Plasma 101: Neutron, Proton, Electron

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Esto es para entender la diferencia entre el estado de la materia y los campos del movimiento del Universo, como llamamos el plasma del Universo. Aún así, el estado de la materia es parte de esta estructura del movimiento, pero con una fuerza menor porque ha hecho todas sus interacciones. En física nuclear, se llama desintegración nuclear. ¿Por qué se descompone si todavía tiene la misma energía? Se descompone para poder sostener la próxima vida al dividirse y aniquilarse. Ha elegido las características de la diferencia de campo, que se divide en un neutrón y un protón. ¿Qué pasa en el ciclo de un electrón? El electrón de nuevo se divide en sub-electrones. El hombre no tiene alma del hombre interactuar, tomar forma y funcionar desde diferentes fuerzas del Universo. ¿Qué significa esto? Tú tienes el alma del hombre, nosotros
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misma energia? Se descompone para poder sostener la próxima vida al dividirse y aniquilarse. Ha elegido las características de la diferencia de campo, que se divide en un neutrón y un protón. ¿Qué pasa en el ciclo de un electrón? El electrón de nuevo se divide en sub-electrones. El hombre no ha ido tan lejos para poder verlo todavía. La vida no termina como un electrón, como un paquete de energía. La vida se divide.

“El electrón es alimentado por energía de protones, dentro del ambiente de neutrones. Así es el alma central físicamente energizada por el alma en el Universo ".

Todos estamos energizados en diferentes niveles, una vez que la estructura está completa. Cuando se crea el alma de un hombre, tiene un espectro completo. Diferentes partes del alma del hombre interactúan, toman forma y funcionan desde diferentes fuerzas del Universo. ¿Qué significa esto? Usted tiene el alma del hombre, tratamos de mostrarlo como un plasma.

El alma del hombre, en este punto, se manifiesta como una fisicalidad (Fig. 1A). En este punto (Fig. 1 B), es la fuerza del alma del creador porque ha dictado su posición (Fig. 1). El alma del hombre, en parte de sí misma, es dictada por el alma del Universo. (Fig 1. D) El alma del hombre, en otra parte, está dictada por la fuerza, por el alma de esta galaxia. (Fig 1. E) El alma del hombre está dictada por la fuerza, por el alma de su Sistema Solar (Fig 1. F). El alma del hombre es dictada con fuerza por el alma del planeta (Fig. 1G) que ha creado al hombre.

En esencia, un hombre lleva toda la fuerza de la creación. Pero no lo sabe porque lo único que ve es en este nivel (Fig. 1 A). Llevamos la dimensión completa porque, sin B, D no habría estado allí. Y, sin D, E no habría estado allí y así sucesivamente en la espiral. La vida no comenzó desde el punto A hacia la espiral hasta el punto B, la vida comenzó desde la fuerza de la creación, desde el punto B hasta la espiral hasta el punto A.

El tamaño de un átomo (Fig. 1 H), en esta galaxia, en este Universo, está dictado por la Línea Central del Universo.

Pero, el tamaño del átomo (Fig. I), en otro Universo tiene una fuerza diferente y es un tamaño diferente, lo que significa que tiene una energía de paquete diferente, es como otro virus. ¿Puede existir el hombre cuando se mueve de un Universo a otro entendiendo la diferencia o se prepara para mutar a una fuerza superior?

En esencia, este átomo externo todavía tiene la misma fuerza, como el alma del creador en común.

Lo que ustedes llaman electrón es una cierta cantidad de paquetes de energías, que la condición de la fuerza del campo gravitacional central de la galaxia dicta (Fig. 1). Lo mismo es que el alma del Creador lo decide, y la galaxia, el Sistema Solar y el planeta. En esencia, tiene que tener un tamaño dado, que dicta, qué esencia del alma, o el campo del punto central. De lo contrario, no tomaría su posición de ella.


