology, which namic flow" between two objects (as in Fig. 1), is now part of my daily life. capable of concretely generating a displacement The questions on MaGrav, disc technology, comparable to those of two magnets that attract or repel each other - this is the purpose of the GaNS, fields, with their association to the Soul experiments I propose to you in this article. are a chance to go very far to re-humanize our

Planet. My background in the world of scientific research, with the desire to advance this technology in all modesty, GaNS1 ? ? prompts me to propose these few GaNS2 lines about the interaction of the best-known and most accessible fields of GaNS. The interaction of the fields is a con- crete, known and validated fact. I have investigated myself in trying to Figure 1. Is there a dynamic flow between two GaNSes? understand in more details, the



Preparation of the tests

It is a question of making the simplest possible tests, with the following equipment:



same amount of GaNS (so that they have an identical wet surface) a few minutes before the test. They are electrostatically discharged before the test on the antistatic coating of the table.

» A large rectangular glass tray with a flat bottom filled with water,

» A series of plastic spheres with a diameter of

30 mm: each of them is filled with a GaNS (90% of the available volume),

» A grid on paper (grid every 10 mm) to follow the evolution of the spheres in the water,

» A stopwatch used to trigger the photos (every

30 seconds) and to evaluate the velocity of the sphere's movement,

» A table with an antistatic coating,

» A digital SLR camera on a stand (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Digital SLR camera on a

stand above the test.

The glass tank was chosen with a flat bottom, with large dimensions in relation to the diameter of the test spheres, in order to eliminate edge effects (attraction of floating objects towards the walls).

The spheres were drilled at the top so that the GaNS could be injected with a syringe. The small diameter hole was filled with glue. The spheres are all similar, handled with gloves, filled with the

Figure 3. Views of the glass tank with a couple of spheres

The GaNSes used are desalinated. The sample in the jar is taken with a syringe after stirring the plasma water and the solid GaNS, so that solid GaNS particles are embedded in the spheres.

Testing strategy

CO2, CH3, ZnO, CuO and H2 GaNSes are used for the experiments. First, we test two GaNS balls at a time. The movements of the spheres are analyzed with two parameters: trajectory and time.

Photos taken every 30 seconds make it possible to visualize the movements and the time when the trajectories deviate to bring the two spheres in contact. Each pair of GaNSes tested is listed and classified according to the speed at which contact between the spheres is established.




In a second step, at the end of these tests, a classification is established to extract the most efficient in terms of attraction, and to try to define which combinations generate a "natural dynamic flow" between two objects.

In addition, two spheres filled up to 90% capacity with osmosis water

are positioned in the tank, in order to validate the fact that it is the fields that puts the spheres into motion. This control group is to prove that as these balls do not carry strong fields, they should not move. A photo sequence documenting the experiment is proposed later in this article.

Distinctive criteria of each GaNS, electro negativity notion

All GaNSes have components known in classical science. They are listed in the periodic table of elements. This table is regularly

updated as the specific character-istics of each element are refined.

Until now, atomic mass has been the only criterion used to describe the development of the GaNS. For the tests described in this article, and given that they are in plasma condition, I propose to add electro -negativity, in order to have a

more precise classification

parameter, always in the context of the search for the "natural dynamic flow" between two objects.

As a reminder, the electro negativity criterion is the characteristic quantifying an atom in its ability to attract electrons during a chemical bonding.

The two attributes, atomic mass and electro-negative level, are captured for each element in the periodic table, as in Fig. 4.

If we relatively compare one in relation to another, we see that the H2 GaNS and the CH3 GaNS are the "lightest" of the five; the ZnO being the "heaviest".

Table 2 lists the parameter of electronegativity, which for GaNS is added up, the same way as the atomic masses of the elements of each GaNS are added in Table 1.

We will therefore work for each test with two GaNSes, regardless of their gravitational or magnetic origin, trying to simply associate those with a large difference in their atomic mass, and/ or a large difference in their electronegativity levels.

Figure 4. Localization of the electronegativity value in the peri-odic table of elements

Experimental Procedure

Each pair of GaNS was tested several times to validate the results.

In order to simplify the article and not to impose all the views of all the tests (available on request), I propose you some views of a test focusing on the pair of CH3 and ZnO.