Si lo miras, (Fig. 2) es el alma del creador. Entonces, tienes el alma del Universo↵ (Fig. 2. 2). Luego, tienes el alma de la galaxia (Fig. 2. 3), tienes el alma del Sistema Solar (Fig. 2. 4), tienes el alma del planeta (Fig. 2. 5) y tienes el alma del hombre (fig. 2. 6). Cada uno de ellos tiene algo que decir y dicta la posición. Cada uno de ellos se mueve igual.


Es lo mismo con los electrones, lo mismo que los planetas. La posición del campo magnético gravitatorio de la Tierra no es dictada solamente por el Sol y la Tierra. Es dictada por el posicionamiento de Magrav, de todos estos, con respecto al otro, y a la Tierra.

Es lo mismo, con el alma del hombre, y la dimensión del alma del hombre. Somos parte de la totalidad, aunque estamos hechos como parte de ella por la intensidad de campo, por la interacción de los campos. A medida que el alma del creador brilla, conduce a la creación del alma del hombre, a la dimensión de su fuerza, para ser creada. Así lo hizo el Sol, al crear todos los planetas, en su Sistema Solar. ¡No hay diferencia! Es solo el hombre que quiere marcar la diferencia para que se vea más educado. Saturno no existiría si no hubiera sol. Y, no estaría en esta posición, si no hubiera Júpiter, y la Tierra, y todos los demás planetas. Sacas a la Tierra de la ecuación, Saturno estará en una posición diferente. Es lo mismo que el alma del hombre y el creador. No hay alma del hombre si no hay alma del creador. En la condición en que está, en la fuerza, en esencia, en el centro, tiene la misma fuerza, porque vino de ella. Dicta por sus campos. Tiene que haber parte de mí en ello. La galaxia le agrega su parte. El Sol y el alma del creador, en la creación del Sistema Solar y en la creación del hombre tienen exactamente la misma función pero en una dimensión diferente.

Lo que está en el Sol conduce a la creación del Sol, la Tierra, la Luna, Saturno y todo lo demás. Así es la esencia del alma del hombre, que conduce a la creación de todo lo demás, incluido el alma del hombre, que proviene de la dimensión de la tangibilidad de la fisicalidad de sí mismo. Entonces, ¿cuál es la dimensión de la vida en un hombre?

Hay una comprensión fundamental en el mundo de la ciencia. Llevo a la humanidad al punto de comprender la totalidad y si lees los tres libros entenderás algo muy fundamental.

Todos tenemos nuestra misma edad, hemos llegado a través de varios nombres simbólicos, pero ¿qué entendemos acerca de la historia de estos nombres simbólicos? ¿Qué es la verdad y cómo existen estas entidades, cuál es la medida de ellas, cuál es la razón de su existencia? ¿Por qué son iguales en la Tierra que en la Luna y cuando seguimos lo que creamos, vemos que la misma entidad se suma y existe en Saturno y en otros asuntos de la galaxia?

Una de estas cosas que existe pero que nunca se ha explicado en el mundo de la ciencia, especialmente en el mundo de la física. La creación comenzó con el movimiento de los campos magnéticos. Los campos como líneas que son solo rectas hasta que interactúan con otro campo, crean fricción de campos y luego se convierten en vórtices, crean fricción, crean residuos y luego estamos entrando en el mundo de la física. La física en dos o tres cosas físicas en el nivel de energía, el nivel del campo magnético gravitacional interactúa, obtenemos la química y luego más de ellos se convierte en biología.

Un punto fundamental que todos hemos aceptado, la mayoría de nosotros lo hicimos. Consideramos que todas las personas que escuchan a los Buscadores de Conocimiento de la Fundación Keshe han escuchado y escuchado en algún lugar sobre los electrones, sobre los protones, sobre los neutrones.

“Me refiero a él libremente, soy un físico nuclear, es mi sangre, es mi esencia. Siento el núcleo, puedo ver el movimiento y la emoción dentro de él. Es como un planeador, puede sentir la dirección del viento, vuela hacia él, juega con él, vuela a través de él. No existe, pero él siente, tiene una sensación del movimiento de los campos. Un físico nuclear que entiende sus ciencias es muy similar. Volamos dentro de la estructura de un núcleo, sentimos el movimiento de los campos. "

Cuando uno hace esto, cuando enseña el mundo de la energía nuclear, el mundo de la ciencia del plasma, dejará a muchas personas atrás porque no tienen esa delicadeza, no tienen la comprensión. Para ellos es solo un electrón, dicen algo y luego tienes un protón y un neutrón.

“Hay una pregunta fundamental que hacer a los científicos en esta conjunción. Esta es una pregunta que he formulado a muchos físicos nucleares, es una pregunta que he formulado a muchos científicos del mundo y nadie ha logrado responder y, cuando la explico a mi entender, desentraña los secretos de la creación ".

Decimos en el mundo de los buscadores de conocimiento que vienen aquí, que tenemos un electrón, tenemos un protón y si le pregunto qué es un electrón y un protón, muchos de nosotros estamos desconcertados con él. Y de muchas maneras, si podemos trabajar en la dimensión de la existencia por tamaño, lo que veremos es un punto muy interesante.

De muchas maneras, no vemos esto. Esto (Fig. A) es una ilusión, pero sabemos de su existencia debido a otras cosas que hacemos, y sabemos que es correcto. El núcleo (Fig. 3. B) es un límite de campo magnético de dos entidades que entran e interactúan. El campo equilibrado entre (Fig. 3. E1) y (Fig. 3. E2), representado por (Fig. 3. C), que es muy igual a la energía del electrón, crea una nueva dinámica (Fig. 3. D). Por eso existe un átomo. Por eso existe una estructura atómica.

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Figura 3. A: Electrón; B: núcleo; C: campo equilibrado entre E1 y E2; D: interacción de campo dinámico; E1, E2: Entidades

Si entendemos la historia de la creación de la vida en el universo, cuando decimos que tenemos un electrón, un protón, un neutrón, si comprendes que es el neutrón que se divide en dos: protón y electrón, entonces comprendes muy simplemente. (Fig. 3. E1) tiene una energía de protones y electrones. Cuando se trata de equilibrar con (Fig. 3. E2) y con (Fig. 3.D) se crea un punto de interacción y es por eso que tenemos una estructura atómica.

Hay un balance de electrones entre estos dos (Fig. 3. E1) y (Fig. 3. E2) que de alguna manera se encuentra en el flujo de campo opuesto como el electrón (Fig. 3. A) que fue creado por la división del otro. .

Esta es la primera vez que podemos entender cómo, cuando decimos que existe un átomo de deuterio, científicamente entendemos por qué.

"La razón por la que explico esto, de esta manera es que cuando se trata de construir tus portales, tus portales, tu movimiento de tu alma y la flotación en la dimensión del universo, si no entiendes esto, llegas a estar en un gran problema. Pero hasta ahora, nadie ha explicado nunca los fenómenos, la comprensión y la historia de la creación de la estructura física y cómo estas estructuras físicas conducen a la creación de elementos; cómo estos elementos permanecen en una dimensión de campo o permanecen en un estado importante dependiendo de la masa inercial de su entorno ".

Ahora que entendemos cómo se crea la estructura atómica, ahora entendemos en otro punto cómo se crea la atómica molecular múltiple. Esto es deuterio.

¿Qué pasa cuando pasamos al siguiente paso y agregamos dos neutrones y dos protones? Ahora vemos cómo se manifiestan los electrones. Cuando vamos a un atómico multimolecular, más allá de dos y tres neutrones y dos y tres protones, vemos por qué salta a otro anillo secundario, sp1, sp2, etc., que el mundo científico explica.