The contact between the spheres in the tank in Fig. 5, took place after 18 minutes.




Figure 5. Principals views of the test on the pair CH3 and ZnO

The tests were carried out by first selecting GaNS pairs that have large differences in value between their respective atomic masses and large differences in value of their electronegativi-ty levels. Indeed, it is these couples that are "predisposed" to materialize the "natural dynamic flow" between the two spheres.


Test Results

Table 3 summarizes the results obtained.

Analysis of the test results

Before discussing the comments on all these




tests, I come back to the behavior of the two spheres filled with osmosed water and positioned in the tank, in the same way as the GaNS spheres. The test took place over more than 13 hours, and as shown in Fig. 6, spheres in the control group remained immobile, and therefore support the conclusion that due to the presence of GaNS one can observe the field flow between the two spheres, as it manifests in the sphere’s physical motion.

» All magnetic/magnetic couples work, they

allow the spheres to touch, in less than 30 minutes. It should be noted that their parameters have significant differences in values.

On the other hand, the results show that if we had to work solely with the criterion of the difference between atomic masses, it would not have been possible to discern which couples are

Figure 6. Principals views of the test on the two spheres filled with osmosed water

From Table 3 we learn that: suitable for the function and which ones are not.

» Two magnetic / gravitational pairs (CH3 / ZnO Indeed, to reveal the existence of a "natural and CuO / CO2) are the most efficient in dynamic flow", the criterion of electronegativity is essential, as the presented results support this bringing the spheres into contact with each conclusion. other (20 minutes maximum). Each GaNS of

these pairs has a large difference in atomic To conclude on this first part, we only consider mass and electronegativity level in respect to the GaNS couples that allow the spheres to each other: come into contact in less than 30 minutes. These CH3 / ZnO: atomic masses difference = 66,34 ; couples are: CH3/H2, CuO/H2, CH3/CuO, CuO/ CO2 and ZnO/CH3. electronegativity difference = 4,1

CuO / CO2: atomic masses difference = 35,54 ; The ZnO/CO2 couple (in blue in the table) will also be studied, as it is the only gravitational/ electronegativity difference = 4 gravitational couple that is below 40 minutes for

the spheres to come in contact.

» The other "mixed couples" magnetic/

gravitational are not so effective in bringing the spheres into contact with each other - their two criteria have small deviations (the smallest being the couple CuO / ZnO with atomic masses difference = 1,83 ; electroneg-

ativity difference = 0,3; or one of the two weakest, such as case of the couple CH3/ CO2 for example, atomic masses difference = 28,97 ; electronegativity difference = 0,2).

» Gravitational/gravitational couples do not work.

Precise analysis of the trajectories, speeds and performances of the select-ed GaNSes

In this second part of the study, the aim is to analyze the trajectories of the spheres in the last centimeters of the race, to evaluate their respective speeds, and to answer the following questions:

» Is there a propelling GaNS?

» If so, what is it?


» What is its relative speed?

» Which sphere will take precedence over the other?

The answers will allow us to create a diagram of how these GaNSes interact, with privileged direc-tions of attraction.

To do this, distances are measured using the grid, and times are captured by dating the pho-tos. These data can therefore be easily integrat-ed, and speeds calculated. For each test, the atomic mass and electronegativity values are re-called for each GaNS pair.

CH3 15,03; 9.1 / H2 2,016; 4.4

The sphere with CH3 bends its trajectory at time D (T0 - 1'30). The remaining distance to contact

Figure 7. CH3/H2: detailed trajectories in the last

centimetres of the race.



Figure 8. CuO/H2: detailed trajectories in the

last centimetres of the race.

Average speed H2: 40.2 cm/h (distance covered:

6.7 mm). Average speed CuO: 52.8 cm/h (distance covered: 8.8 mm). CuO is faster than H2. CuO TRAVELS TOWARDS H2.

CH3 15,03; 9.1 / CuO 79,54; 5.3

The CuO sphere slightly deflects its trajectory at time D (T0 - 1'30). The remaining distance to contact is 15.4 (CH3) + 10.55 (CuO) = 25.95 mm (at that time, in a straight line, the centers are 53.5 mm apart). The distance is covered in 1'30– detailed trajectories of this experiment in Fig. 9..