Si observa el primero (Fig. 3), con un solo protón y un solo electrón tuvo un espacio vacío. Pero ahora mire la brecha de espacio en (Fig. 4). Todos estos tienen que acomodarse magnético-gravitacionalmente. La ecuación cambia. Los electrones se mueven más lejos y luego, a medida que se agregan más protones y neutrones, el campo se expande. El tamaño y la dimensión se expanden.

Ahora, por primera vez, entendemos el mundo de la creación como grupos de campos magnéticos que intentan acomodarse entre sí y luego se amplía la pantalla. El volumen de neutrones, protones,

Figura 4. E1, E2: Electrones; N1, N2: neutrones;


P1, P2: los protones y los electrones se ensanchan y son dinámicos, no permanecen en una posición, se mueven continuamente para acomodar al otro más los campos que se pierden y ganan para el medio ambiente cada uno.

Comienza el dinamismo. En algunos casos, los protones de electrones coincidentes necesitan cuanto mayor sea la brecha de espacio porque están enredados, se bloquean y no pueden moverse. Encuentras estas brechas donde entran los neutrones y luego obtienes tantos protones de lo que solía ser; por ejemplo, 5 más 5 de cada uno y crea la masa atómica y el número ahora dio 5 más 6 del otro. El número de neutrones comienza a aumentar y aumentar, y encuentras diferentes dimensiones y diferentes isótopos.

“Ningún científico del mundo de la ciencia, hasta este momento, ha planteado esta pregunta que formulé a mis profesores y a muchos de mis colegas en el mundo de la energía nuclear y atómica hace unos 40 años. Se dejó de lado porque no pudimos contestarla. Ahora que hemos entrado en el mundo de la existencia, el mundo de la comunidad universal, el mundo del transporte universal, ya no podemos dejarlo de lado. El mundo de la ciencia, el mundo de la física, este mundo científico tiene que responder a esta pregunta:

Aceptamos la teoría del electrón, protón y neutrón. En cualquier combinación de la masa de esto, sumamos bloques, otras combinaciones de neutrones o neutrones. En la Tierra obtenemos Zinc, en la Luna obtenemos Zinc, en el planeta Zeus obtenemos Zinc, en este Universo. Pero la pregunta sin respuesta que puse a todos ustedes para pensar.

Why all the electrons have the same size and gravi-tational magnetic field approximately? Why all the neutrons have the same and why all the protons have the same?

How come a neutron created out of the splitting of another structure which itself now is the mother, now splits into another electron and a proton, creates the same size mass energy electron in every dimension of this universe? There is no God sitting there scal-ing: yes, this is the size of electron energy, we keep it there; yes, this is the size of the proton energy, we keep it there; yes, this is the neutron; and that is it. There is nobody making a big dough and cuts it.

What dictates the size of an electron, the amount of mass of energy in an electron, this size and the mass in this planet, in the planet Zeus, in the galaxy of the mass of a proton? And they are all roughly by about 10% up and down, the same. There is no scale, there is no cutting machine in the universe.”

What phenomena dictates this amount to be an electron and whenever you split a neutron you get the electron, it comes on its own and it comes with a proton. The most fundamental question to ask in the world of physics is who has dictated, what dic-tates the mass, the size and amount of energy of a neutron which is more or less within 10 to 15 per-cent gravitational magnetic field mass across this universe?

The world of science has never answered this. This is why physics is something beyond the reach of many people because the fundamental cornerstones of the creation of this knowledge have never been explained, never been understood to be explained. Mathematicians come up with all sorts of formulas but what is the formula of an electron? What is the structure that an electron on Earth is the same as an electron in mass-energy, in motion and speed as in any other place in the Universe?

What is the volume, what is the mass of one elec-tron? How come electrons are all of the same anywhere in the universe, in this universe? Where in other universes of the Unicos there could be different and the size of, the energy of, the speed of, could be slightly different for those universes which are closest to the Creator.