Average speed CH3: 61.6 cm/h (distance

is 11.3 (CH3) + 24.3 (H2) = 35.6 mm (at that time, in a straight line, the centers are 58.8 mm apart). The distance is covered in 1'30 – detailed trajec-tories of this experiment in Fig. 7.

Average speed CH3: 45.2 cm/h (distance cov-

ered: 11.3 mm)

Average speed H2: 97.2 cm/h (distance covered:

24.3 mm)

The H2 has a speed more than twice the value of the CH3. THE H2 TRAVELS TOWARDS CH3.

Figure 9. CH3/CuO: detailed trajectories in the last

centimetres of the race.

covered: 15.4 mm)

Average speed CuO: 42.2 cm/h (distance

covered: 10.55 mm);


CuO 79,54; 5.3 / H2 2,016; 4. 4

The sphere with H2 bends its trajectory at time C (T0 - 1'). The remaining distance to contact is 8.8 (CuO) + 6.7 (H2) = 15.5 mm (at that time, in a straight line, the centers are 40.6 mm apart). It gets covered in 1' – detailed trajectories of this experiment in Fig. 8.

ZnO 81,37; 5 / CO2 44; 9.3

The two spheres deflect their trajectories at time C (T0 - 1'). The remaining distance to contact is 14 (ZnO) + 10.5 (CO2) = 24.5 mm (at that time, in a straight line, the centers are 42.7 mm apart). The distance is covered in 1'– detailed trajectories of this experiment in Fig. 10.




Figure 10. ZnO/CO2: detailed trajectories in the last

centimetres of the race.

Average speed ZnO: 84 cm/h (distance covered:

14 mm)

Average speed CO2: 63 cm/h (distance covered:

10.5 mm)


CuO 79,54; 5,3 / CO2 44; 9.3

The two spheres deflect their trajectories at time C (T0 - 1'). The remaining distance to contact is 8.6 (CuO) + 10.2 (CO2) = 18.8 mm (at that time, in a straight line, the centers are 41.8 mm apart). The distance gets covered in 1'– detailed trajecto-ries of this experiment in Fig. 11.

Figure 11. CuO/CO2: detail of the trajectories in the last centimeters of the race

Average speed CuO: 51.6 cm/h (distance

covered: 8.6 mm)

Average CO2 speed: 61.2 cm/h (distance

covered: 10.2 mm)


ZnO 81,37; 5 / CH3 15,03; 9.1

The two spheres deflect their trajectories at the time C and D (T0 - 1' and T0 - 1'30). The re-maining distance to contact is 11.8 (ZnO) + 11.4

Figure 12. ZnO/CH3: detailed trajectories in the last

centimetres of the race.

(CH3) = 23.2 mm (at that time, in a straight line, the centers are 50.6 mm apart). The distance is covered in 1' for the ZnO and 1'30 for the CH3 – detailed trajectories of this experiment in Fig. 12.

Average speed ZnO: 70.8 cm/h (distance cov-

ered: 11.8 mm)

Average speed CH3: 45.6 cm/h (distance cov-

ered: 11.4 mm)


Figure 15. View of the three spheres at the end of the final test.

Analysis of the test results

In summary, the attraction connections between the GaNSes is visualized in Fig. 13.





H2 CO2

Figure 13. Connection circuit between the GaNSes.

We can see that the effective combination is composed of magnetic GaNSes. This combination of H2 / CH3/ CuO allows to create a dynamic field which velocity can be estimated, as in Fig. 14.

57 cm/h 16,4 cm/h 10,6 cm/h H2 CH3 CuO H2

Figure 14. Estimation of the velocity of the spheres filled with the magnetic GaNSes.

Final conclusions

This study shows that: This study contributes to the understanding of phenomena that are very well explained in the

» A natural dynamic flow exists between sever- Foundation's courses, through a visual and al suitably selected GaNSes, globally quantifiable approach. Beyond these observations, it seems interesting to me to trans- » The electronegativity criterion is essential to pose these results into health device technology, sort the GaNS as part of the attraction func- MaGrav technology and disc technology. tion,

» Gravitational/gravitational GaNS couples do not attract quickly, they are not efficient in this function, Acknowledgements » Magnetic/magnetic GaNS couples attract I thank Hadile for encouraging me to publish quickly, these results.