“In the world of physics, the physicians, the fathers of the physics, when they explained there is some-

thing called the electron they just left it. No one has ever opened it. Nobody has ever discussed it and blindly we have accepted it.“

The energy the amount of fields which is within one electron, if you understand the connection of it to the other electrons, and other protons, and other neutrons in this universe, then you ask a simple question: “We are not asking what is inside electron, I am not asking what is inside a proton, I am not asking what is inside a neutron. I am asking a simple fundamental question. Why all the electrons are of the same within the proximity of 10 to 15%? We do not find an electron the size of a neutron in the atomic structure of the copper that will be different for the zinc or will be different for plutonium. What dictates the fundamental size, the cornerstones of the creation of these entities in our universe?”

If we go in a bigger dimension, in the plasma of the solar system, put on the screen how many names have they made for things which they assumed to be inside the plasma a proton. Whatever they have come up with, with different names we call it Earth, we call it Moon and we made it so sophisticated, we made it so elaborate that now we made it impossible for anybody to understand.

“When you look inside all these fancy names they made about what is inside a nucleus… I tell you what is inside a nucleus. There is a center of energy called the Sun and the fields around it interact and imagine how many quarks and qorks and everything else has been made. Every quark is a Moon, every other quark is a planet, then everything else those fancy little things we call it asteroids and meteorites.

Now we have put the facts of science on the table. The quarks, one of them up quarks and down quarks, we call it the Earth and the Moon and the other upside-down quarks we call it the Saturn. There is no difference.

“Now we understand the science, we understand the totality of the world of physics from basic, now we have to address it. It is the job of scientists, especial-ly physicists. Not theoretical physicists. Theoretical physicists have a habit of putting things down and they make a mess of it.

We see the plasma of a proton, we see a plasma of a neutron, we see the plasma electron. And now for


the first time, we have opened the structure of these entities: the plasma. All these fancy words of quarks and up quark and down quark and a lot of other things which in my nuclear education time I laughed at them, I have never prepared to accept it and I was told theoretical physics it is a backbone of the physics and I said the theory is wrong, so I carry on with my own.

The theory is very simple what is in macro is in micro and reverse. The Sun, the solar system is a plasma, is a neutron. In time it will divide when the center cannot hold on and in our solar system, our Sun will split. From it come others and those others will be exactly in the same ratio as the ratio of neutron and proton and electron division coming from the neutron itself. “

Up quark we call it Earth, down quark is called Mars, the funny up quark is called Jupiter and the funnier one which is a little bit dodgy is called Sat-urn. And all other bits which are flying in there are meteorites and ice belts and the moons. If we can explain how the Earth was created and how the Jupiter was created and how these icy belts on the edge of the solar system and around different moons and planets have created, then we have found the answer to all these crimsons and quarks. Change the name of the quarks to Moon and see how quarky the Moon and the Earth are.

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It is time to open the science that every man understands the simplicity of it, the truth about it.

“What dictates the size of that solar system which we call electron? What dictates the size of that solar system which we call proton, that across this universe wherever we look with our new science and depth of the telescopes we have created, we say planets so and so has Zinc in it or it is made of Helium because in a matter state gravitational magnetic field we see the characteristic of what we see on this planet as Helium so we assume that it has got two electrons, two protons, and two neutrons. The measure, the size, the structure of the electron on this planet and there is the same.”

This is part of the space technology if you want to travel the dimensions of this universe. What dic-tates the size of the electron which is the same in any point in this universe? What dictates it to have a motion of clockwise or anti-clockwise?

What dictates its speed? Is the speed of the electron in a Hydrogen the same as the electron in the outer boundary of Plutonium? The world of science has not answered any of these yet be-cause they cannot, they never brought the subject of the table. It has been pushed aside. They do not know we can play.

It is one fundamental question and one fundamen-tal answer which you need to find to be able to open the doors of the universal community, the doors in the knowledge of the universe. That is not Carbon-14. Carbon-14 is made of 7 Deuterium.

Your question, what mankind has to answer, what has dictated the gravitational magnetic field and the size of that neutron, proton, and electron in that deuterium. Do you want to travel in a spaceship the size of Deuterium? Do you want to travel in a spaceship the size of a neutron? Or you want to travel in a spaceship the size of an electron? Can I fit into that or can I by proportions build the system that can travel with the speed of electron beyond the speeds of Lights in the dimension of the Car-bon-14 structure of the universal field and travel the span of the universe in no time?

This is the cornerstone of the question of the physics. This is what we need to answer. Why all the electrons which come as a natural break up of a neutron, are the same size and in different elements take the same position and are the same across this universe? Who cuts them? What forces dictate the size of them?

We accepted blindly that a neutral divide into an electron and a proton. Where did the neutron come from?

“We accepted fundamentally that the neutron divides into electron and proton, we call it the nuclear decay. Fundamental nuclear decay I put in the Book 1 — The Universal Order of Creation of Matters. What dictates the neutron?”

When do enough fields come together to know that they are the size of a neutron, that it makes enough fields that its division can lead to the creation of an electron and a proton in such a mass? Or is it gravi-tational magnetic field replication within the structure of the central line of this universe, which dictates the size of these three elements?

We cannot become man of universal transportation when we do not understand where our fuel is coming from.

How is the path of the work of the universe set?

We are on the tenth floor we think in knowledge of the matter, but this building has no foundation. Nobody has built this for us. Nobody has brought to tell us what condition dictates that so much magnet-ic field become a neutron. What is the mother, what is the measure, what is the reference point that all the neutrons on this universe are all the same or near enough within 10 to 15 percent of magnetic field gravitational mass?

These questions turn the world of physics on its head because we have to answer it. If we do not answer it if you do not understand it, if we get away from all there quarks and everything which is getting worse.

Can they define, can they tell us how a neutron has actually come to take shape out of the energy gravi-tational magnetic fields of the Sun? Or the Sun of the universe, the essence of the creation of the Creator. This goes back to the fundamental principle of two things. What we call black holes and one now understanding the principles of the gravitational field forces and at the same time the ratio of the interaction of the fields of the universal plasma. Which means the stronger plasma feeds the weaker plasma for it to reach is balanced fields. This brings a very big question in the creation of the Black Holes which we see physically in part of the universe due to the creation of its own Nanostructure and its own absorption.

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Figure 5. Black hole attracting from its surroundings.

The black hole pulls through to its gravitational field forces everything in its surrounding. In a way, this is correct because it has assumed to have a huge combination of fields which are negative to their en-vironment. That is why it is pulling. (Fig. 5)

Figure 6. A: Big plasma; B: Small plasma.

When we have a small plasma and a big plasma (Fig 6.), the big plasma shares its fields with the small one to bring it up to its balance and builds this up in field energy. The big plasma becomes the feeder and this the small plasma starts absorbing very small.

Does the black hole absorbs and takes everything in from the universe, in its environment due to its heavy fields which are opposite in direction of their environment or is it fed by a bigger black hole? When we speak about the plasma are we talking about the work of the universe. If this is so much that it absorbs, it is it possible that the center of the black hole is a single element of deuterium?

Which through its strength it is so weak enough that through the magnetic gravitational field of the universe in his environment, trying to be fed, it be-comes absorber of the bigger field. And the interac-tion of layers and layers of fields create that illusion of darkness.

When the fields are in the motion and they interact with the others we see radiation of fields coming out which is, in fact, this essence of the creation. Black holes are not all absorbing but some of the frictions, some of the energies reflect. It is exactly like our Sun.

If we do not understand, we cannot take off, we cannot fuel ourselves, we cannot understand suddenly we are a proton and the field measure-ments or the field force of this universe dictates at a point in a condition that it is needed to add an electron to it or divide itself to another electron.