» Mixed GaNS couples operate under certain

conditions (if there are large differences in atomic mass and if there are large differ-ences in their electronegativity level).




Processing the seed of the foot-dipping (FD) Author: Giovanni Lapadula condition in coma

February 2019


This paper documents the pro-cedure for applying the plasma technology to the condition of foot-dipping (FD) of a 22-years-old, female. The subject of this study spent several weeks in deep coma condition and then immobilised in hospital bed, as a result of a car accident at the age of 21 when she suffered multiple injuries and life-threatening fractures. Fifteen months after the accident, she developed the FD condition, which prevented her from un-dergoing the physiotherapy and walking.


The cause of the FD is the salt crystallization in the foot, which prevents its normal range of movement and blocks the foot in a flat position. Hence, the first step of dealing with such block-ages is to remove the crystalized matter. The method for pro-cessing the FD condition is based on the fundamental laws of plasma science, where the ‘stronger feeds the weaker’ and the fact that one can create a ‘magnet’ for any substance. One

Figure 1. Frontal view of the FD condition.

Figure 2. Side-view of the FD condition.


material which is of the same salt content as the crystallization in the foot, is the urine. There-fore, one does not need to rely on an invasive biopsy to find out what the seed of the problem is but can simply prepare the re-quired GaNS, based on the sub-ject’s urine.

To prepare GaNS of urine, one can use the following quantities:

• 50% urine (380 grams),

• 50% CO2 liquid plasma (380 grams) with a small amount of the CO2 GaNS (11gr).



Figure 3. Processing FD using the urine GaNS patches.

To introduce the flow of fields similar to the cause of the crys-tallization, ratio of around 2:1 can be created by splitting this GaNS into two patches: patch 1 (smaller, 261 grams), patch 2 (bigger, 511 grams). To avoid fermentation of the material in-side the patches, before sealing, try to put all the air out of the patches.


The procedure for processing FD involved placing two patch-es around the foot – as in Fig-ure 3. Patch 1 (smaller) was placed under the foot around the heel area, while the second patch (bigger) was placed op-posite the first one, on the top of the foot. In this way, the crys-tallization was directly posi-tioned in between the two patches.

It is important to leave mini-mum 5cm distance between the two patches for the interac-tion of the fields and to keep patches on for no less than 48 hours.


Start of the application: 20:15 on 13/10/17 First check

[11:00 on 14/10/17]: The physi-otherapist verified an evident mobility and a clear reduction of the pain during the physio-therapy of that limb.

Second check

[10:30 on 20/10/17]: The crys-tallizations were dissolved.


The first results of increased mobility and pain reduction were confirmed within 15 hours of the first application of patch-es. Within one week, the cause of the FD condition was fully resolved, and the physiothera-py moved to the next phase of restoring the full range of movement.


Special thanks to Mr. Keshe for his unconditional knowledge sharing and through it for sav-ing the life of this beautiful soul - my daughter.


Lapadula, G. (2018). Space-ship Blueprint Day - Day of Mozhan - ZOOM 2018-04-14 15:03 Giovanni about Naomi: watch?v=7ikCf7DSNng

Supplementary material

The full presentation of the dif-ferent applications of the plas-ma technology in regard to the coma condition, can be found in the Day of Mozhan, video presentation (Lapadula, 2018). The transcript of this presenta-tion is available on the KF wiki.






by Cristian David Carvajal Martin

January 6th 2016

In most plants I noticed a greater retention of moisture in the substrate. compared with no GANS. The quality of the plant, the two apparently equal. The only disease or pest affecting all plants was one of small flies, which were located in the substrate, apparently did not attack the plant. Probably by the amount of soil moisture.

The other comparison is more flavor, aroma, especially strawberries.

In plant size, maybe a little bigger exposed to the CO2.

On the other hand, some of the pots have 3 rings with GANS, one in the water tank at the bottom. Another ring on the potting soil, and another half of them buried in the ground. The intention was to create a favorable environment within these rings.

Other pots (the largest tomato) have GANS rings placed in different position.

In the image of the elongated container with two interlocking rings placed on the earth, a curious thing happened, I do not know whether or GANS due to lack of light. They gave me a purple basil, planted there and put the GANS. The next day was no longer purple.

I finished the harvest may have more a photo. Now I'm doing other experiments, gradually will upload everything I've done so far is enough.





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