An electron, a proton and a neutron what we see, what we absorb is at a matter level of the strengths of the observation of the man. The Neutron in giving and taking energy from its environment has divided into an electron and a proton. The size of all three of them is divided by something in the uni-verse because wherever you are, in planet Zeus or Earth, this size is always the same. When we ob-serve the planet Zeus, we see six of protons and six neutrons, we say that the planet has a carbon. It must have the same mass ratio structure.

If this plasmatic-magnetic field called neutron, in receiving and giving, in balancing with its environ-ment divides into an electron and a proton. The proton and electron follow the same proposition. What does the electron divide into? What does the proton divide into? Whatever they divide into, what phenomena decide their size in the sub matter, sub plasma level.

“mother” out of the “mother” and what happens now to the new “mother”? And the strange thing is where did the first “mother” [neutron] come from?

We have created the condition in the dimension of the matter strength gravitational magnetic field that anywhere in this universe in the presence of the field effect of the environment we manifest in a matter dimension. This means every electron in this universe is the same.

The proposition of its creation comes out of the di-vision of the neutron or the collective mass of enti-ties are continuously created in our universe which in sizes is an electron, a proton, and a neutron, and they come together and establish an atomic struc-ture.”

This turns the whole of physics upside down. We assumed, we have made so many theoretical physics assumption and completion that the neutron decay has led to the creation of an electron and a proton. Does this universe lead to the creation of a specific tree size plasmatic packages that in them coming together they can stay as a matter level of one atom?

We need an electron to create and expands dynamically that in its existence we create that non -tangible field only without manifestation of ele-ments. In the world of medicine now we call it RNA is created in the same, where the DNA is the struc-ture of the electron, and proton and neutron.

In the interaction of the three, neutron, proton, elec-tron why do we have three? If you understand this and understanding that that free plasma creation comes to existence, isn't that the replication of amino acid?

How many different measures of this amino acid has come together to lead to the creation of life and intelligence across this universe and the universes to come? “These are the questions which the world of physics, the physicists have to answer. It is the principle work of people like me to put these on the table, try to make you understand what dictates this and then what is going to happen in understanding these things. What happens to sub matter level electron, protons, and neutrons, because I made a “It is for us to take this step better. This is for us to start telling these scientists misguiding us, enough is enough. In the fundamental reality of the science of physics, we have to address before we can go to the next step before we spend billions of dollars making these things to collide and splash and then we say we found the origin of the universe.” SOUL

Figure 7. Three plasmas of different sizes interacting and creating the soul

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The origin of the universe is within us, is part of our existence, it dictates every cell of us in this atomic structure. If the existence three plasmas, in different sizes, led to the creation of a field force with that dimension, the soul, is the physical existence connected to a three-dimensional field balance?

What and where in the universe dictates that all the electrons, and all the protons, and all the neutrons in this universe would have this measurement? There must be a replication field transfer which allows this or there is a size of dimension of the fields which at a given point manages to encircle itself to a plasma world which with reference to a central line gravita-tional field of this universe each sized has a fixed dimension and then it comes to the question why only three? Are there other entities bigger and smaller than a neutron that man has never considered?

We do not look for the respect of some people who think they know more. We look for respect of the man for himself to understand more, to be able to answer these questions in the depth of the space.

“What did your mother teach you before you leave home? I teach you how to iron and I teach you how to cook that when you're on your own, you can look after yourself. In a way, I have brought you in the kitchen of the universe to teach you how to cook and not how to be fooled by some cooks that they sell you a fish as a steak and you taste and say what a beautiful steak. “

The world of science has to be in the heart of every man because it is the science which has built the

man and not the man which has built the science. We become mathematicians, physicists, chemists, biologists, and professors because nobody explained the fundamental basic understanding of the creation. No one has a master.

We are educators of the universe and we are good in our jobs.

Mankind and the knowledge of the man in the level of education of the man have touched, have to touch and must touch the fundamental cornerstones of the creation which is now we call plasma. We have to make the knowledge of the universe the plasma that we understand from the point of birth.

“In the direction and in the understanding of the world of science these questions of today I should have put on the first teachings six years ago. But mankind was not ready. Now mankind is ready because he is so eager to take into the spans of the universe, he has to answer it because you cannot go anywhere without the fuel. And even having the fuel, you cannot travel if you do not know how and the way that fuel responds and how fast you travel the spans of the universe. This time it is not burning, this time is a sliding job.”

During the orange experiment, we transferred the energy, the protein, the taste of the orange into the water. It comes to this point through gravitational magnetic fields which were created in the cup by putting different GANSes around it, creating that condition of the orange transfer. Is and has the uni-verse of the man a field transfer level within it or in the boundary outside the universe which dictates what is the orange inside, that filled up the water we drink? Is this how the sizes of the electron, proton, and neutron are dictated? It goes back is this the true essence of the creation in the universe dictated by the position of the soul of the Creator. That itself is made of three dimensions and the interaction of the three dimensions gives dimension to the soul of the creator, or what we see as a fourth element.

Is the life of existence a copy of the life of the Creator? Have you found an answer for who and how the size of every electron in this universe is decided? Is it on the basis of the theory of the Aleks’ orange and banana or is it more fundamental, the creation of the field balances within the unicos has set a presidential package for all the universes?

Then there is the fundamental question to ask behind this where did that orange come from? The energy balance level of the universe is divided into three sets of the high speed but small packages, which makes the electron. Intermediary packages of the strength strands of a specific dimension which makes the proton. And a mixture of the strong and small packages and then a big one and the weaker packages which make the neutron.

The gravitational magnetic fields of the central line of this universe dictates the size of energy pack which beyond that opens up and bellow that it does not exist and within a given field the strength and amount in the package, it makes itself through its dynamic interaction of the fields of the universe, in condition and interaction with the matter state inertia which is created to manifest itself as a neutron. The neutrons do not see, the neutron is waiting to divide to have an electron and a proton otherwise the universe will be full of neutrons waiting to divide.

“The universe continuously produces packages of electrons, neutrons, and protons that in interaction with each other lead to the creation of an atom. Depending on what packages of energy they come across so many the fields strength will divide and become Zinc, Copper, Hydrogen, etc.

Is the transmutation of the elements reality or the transfer of the fields of the universe according to the condition of the environment leads to the manifestation of the elements and there is no transmutation. If I make a field environment in this area that is equal to Gold any field which passes which has that package would land here.“

“One fundamental point for us in sitting where we are in our knowledge and in our understanding of the macro and micro of the world of plasma, we see the Sun does not throw Gold and the Earth catches it. The Sun creates field packages. If that field package has a space gap strength of the Gold I take, its mine if I am in the right place to catch it because the other side goes to Jupiter or to Mars or to Saturn.“

Can we become realistic and understand the totality of the world of science and physics? Because we will, in understanding the world of plasma, build a new science on the correct way

that our future generations can travel the spans of the universe as they can drink a glass of water.

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Try to ascertain the interaction of the fields. Why do I feel this? Try to understand if it is impossible how do I feel in my soul and the soul of my physicality and my physicality. And the physicality which I live within. Is the physicality I live within the neutron and my physicality the proton and the soul of my physicality that electron? How do I, how can I interact with it?

Is the soul of the man so ashamed to take the soul of physicality with himself to the dimension of the universal community that he goes on his own, he does not want to bring the embarrassment with it? Because he goes every night or day and you call, and you call it the dream.

What I put on the table today has to be answered by every single man before every man can become men of the universe, by himself. This is the point where we separate the man and the man. The man of the universe and the man of the village of the Earth. The man who will decide to stand and keeps his next generation on this planet is vulnerable to the physicality of the accidents of this universe and a final point of amalgamation with the Creator of itself which is the Sun.

260th Knowledge Seekers Workshop 264th Knowledge Seekers Workshop